Apples Royal

Applade Ryalle. Take Applys, & sethe hem tylle they ben tendyr, & than lat hem kele; then draw hem thorw a straynour; & on flesshe day caste there-to gode fatte brothe of freysshe beef, an white grece, & Sugre, & Safroun, & gode pouder; & in a Fysshe day, take Almaunde mylke, & oyle of Olyff, & draw ther-vppe with Wyne, & a lytil hony put ther-to for to make it than dowcet; & serue it forth.

Apples Royal. Take Apples, & seethe them till they are tender. & then let them cool; then draw them through a strainer; & on flesh day cast thereto good fat broth of fresh beef, and white grease, & Sugar, & Saffron, & good powder; & in a Fish day, take Alomnd milk, & oil of Olive, & draw there up withal a good powder, & serve forth. And for need, draw it up with wine, & a little honey put thereto for to make it then sweet; & serve it forth.

4 large tart apples
2 C. cold water
½ C. almond milk
1 tsp. Olive oil
2 TB. sugar
Pinch saffron
Dash ginger powder
Dash cinnamon powder

Put the apples and water in a pot and heat to boiling. Reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes or until the apples are soft. Take up the apples with a slotted spoon and let them cool in a bowl. When they are cool, pass them through a food mill into a bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and stir until well mixed. Serve warm.

This is the fish day version. There are two others as well, but this seemed the most edible.

Renfrow, Cindy
Take a Thousand Eggs or More
ISBN 0-9628598-4-2