A Little Bit About Me

Hey! My name is Shana and I'm in the 10th grade. I've lived in New York for my whole life. I lived in Merrick until I was five, and then moved here when I started kindergarten at a private catholic school. I went there until 6th grade and then transferred into public middle school. I used to go to sleepaway camp when I was younger which I liked alot. I live with my parents and my two younger brothers, Blaise and Chris. I also have a cat which I got when I was seven, and I got a puppy over this summer...he's so cute.

I am currently a sophmore in high school. I play field hockey (my favorite sport) in the fall. I like watching TV and listening to music (mostly rock). My favorite TV shows are Friends and Gilmore Girls. I have alot of favorite bands: Nirvana, Good Charlotte, Incubus, Tool, Staind, and Linkin Park are just a few. My favorite radio station is KROCK though, so basically anything on that. School and homework takes up alot of my time, but I still manage to have alot of fun with my friends. Right now I'm just looking forward to summer when school's out.

I'm not quite sure what I want to do in my future. Go to a good college and have a job I enjoy ofcourse, but what college and what job that will be I don't know. I'll probably have to start worrying about that next year when I apply for colleges and everything, but until then I'm just worried about finishing this year. I can't wait until I can drive and get a car, that's going to be great.

  • Go to Ms. G's Page

    My English Portfolio

  • Review of "Hey Little Walter"
  • Definition of "Phony" Essay
  • Lord of the Flies Essay
  • Stream of Consciousness Essay
  • Lord of the Flies Mock Trial Portfolio
  • Poetry Project
  • Holden Essay
  • Game Directions
  • Final Project

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