Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness polishes some ice with her breath.

Vheod riding a wyvern shivers as dark energies are expelled from his body.

Vheod riding a wyvern begins casting a spell.

Vheod casts a spell on himself, causing him to shiver briefly.
Vheod says:  ok, i gonna try it now
'So gonna try?
You ask:  So gonna try?
> nod
You nod.
> save
Vheod riding a wyvern begins casting a spell.

Vheod riding a wyvern casts a spell on Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade
that you are riding on causing a purple aura to appear around its head.

Vheod nods.
ff m
Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness is already surrounded in faerie fire.
Vheod riding a wyvern begins casting a spell.
sl vheod
Vheod is already protected by the leaves.
Vheod riding a wyvern casts a spell on Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade
that you are riding on causing a purple aura to appear around its head.

Vheod riding a wyvern begins casting a spell.
Vheod riding a wyvern casts a spell on Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade
that you are riding on causing a purple aura to appear around its head.

Vheod riding a wyvern begins casting a spell.
sl wyvern
Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade is already
protected by the leaves.
> save
> 'I'm sorry I can't heal you. :(
You say:  I'm sorry I can't heal you. :(
Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade shivers as dark energies are expelled from
its body.
Vheod riding a wyvern begins casting a spell.
Name : Vireyda                         Hit Points    : 4700 (4700)
Race : human                           Guild Points  : 645 (645)
Sex  : female                          Social        : 662 (662)
Guild: druids guild                    Money carried : 644 GP
Level: 65                              Gems carried  : 17 ruby
Wimpy: 0 %                             Experience    : 9777
Strength      : 18/20                  Total xp      : 54731280
Dexterity     : 15                     Maximum xp    : 2800000
Constitution  : 18/20                  Encumbrance   : 1131 (1150)
Intelligence  : 9                      Deaths        : 1 (7)
Wisdom        : 18/70                  

Alignment:  You are neutral.

You know the following spells:
hunger of the land        rain shower               energy leaf
scorpion                  ice thorn                 violent planet
barkskin                  engulf                    swirling leaves
storm wall                air slash                 faerie fire
morph                     summon tornado            
ice branch                starshine                 
Your current commands are:
Vheod casts a spell on Wyvern causing it to shiver briefly.
who me
----------------------======] Realms of the Dragon [======---------------------
                            Sat Mar 25 17:11:21 2000                           
----------------------------------] Players [----------------------------------
Vireyda the Dysgedig in the knowledge of Veliannis.
-------> There are two immortals and forty eight players in the Realms. <------
> who vheod
----------------------======] Realms of the Dragon [======---------------------
                            Sat Mar 25 17:11:23 2000                           
----------------------------------] Players [----------------------------------
Vheod the Demon Knight of Death.
-------> There are two immortals and forty eight players in the Realms. <------
> l vheod
You see Vheod the Demon Knight of Death,
A devious male drow.
The Drow are the Dark Elves, they usually live in the dangerous underdark.
He is in good health.
He surrounded by a translucent globe of darkness.
Vheod riding a wyvern's skin appears to be formed of hardened steel.
he is enveloped in a thick, grey layer of bark-like armour.
He is enveloped in a thick layer of swirling leaves.
Holding : Blazing Shadow Axe (left hand) and
          Blazing Shadow Axe (right hand).
Wearing : a Glowing Tattoo, a Swan Cloak, a Black Boots, a Guardsmans Surcoat,
          a pair of leather gloves, a Pendant of the Eternal Flame, a
          Sharkskin Bracers, an Eelskin Belt, a ring of speed, a Shoufa and an
          Armour of Arik.
Carrying: Ancient Artefact.
          Dragon's Egg.
          Two Leather satchels.
          Ownership Paper.
His purse is bulging with coins and gems.
Vheod is riding a wyvern.

The fire around Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness fades away.

Vheod riding a wyvern begins casting a spell.

Vheod tears Yraennyn limb from limb.
Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness writhes in anguish as Vheod riding a wyvern slits
her open.

A pool of blood splatters to the ground as Vheod riding a wyvern pulverizes
Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness.

Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness writhes in anguish as Vheod riding a wyvern slits
her open.

Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness screams in agony as Vheod riding a wyvern
incinerates her entire body.

Vheod screams out an ancient spell of wrath and envelops yraennyn in a storm of
unnatural lightning.

Vheod's attack glances off of Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness.

Vheod's attack glances off of Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness.

Vheod's attack glances off of Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness.

Vheod's attack glances off of Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness.

Wyvern valiantly protects Vheod.

Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's attack glances off of Yraennyn the Storm

Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.

A pool of blood splatters to the ground as Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness
pulverizes Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade.

Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's attack glances off of Yraennyn the Storm

Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Yraennyn raises her head with a fearsome scream.  Taking a deep breath, she
lowers her head and unleashes a firestorm!
Red flames emenate from her throat, incinerating Wyvern's entire body!

Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness resists Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's

Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Yraennyn raises her head with a frightening scream.  Taking a deep breath, she
lowers her head and unleashes a lightning storm!
Searing bolts of raw energy are unleashed from her powerful throat, shocking
and frying Wyvern to a crisp!

Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness resists Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's

Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Yraennyn raises her head with a deafening scream.  Taking a deep breath, she
lowers her head and unleashes a windstorm!  Powerful blasts of wind rip at
Wyvern's armour and flesh!

The Storm Wall surrounding Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade dissipates.

Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness hits Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade.

Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness disembowels Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade
with her sharp claws.

Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness crunches Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's
bones, and rends huge chunks of flesh.

Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness kicks Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade into a
bloody mess.

Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness hits Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade.

Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness kicks Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade into a
bloody mess.

Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness dealt the death blow to Fierce Black Wyvern named

Vheod leave north.

Vheod tells you: that sucked
Thick walls of azure ice sparkle in the soft light of the enormous cavern lair
of Yraennyn, the Storm Dragoness.  Overhead, long ice shards of the same blue
hue protrude from the cavern ceiling.  A narrow, icy path crosses over the
center of a small lake of pure, crystal clear water.  Within the lake, small
fires flare, casting their flickering light on the icy cavern walls causing
them to reflect shimmering colours.
There are two obvious exits : north and portal
Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness is here.
Corpse of Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade.
> l corpse
This is the dead body of Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade.

[Eden left the Realms of the Dragon]
nod vheod
You nod at Vheod.
> Within the outer cavern wall is a large, crescent shaped opening, from which
the view is breathtakingly beautiful.  Lying before you is a complete view of
this magical world, from one rocky cliff wall to another.  Lush and vibrant
greens, bright splashes of colour, the iridescent waterfall and the silver
river winding its way throughout appear pure and untouched.  The spectacular
lake suspended in mid air seems close enough to touch at this height.  A
strange light, large enough for you to step through, hangs in the middle of
this room.
There are two obvious exits : south and light
Vheod is here.
> l vheod

Vheod tells you: i don't think i can kill it
You see Vheod the Demon Knight of Death,
A devious male drow.
The Drow are the Dark Elves, they usually live in the dangerous underdark.
He is in good health.
He surrounded by a translucent globe of darkness.
Vheod's skin appears to be formed of hardened steel.
he is enveloped in a thick, grey layer of bark-like armour.
He is enveloped in a thick layer of swirling leaves.
Holding : Blazing Shadow Axe (left hand) and
          Blazing Shadow Axe (right hand).
Wearing : a Glowing Tattoo, a Swan Cloak, a Black Boots, a Guardsmans Surcoat,
          a pair of leather gloves, a Pendant of the Eternal Flame, a
          Sharkskin Bracers, an Eelskin Belt, a ring of speed, a Shoufa and an
          Armour of Arik.
Carrying: Ancient Artefact.
          Dragon's Egg.
          Two Leather satchels.
          Ownership Paper.
His purse is bulging with coins and gems.

> 'Pretty damn fast.
You say:  Pretty damn fast.
Vheod says:  she did 13k damage to my wyvern
'She resists almost everything.

Vheod says:  that is bull shit
You say:  She resists almost everything.
[Loyal enters as a guest of the Realms of the Dragon]

[Chat] Ragnarok Stormbringer : jackie chan?

Vheod says:  through dark shield and regenerate

Vheod says:  and my resists
'And leaves and barksin.
You say:  And leaves and barksin.
> 'I told you she was a rough one :)
You say:  I told you she was a rough one :)
[Loyal(guest) left the Realms of the Dragon]

Vheod asks:  so how bad is sher hurt?

Vheod asks:  any?
lose all
I cannot find all to lose.
> Thick walls of azure ice sparkle in the soft light of the enormous cavern lair
of Yraennyn, the Storm Dragoness.  Overhead, long ice shards of the same blue
hue protrude from the cavern ceiling.  A narrow, icy path crosses over the
center of a small lake of pure, crystal clear water.  Within the lake, small
fires flare, casting their flickering light on the icy cavern walls causing
them to reflect shimmering colours.
There are two obvious exits : north and portal
Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness is here.
Somewhat decayed remains of corpse.
> l m
Eerily beautiful, Yraennyn is a powerful, massive dragoness.  Liquid silver
eyes with jet black pupils are set within her striking, midnight blue face. 
Long, twisted silver horns protrude from her huge head.  Her shimmering silver
wings are nearly transparent and delicate in appearance, and are outlined in
sapphire blue.  A broad band of indigo scales run from Yraennyn's head and down
the center of her back, fading into shades of blue across her shoulders,
haunches, legs and tail.  The vivid blue scales fade to glowing silver on her
mighty chest, throat and huge, silver clawed feet.
She is slightly hurt.

