Mitzi McKay vs. Rachel Page by Zim September 6, 1998 
This is the debut wrestling match of the newest McKay - Sunny's step-mother - 
the McKay's "New Age" team manager, Mitzi McKay! In her first IFWF appearance, she lost 
a bloody bare knuckles boxing match to Jacki Frost. Mitzi's not just the newest, but also the 
biggest of the fighting McKay's. She pointedly describes herself as a "natural" blonde who 
packs a rock-solid 163 pounds of sinew and muscle on a 5'10" frame. She'll need all those 
muscles against the 6'8" 175 pound "Enforcer" Rachel Page who has a well-earned 
reputation for trouble. Nobody knows how Mitzi willreact to the pressure Rachel can put on 
her. It should be informative as well as an entertaining tonight.
To the sound of the "Unofficial Australian Anthem" aka 'Waltzing Matilda' comes Mitzi 
McKay whose wearing a long, flowing robe that covers head with its hood. Her face is in 
shadow and she doesn't look up as she follows her 'Manager of Record', her step-daughter 
Sunny McKay, to the ring. Sunny is looking decidedly grim, but what a sight she is in a 
gold micro, white knit tube top and a pair of white mid-calf leather boots with stiletto heels. 
Ginny follows a good three paces behind Mitzi but she's wearing skintight white hotpants 
and it's obvious there's no room for anything under them. