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please note that thumbnails are a small part of the original pic
please click on the thumbnails for the full pic!
Vincent and Lucrecia

This is a picture inspired by the game final fantasy 7.
It's not that clear.  I meant for it to be the picture in
the backstreet of Vincent's mind.  A haunting picture
of a smiling seemingly dead Lucrecia after Hojo's
experiment. Smiling because she was a volunteer
in an hideous experiment which nevertheless succeeded
at the expense ofher life and Vincent's fate.  As you
remember, he wastransformed into a vampire living
in the torment of his dreams.  Thus the golden claw in the
picture.  I purposely made the background greenish-blue
because the environment in which in the experiment
was carried out had an eerie green and blue
(something like Sephiroth's  eye colouring).

Assellus, the Midnight

This drawing, which took a really long time, was inspired  by the
Squaresoft game 'Saga Frontier' (the first one). Although
people expressed much criticism for the game, I was really
sucked into the 'mystic' plot.  I remember Assellus in that
wonderfully suspenseful environment as a rose rising
at midnight (that dark elemental of a mystic) to destroy
the monarchy of that terribly beautiful king.  I can't say I was
too impressed with the ending though. *sigh* I was hoping for

Up Close and Personal

 Just a close-up for Assellus face.  Please note that she is in a
way 'dead' after being transformed into a mystic  by the
'rose king'. Which is why she is pale and bluish instead of pink.
I like green hair!!


This is a picture I just had in my mind.  Just toying with the
idea of a smart-ass hero instead of the nice mysterious
gorgeous types like Cloud Strife and Squall Leonheart.
This is just Cogun.  I haven't decided the scenario for this guy
yet (where he's supposed to be and his mission and so forth).
Man, am I getting too ambitious or what with my  kind of skill
(I'd probably take forever to make a computergame)?
Well, I guess you guys should know better.
So  make comments please!!  Let me learn!!

Japanese Girl

This is a card I made for a little Japanese girl who used to
             live in residential college.

        Desolate Heart

Picture inspired by a very morbid interpretation of my name
and a disturbing experience.  I also wanted to see if I  could
handle creating a face with all its difficulties of  symmetry.  The
picture is open to varying interpretations:  whether perhaps
the pillars are more human than the seemingly human woman
with a keyhole in her left breast.

     Desolate Heart

The second pic following the one above.  This is inspired by
Shakepeare's play 'Hamlet' which featured the drowning of
Ophelia.  It was fun doing the ambient environment and the
ghostly shading.  I gave it a bit more thought and realised it
looked as if Deso Heart 1 hadfinally drowned in the flood
coming from the gap.  Hey! it was unintentional to some extent.

Gryffindor's Phoenix
(Harry Potter)

This is one my proudest pieces which has taken many many
hours (okay about 3 days) to complete, involving hours
of manipulating the zoom-in-out tool potting around with the
details till they were satisfactory. I was inspired by J.D.
Rowling's hit series 'Harry Potter'so much so that I read all the
books in about a week and childishly wished that such
a world would exist, much to the ridicule of my peers.:)

Voldermort Returns!!!
(Harry Potter)

Also inspired by the Harry Potter series. Voldermort feels
himself over and thinks....Yes.....I am back!!!
Oh Yeeaaaaaahh......
The faces were intentionally fixtured into the cauldron
in which Voldermort returned to stink the world
with his presence:).  The faces belong to (from left/right)
James and Lily Potter, Barty Crouch and the Hufflepuff seeker
who was Harry's competitor in the wizardry match.
Essentially they were the faces of those who were brought
back through the reversal of Voldermort's magic.


Sly....oh so sly.....part snake, part dragon and part lizard
(or so my brother says)  this was created with the intention
of fulfilling a request from a friend who wanted a background for
her webpage.  Just a dragon....just for fun ^O^


Picture of legendary ElvenArcher!!
If you really think this is too unbelievable for E.T. to look
like this, check out 'true to eye' in 'Who the heck is E.T.'.


Pic of my bro!!  (Or rather what he would like to imagine
himself to be...heehee.:)  Yes...he's da bad boy, da baddest,
da sexiest, da like-to-sport-heavy-jewellery, loves rap
and DMX big bro.  Unfortunately, the pic has gotten
quite foggy from the downsizing.

Come to me, my son

A thought on what happens when you have a big slimy alien
for a mother.  Inspired by Final Fantasy 7 as usual.  Yes, I
just can't get enough of it, can't I?:)


A sword made of water, light and magic.  Was inspired by
my brother's efforts to come up with an extraordinary
sword.  Unfortunately, lumos is a sword quite often
mentioned in various rpg games and not quite unheard of.
Nevertheless, it was fun dreaming this up.  This is a 'sentient'
sword (I think we can all see it would probably be a bit bulky,
and impractical to use as a rapier or sabre.:)).  The sword is
inscribed with my name (a wierd looking E.T.).  This was done
completely on computer.

Portal Lumos

An attempt at perspective drawing.  An environment with
very dark ambience.  And yes, my fav colour blue.  The gate
bears the same symbol as the hilt of the sentient sword.  I
thought it was interesting that the symbol turned out to
take on quite a few shapes: two dragons, a gargoyle face, or a
framed bird.

Red Portal

Yes, another portal.  This time with two warrior statues
flanking a blood red crystal.  An experiment with water under
sky light.