> t vheod Slightly hurt.
You tell Vheod: Slightly hurt.
The strong smell of the unburied corpse might attract scavengers.
!!SOUND(misc/decay.wav V=50 L=1 P=30 T=misc U=http://www.rod.org/sounds/misc/decay.wav)

[Chat] Orion Skittles: ya
Thick walls of azure ice sparkle in the soft light of the enormous cavern lair
of Yraennyn, the Storm Dragoness.  Overhead, long ice shards of the same blue
hue protrude from the cavern ceiling.  A narrow, icy path crosses over the
center of a small lake of pure, crystal clear water.  Within the lake, small
fires flare, casting their flickering light on the icy cavern walls causing
them to reflect shimmering colours.
There are two obvious exits : north and portal
Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness is here.
Decayed remains of wyvern.
> l corpse
This is the dead body of a wyvern.

> gac
Nothing to get.
> bury corpse
You bury a Decayed remains of wyvern deep within the earth.
> l m
Eerily beautiful, Yraennyn is a powerful, massive dragoness.  Liquid silver
eyes with jet black pupils are set within her striking, midnight blue face. 
Long, twisted silver horns protrude from her huge head.  Her shimmering silver
wings are nearly transparent and delicate in appearance, and are outlined in
sapphire blue.  A broad band of indigo scales run from Yraennyn's head and down
the center of her back, fading into shades of blue across her shoulders,
haunches, legs and tail.  The vivid blue scales fade to glowing silver on her
mighty chest, throat and huge, silver clawed feet.
She is slightly hurt.

> ff m
You begin to concentrate on faerie fire.
> You invoke Faerie Fire on Yraennyn the Storm Dragoness!
> l m
Eerily beautiful, Yraennyn is a powerful, massive dragoness.  Liquid silver
eyes with jet black pupils are set within her striking, midnight blue face. 
Long, twisted silver horns protrude from her huge head.  Her shimmering silver
wings are nearly transparent and delicate in appearance, and are outlined in
sapphire blue.  A broad band of indigo scales run from Yraennyn's head and down
the center of her back, fading into shades of blue across her shoulders,
haunches, legs and tail.  The vivid blue scales fade to glowing silver on her
mighty chest, throat and huge, silver clawed feet.
She is slightly hurt.
She is surrounded by a ring of glowing faerie fire.

> n
Within the outer cavern wall is a large, crescent shaped opening, from which
the view is breathtakingly beautiful.  Lying before you is a complete view of
this magical world, from one rocky cliff wall to another.  Lush and vibrant
greens, bright splashes of colour, the iridescent waterfall and the silver
river winding its way throughout appear pure and untouched.  The spectacular
lake suspended in mid air seems close enough to touch at this height.  A
strange light, large enough for you to step through, hangs in the middle of
this room.
There are two obvious exits : south and light
Vheod is here.
> grin wry
You grin wryly.
Vheod grins.

Vheod looks to the skies as if searching for something.

The hulking form of a huge wyvern decends from the clouds making a hasty
landing before you.

Vheod begins casting a spell.

[Chat] Orion Skittles: all of his movies are in japanese

Vheod casts a spell on Wyvern causing it to shiver briefly.

Vheod grins.

[Chat] Orion Skittles: or chinese, not sure which
'At least it wasn't a permanent death :)
You say:  At least it wasn't a permanent death :)
[Chat] Hallandnash (The Loose Cannon)  :  heh

Vheod shrugs.

[Chat] Orion Skittles: rush hour is the only movie he did in english
cast storm wall wyvern
You begin casting storm wall.
> You finish your invocation and Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade is enveloped in the power of the storm.
l wyvern
This is a huge snarling wyvern, faithful companion of the Knights of darkness. 
It watches you carefully with large black eyes that glisten like liquid
crystals.  The large haunches tighten as the beast ponders your presence here,
its talons dig into the ground nervously as if tensing to strike.  A long
serpentine neck curls high above you as the beast bears its mighty fangs in
warning.  The sleak form of its head curls slighty its serrated teeth extend to
their full length.  Its broad back supports its massive wings which are similar
to a bats.  Suddenly the beast twists its long spined tail viciously about
slamming it into the ground inches from you, dragging it slowly back as if
taunting you.
It is in bad shape.
Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade is enveloped by a chaotic storm wall

> sl wyvern
You begin to concentrate on swirling leaves.
Vheod asks:  don't i lose a life for a permanant death?

