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  *               *   AMERICAN MUSIC - August 4, 2002
    *     *     *    THE VIOLENT FEMMES Email List
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List archive online at http://www.oocities.org/violentfemmeslist


TOUR DATES(* = new dates):

Thursday Aug 15, 2002 HOUSE OF BLUES, Anaheim, CA
Friday, August 16,2002 VENTURA THEATRE Ventura, CA
Saturday, August 17, 2002 DEL MAR FAIRGROUNDS Del Mar, CA
Sunday, August 18, 2002 GOOSE ISLAND FESTIVAL  Chicago, IL
*Friday, September 6, 2002 SAN DIEGO STREET SCENE San Diego, CA

In the last couple of issues a lot of people have written in to ask when the Femmes are
coming your way. We've talked about this several times over the years - and it is even
discussed on the official VF page - but the band goes where they are invited to play. If
you want to see the guys in your city  make some phone calls or drop some emails to
your favorite venues or promoters ... if you ask them they will come! High Road Touring
(the band's booking agent) has recently added a "College Availables" page to their
website. VF is listed as available "All Over the US - Fall 2002." The Femmes love to play
college shows and College/University Student Program Councils are a GREAT place to
start requesting the band. So all of you who are heading back to school this month will
only have yourselves to blame if you don't get to party with the Femmes this fall!



New Tour Date Info
RE:Archived VF webpage
CD-R Tree and Da path of the femmes
VF Tree Update
Copyrighted Music
RE: Archived pages

NEW Tour Date Info
VIOLENT FEMMES to play Ford Stage at San Diego's Street Scene!
Street Scene 2002 will return to the streets of downtown San Diego for its 19th year
on September 6, 7, and 8 (the weekend after Labor Day). The three-day music festival
features over 80 bands on 6 stages, including the sounds of rock, R & B, rap, electronica,
funk, reggae, hip-hop, and punk. With such a diverse selection of music and over
100,000 people converging on the streets of downtown San Diego during the three-day
festival it's no surprise that MTV has called STREET SCENE "the best musical event in
California." For up-to-date information about what will be happening check out
http://www.street-scene.com or call our hotline at 1-800-260-9985.

My  3-year-old came into my bedroom crying the other night around 4 a.m. and I noticed
that I had fallen asleep with the TV on.  As I reached for the remote I heard an oddly familiar
sound coming from the TV as the Femmes were playing live on of all things CNN.  I saw
them play about a minute of Kiss Off as the closing credits rolled.  My question is does
anyone know what they were doing on CNN?  Did they play anything else?  Were they
interviewed? It was a very surreal moment like your dreaming beacause you are seeing
something that seems absurd, but then you realize you really are awake.


I was flipping through the tube the other night, I think it was either Sunday (July 28th) or
Monday (July 29th), and saw the Boys on believe it or not, on CNN!!!  What was this about? 
Have they come to this type of publicity?  I caught it about half way through KISS OFF and
the host was making a fool of herself shaking her maracas to another beat. I have been
out of the loop for a while with the Femmes, besides reading the newsletter from Pat.
I haven't seen a show in three years and have been disappointed with Freak Magnet
and other new material.  When are they going to stir it up again like they used too?


I couldn't sleep the other night and at about 3am I turned on CNN.  To my surprise "Violent
Femmes 15 after every hour" kept appearing in one of the little bottom of the screen boxes. 
They must have been in Atlanta still from their show.  I of course was wide awake after
seeing that.  I've dragged every friend I've ever had just about on a road trip to see them at
one time or another.  Anyway, they never came on!  I was so sad.  I live in the DC area and
they have this cut in of local news at the end of every half hour which I assume ate up the
Femmes playing.  Did anyone see this?  I would love to find a copy somehow. I haven't
been to a Femmes show in over a year and now that they are back together it would be so
great to watch them playing together.  Thanks so much.  I just stumbled onto your list here
for the first time and love that you are out there!! 

RE:Archived Web Pages
Well, I don't write often anymore, but that doesn't mean my interest in the Femmes has
waned.  I just wanted to state that I was at first elated by the info regarding www.archive.org.
Some of you may remember my web discussion board from way back (around 1998) Never
Tell.  At one time it was quite active with Femmes fans discussing their favorite topic.
Unfortunately the server it was hosted on had a disc crash, and after that Never Tell was no
more.  I was hoping to find a copy of it on archive.org, but unfortunately it is not although
there is a lot of other stuff from the same server.  Oh well.  If anyone else has fond
memories of it, let me know.

(Who sadly seems to have no femmes shows coming to his state (Arizona)
in the near future)

CD-R Tree and Da path of the femmes

Hey ya'll.  A quick shout out to da femme fans in Tampa!

Long time listener, first time poster.  just unsubscribed my old email
and subscribed with my newer one. Just want to say, I've been a fan since I first heard a copy of a copy of copy (literally) of the first album.  It was recorded over someone's Thompson Twins tape.  It was great.  Some else lent me Hallowed Ground and I was sold forever.  And this is before I bought album #1. 

