Herbs & Vitamins Tips

Alpha lipoicantioxidant. It can be used for relieving the complication of diabetes, improves memory and prevents againg of the brain, offers protection against cataracts, heart disease and stroke.
Artichokesused as a digestive aid and to treat liver problems including jaundice. One of its constituents, chlorogenic acid, is considered a powerful antioxidant. It enhance digestion and liverl activity by stimulation of bile flow, which helps emulsify fat and improves the absorption of fat-soluble vit.
Astragalus rootimproves immune activity and has adaptogenic, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effects. It increases interferon production, make the body more resistant to viral attack. It can be used for long periods of time and is excellent for people who are prone to frequent infection.
B5 (panothenic acid)Speed wound healing and increase protein synthesis. It increases the number of repair cells and increases the distance they are able to travel.
Bacopa monnieraan Ayurvedic herb also known as Brahmi and a type of Indian water hyssop. It improve memory and concentration in people of all ages. It aid in the repair of nerve synapses. It aslo used in India for nerous system disorder, asthma, and bronchitis.
Beta caroteeneenhance immunity. Enhance immuce cells so that they have a better ability to detect and combat viruses. It also strenghtens mucus membrances so that they are less premeable to viral invasion.
Bitter melowa herb that has been used to regulate blood sugar levels. It improves glucose burning within the cell even without insulin.
Boronhelps to protect the body against osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. It improves the activity of vit. D as well as estrogen activity and together this helps slow down bone deterioration. It gave pain relief to 9% of the subjects who were sufferent from arthritis.
Cayenne pepperimproving circulation. It has been used to stimulate digestion, lower high blood pressure, increase the excertion of cholesteral. Its high in vit. C and E, contains carotenoids and capsaicin block the body's percetion of pain.
Chanca Piedra (phyllantus urinaria)is a South American herb, also known as Breakstone. It is used to help break up kidney stones and gallstones, as well as to treat bladder infections.
Clove oilto temporarily treat toothache. It contains a compound call eugenol, a natural anesthetic, and is an ingredient in many over-the-counter dental remedies. It is used undiluted can cause gum irritation, so it is best to dilute the clove oil with equal amounts of vegetable oil. For infants, make an even milder dilution-four drops of clove oil to one table spoon vegetable oil and apply to sore gum areas.
ColostrunThe "premilk" a mother produces for her baby before the actual milk comes in. It helps to enhance immunity. It helps the body become more resistant to infection.
Cramp Bark (Viburnum prunifolium)Helps women cope with menstrual cramps. It contain a chemical cell valeric acid that is midly sedative and relaxing to uterine muscle.
Cranberriescontain polyphenols, antioxidants that prevent bacteria that could cause cavities from clumping together.
Ferverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)used to treat migraine headaches. It helps to relieve pain and reduce inflammation by in hibiting blood vessel dilating factors and promoting healthy blood vessel tone.
Flaxseedgive protection against hormonally related cancers. It is rich sources of lignans and omega-3 fatty acids. The plant lignans in flaxseed help to block excessive estrogen activity.
Gingerhelps to ease motion sickness. It contains pungent compounds such as gingerol and shogaol, as well as antioxidants and enzymes.
Ginkgois effective in preventing altitude sickness as well as vascular problems related to cold.
Glutathioneaiding body to detoxify from pollution and drugs. It is needed for healthy liver function. It supports the immune system.
Grapescontain phytochemicals (plant chemicals) from the flavonoid family known as polyphenolic antiocxidants. It has anticarcinogenic activity. It has value in preventing cancer and heart disease.
Green Teathe 2nd most consumber beverage on Earth. It contains polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants. It prevents cellular damage to the DNA, and help to prevent premature aging. It reduces blood platelet aggreagation and reduce the risk of stroke.
Gymnema sylvestrean Ayurvedic herb used in India to treat diabetes. It blocks the intestine's absorption of saccharides which prevents blood sugar levels from becoming elevated.
Hawthorn (Crataegus species)for the treatment of congestive heart failure, hypertension, angina, and even mild arrythmias. It gently dilates the coronary arteries and thus improves blood supply to the heart.
Ho shou wu (polygonum multiflorum)Chinese root that has been traditionally used to promote healthy hair. Hair loss and early graying can be a sign of weak kidneys, weak liver, and deficient blood. It is a safe herb that nourishes the liver, kidneys, and blood. Loose stools can be a possible side effect.
Horse chestnuthelp in treating varicose viens. It was superior to the placebo. It reduced venous insufficiency that was the result of leg vessel blockage. It also reuced leg pain, leg circumference, and itching.