You finish chanting, and surround Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade in a wall of swirling leaves.
You nod.
[Chat] Mylitta {GoddessOfCarnalLove} :" are you sure? "

Vheod says:  that sucks
'And you get some major stat losses for a while.
You say:  And you get some major stat losses for a while.
[Chat] Orion Skittles: all the rest are dubbed into english

Vheod says:  you always get major stat losses
sl vhod
Your intended target is not present.
> sl vheod
Vheod is already protected by the leaves.
Vheod says:  hrm

[Minerva enters the Realms of the Dragon]

Vheod begins casting a spell.
You shrug.
[Braylon left the Realms of the Dragon]

Vheod says:  i gotta go
The swirling leaves around you suddenly begin to slow, and fall to the ground.
sl me

The swirling leaves around Vheod's body suddenly begin to slow and the foliage
falls to the ground.

Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade sniffs the air and lets out a low snarl.
You begin to concentrate on swirling leaves.
You finish chanting, and surround yourself in a thick layer of swirling leaves.
'Sorry :) I only was a dk for two years :)
You say:  Sorry :) I only was a dk for two years :)
Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade shifts its tail about expectantly.

Vheod says:  thanks for showing me, guess i'll try later

Vheod says:  i know
You nod.
> wave
You wave.
> i
Holding : claymore (left hand and right hand).
Wearing : a Ring of Armour, an Eldritch Cloak, a scarlet sash, a Leather
          Loincloth, a Straightjacket (Unbound), a Pair of Dirty Sandals, a
          Charm Ring, a chainmail and an Amulets of Outer Air, Wind, Fire,
          Rain, Storms, Forest, Glade, Glacial Snows, Hunger, Wrath, Clay,
          Swamp, Violent Planet, Ant, Herb, Mongoose, Briar, and Becoming.
Carrying: Three Katanas.
          Two Wakazashies.
          Flanged Mace.
          Two Tavi Tehas.
          Two Ude-tohs.
          Three Kasarigamas.
          Leather satchel.
          Powder Puff.
You have 74 items in your inventory.
Your purse contains 39 platinum, 187 gold, 2010 silver, 5658 copper and 4583
brass coins.
Your gem pouch contains 17 rubies.
> save
Vheod says:  heh
> l
Within the outer cavern wall is a large, crescent shaped opening, from which
the view is breathtakingly beautiful.  Lying before you is a complete view of
this magical world, from one rocky cliff wall to another.  Lush and vibrant
greens, bright splashes of colour, the iridescent waterfall and the silver
river winding its way throughout appear pure and untouched.  The spectacular
lake suspended in mid air seems close enough to touch at this height.  A
strange light, large enough for you to step through, hangs in the middle of
this room.
There are two obvious exits : south and light
Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade and Vheod are here.
Vheod says:  i remember

Vheod shivers as dark energies are expelled from his body.

Vheod begins casting a spell.
'Go light to leave.
You say:  Go light to leave.
> save
Vheod casts a spell on himself, causing him to shiver briefly.
> save
> Within the outer cavern wall is a large, crescent shaped opening, from which
the view is breathtakingly beautiful.  Lying before you is a complete view of
this magical world, from one rocky cliff wall to another.  Lush and vibrant
greens, bright splashes of colour, the iridescent waterfall and the silver
river winding its way throughout appear pure and untouched.  The spectacular
lake suspended in mid air seems close enough to touch at this height.  A
strange light, large enough for you to step through, hangs in the middle of
this room.
There are two obvious exits : south and light
Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade and Vheod are here.
Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade hisses violently.

[Chat] Mylitta {GoddessOfCarnalLove} :" I think he did operation condor
       hisself. "
pat wy

Vheod says:  i stay here for now
You pat Wyvern on the head.
> save
> nod
You nod.
Vheod says:  bye
'Alrightie :)
You say:  Alrightie :)
> wave
You wave.
> save
> Saving...
> Within the outer cavern wall is a large, crescent shaped opening, from which
the view is breathtakingly beautiful.  Lying before you is a complete view of
this magical world, from one rocky cliff wall to another.  Lush and vibrant
greens, bright splashes of colour, the iridescent waterfall and the silver
river winding its way throughout appear pure and untouched.  The spectacular
lake suspended in mid air seems close enough to touch at this height.  A
strange light, large enough for you to step through, hangs in the middle of
this room.
There are two obvious exits : south and light
Fierce Black Wyvern named Nightshade and Vheod are here.
The wyvern suddenly leaps into the air circling once then disappears into the

Vheod waves.
lose all
I cannot find all to lose.
Vheod left the game.

[Vheod left the Realms of the Dragon]

[Chat] Khrum -khrumzilla- oh yea, I saw that