Winter Squash Soup
To cook squashes, peel them as they should be, and then cook them with meat broth or water; add a little onion according to the quantity you want to make. And when they seem cooked, take them out and put them through a sieve or pound them very well; and cook them in a pot with rich broth and a little verjuice. And they should be slightly yellow with saffron; and when they are cooked, remove them from the fire and leave them a while to cool. Then take egg yolks according to the quantity and beat them with a little aged cheese, and add them to the squash, stirring constantly with the spoon so that they do not stick; dress your bowls, and top with sweet spices.

4-1/2 pounds butternut squash
1 onion, sliced
1-3/4 cups broth
2 tbsps verjuice
2 tbsps freshly grated parmesan cheese
2 egg yolks
1 small pinch saffron (4 or 5 threads)
½ tsp sweet spices

Peel and seed the squash, cut it into pieces, and cook it together with the onion in a quart (liter) of salted water until very tender. Drain and put through a food mill or puree in a food processor or blender. Return to the pan, add the broth and verjuice, and bring to a boil. Crumble the saffron between your fingers and add it to the pan.

This is what should be brought to the hall. The following directions should be completed on feast day:

Heat soup. Beat the egg yolks together with the parmesan. Remove the soup from the heat, then whisk in the egg yolk mixture. Reheat over very low heat; be sure not to let the soup boil again at this point.
Sprinkle with spice mixture, and serve.