I've got a juicy 32x TDK burner that I'm willing to be part of the tree
with.  Let's spread this beauty around..  PS. the more non-first album
stuff, the better.  To hear breakin up, new times, all i want, cold
canyon, ooooo jesus of rio (one of my faves) wow.  that would be

The first album was great, the second, better, I think Guy was vital for
the femmes evolution, and I hope that continue forward instead of
trying to recreate more first album (unless thats what they really want).  How many times has gordon sang BITS?  Listen to viva closely, American
music is great, but he's forcing it.  As fans, I fear its our fault.  I wish
they would just join some tiny tiny label, or become mp3 only and just
release music for themselves, to hell with sales, they have to have
enough money by now to do that.  right?  if not, who screwed their
asses over. 

The integrity of the femmes music is what I value, new times was
beautiful, rock!!!!! was raw (mmmmmm... )  Was freak magnet an attempt
to appease interscope (or was it the femmes?)  Did they only release
their real goods with beyond?  why did all i want get edited up on the
final freak magnet?  Why did they juice up two Rock!!!!! songs for
freak magnet.  In the end, I love freak magnet, I love the direction they
are/were going, i love going crazy during I'm Bad at "what i would do
are the very ....."  .  I hope more comes soon with vic, with/without
gordon, etc... more hod, less hod, larger drum kit, smaller drum kit,
acoustic and simple, avant garde and jamming (is there many better jam
sessions than the one in don't start me on the liquor?) whatever they
want... just stay real, i hope they always do it for themselves,

i love the american music list.
lets spread some femmes around..   i've got some blank cds and writer
waiting. let me know what I can do...

sorry for the sporadic nature of my post, its been many lists coming. 

Reverend Aaron

VF Tree Update
Just a quick update on the progress of the CDR tree. Unfortunately,
no-one has come forward with a recording from one of the recent shows,
so we're going to start things off with a 2 CD set of the Summerfest
2000 show.

If anyone else wishes to join in, please do so by contacting either:
Kirt Kirt.Knutsen@med.ge.com if you live in USA
Michael mikeyj@mailandnews.com if outwith USA.
Please state your name and postal address and if you want to be a
branch (need cd burner) or leaf. We'll leave it open for a couple of weeks, then we'll be in touch with everyone regarding the assignment of leaves to branches etc. Once we get the first one set up, everything will run quicker next time.

Remember, you don't need a cd burner to take part, also if you're not
sure how a tree works get in touch with one of us.

Finally, I feel that I have to respond to Exodus' post in the last
issue of AM:

"I have some concern to the CD-R Tree that these people Are tying to
start, I can understand "Live Imports" being traded though all the
copyrighted stuff just seems kind of stupid"

There has never been any suggestion that commercially available
material would be distributed via a CDR tree. It is purely to allow
fans to get hold of boots (live recordings or maybe demos/rehearsals) for
virtually no cost instead of paying stupid amounts on ebay or some
web-based bootlegger. Also we don't expect anyone to go on and make any
profit from material distributed via the tree.

I hope that makes it clear, its a fun thing people.


Copyrighted Music
My opinion of music is such: it is far too abstract a medium to effectively imply ownership of any particular song or lyric.  Really what is happening is someone is claiming ownership of a very specific way in which air vibrates.  That's just weird.  

I suppose it's different when it comes to CDs and CDRs, though.  Personally, I download tons of music and make many, many CDRs.  My justification: I don't have nearly the amount of money needed to satisfy my music needs.  In other words, there are some CDs that I'm just never going to buy.  So I download music, and make CDs.  The ones I really like, I buy.  My decision to buy is not really a concious one; I simply feel that burning CDRs cheapens the whole musical experience, so if I really like a disc, and I have money, I'll buy it.  

Also, nearly half the CDRs I make are copies of CDs that I have lost and/or scratched to hell.  Sometimes, I end up buying the lost CDs again.  For instance, I recently found, in close proximity to one another, three store-bought copies of "The Three EPs" by the Beta Band.  I've also bought "This Is a Long Drive for Someone With Nothing to Think About" at least twice.  As far as the Femmes go, I own at least two copies of the debut album, and at least two copies of "3."  The others I've kept pretty good track of.

Right now, I'm broke.  As soon as I acquire some disposable income, I'll probably buy "Hitting the Ground."  Until then, someone PLEASE share it on Kazaa or WinMX.


RE: Archived pages
Yes I do remember Mike Merryman's Page, It was what Inspired me to have the biggest VF collection around, And so I Put up a sight as I collected my records, Now looking back at it it's been so long, Time has marched on and the past cannot be changed but with what has happned over these years will only be remembered and cherrished and so i ask the question of truth in this final hour WHAT THE FUCK HAPPNED TO MIKE????? where the hell did he dissapear to & why did he auction off his whole damn femmes collection?? Dena?!?!? Pat?!?!? help us out on this one I spoke to mike once but thats about it but I know you guys probably have a pretty damn good Idea on what became of him, or anybody else??

*~*~*~PhRoZeN FoR LiFe~*~*~*

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