About Me

Hello, My name is Jennifer.I am a 25 year old wife and mother to a 5 year old.I have been married 7 years and its wounderful and stressful all together.
I was born in San Franico,Cal.
on June 6, 1975. I am a navy brat of 20 years and it was kinda hard but i lived so i guess i should not complain.
I moved to Florida when i was 14 and hated my parents for it but i got over that as soon as i met some really cool people.Then i met my hubby when i was 17 and got married a week after my 18th birthday. I was a few mounths pregnat when i got married and i had my beautiful son on Oct.6 1993,I had to have him emergincy c-section and he was perfect in everyway. But, the docs. knew better then that and and he spent his first mounth in All Childerns Hos.Then i got to bring him home.But only for a short while, he dies on Dec.8,1993.
He died of S.I.D.S(crib death)
At 19 that is a lot to have on your plate if you ask me but here i am stronghe for it. not better but stronger. Then on Nov.22,1994 i had my lovely daughter and she was perfact and no one told me any differant. i got to bring her home with me and that was cool.
But, now i am at that time in my life where i am still learning but feel as if i have already been there too. kinda in limbo you know.
Like i said i am 25 and i am in the process of buying my first house and the waiting is killing me. At the moment i dont work i am having fun staying home with my little girl and watching her grow.

Me in Niagra Falls May of "00"

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