Huperzine A (HupA)an alkaloid from club moss. It help Alzheimer's disease. Club moss has long been used as a folk remedy in China for brain inflammation. It slows down the degeneration of the brain by helping to preserve a neurotransmitter (acetypcholine) which aids concentration and memory.
Kava kavafrom South Pacific. It has anti-anxiety effects. It also help sleep when used before bedtime. Its a natural tranquilizer.
L-argininean amino acid that is converted by the body into nitric acid that then is absorbed into the smooth muscle cells that line the arteries. This has relaxing effect which can lower blood pressure. This effect also improves circulation through the entire body -- including the genitals, thus improving erectile function in men.
L-glutamineablt to manufacture by body. It is used by every body cell. Without it, muscular atrophy can occur. It is needed by the immune system, including T cells and macrophages.
Lycopenefound in tomatoes and watermelon and in high levels in human plasma. It helps in preventing prostate cancer.
MacaA herb that effects on the reproductive system. It is used as a sexual tonic for men. It stimulating the hypothalamus gland and thus elevating levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
Maitake mushroomscontain the polysaccharide beta-glucan, which is believed to enhance immune activity. One of its component, D-fraction increases the number of immune cells. It has strong turmor-inhibition properties.
Melatoninaiding sleep and counteracting jet lag. It contains in fever few, Skullcap, chinese skullcap.
Muira puamaIts from South America. It is also referered to as "potency wood:. It is used for erectile dysfunction and decreased libido.
NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)is a coenzyme that aids in the body's repair. It used as a supplement in treating Parkinson's disease. It has been used to improve concentration and memory and to enhance the body's flow of energy. It helps by breaking down molecules that can then be used as energy sources as well an enhancing immune function. It is considered an antioxidant that increases the brain's cognitive function, and sex drive as well as recude the appetite.
Omega 3 fatty acidshelps in treating bipolar disorder.
Probioticsprovide friendly bacterail and help maintain and restore health. It helps in the manufacture of vit. B, including B12. It procude bacteriocins that have natural antibiotic activity. Available in dairy and dairy-free form. E.g. Acidophilus in yogurt.
Propolisa resinous substance that bees collect from the buds of tree and plants that they use as a sealant and sterile protective against for their hives. It contains a wide range of vitamins, minirales an dflavonoids. It has a wide rand of infection-fighting properties, including acting against bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Psyllium huskis a fiber laxative to promote bowel regularity. It helps reduce elevated blood sugar level.
Raspberriescontain "ellagic acid" which is being extolled as an anticarcinogen and antimutagen.
SAMe (S-Adenosyl-methionine)a compound the body produces from the amino acid methionine. It helps preserve the antioxidant glutathione. It is recommended for depression, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and arthristis. It increased energy, alertness, and ability to concentrate.
Spirulinaa type of blue-green algae found in fresh water lakes and ponds. Its composed of complex sugars and protein and is rich in gamma-linolenic acid, chlorophyll, and vit B12. Its easy to digest, high protein levels. It helps to stabilize blood sugar levels when taken as supplement between meals.
Tea tree oilspeed the healing of diaper rash, eczema, psoriasis, insect bites, and poison ivy.
Unripe bitter orange (zhi shi)a safe weigh weight-loss suppliement. It enhances metholism, without straining the heart, aids in fat metabolism, and increases lean body mass and energy.
Usneaa lichen -- part algae and part fungus -- with important anti-microbial properties. Acis in it are especially effective agains tgram-positive bacteria including staphylocuccus and streptococcus.
Vit. C (ascorbic acid)helps prevent cancer-causing nitrosamines in the stomach. It is water soluble. It is not stored in the cells and is needed on a daily basis for protection. It helps lower blood lvels of lead in individuals exposed to that toxin.
Vit. E (natural)derived from soybean oil. Sometimes from corn, cotton, grapeseed, or peanut oil. Nathral antioxidant that helps blood flow to all parts of the body. It helps to increase sperm motility, aids in normal sex hormone production, increases stamina, is vasodilating, improves erection and vaginal circulation. It help ease the symptoms of hot flashes, vaginal wall thinning, vaginal dryness, and loss of libido. It increases fertility and norshes the pituitary gland, regarded as the body's master gland.
Vit E. (Synthetic)derived from petrochemicals containing either different stereoisomers -- of which only one is molecularly the same as natural vit. E.
Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree berry)an effective herb for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. It modulating progesterone levels and the function of the pituitary gland. It help regulate irregular menstrual cycles.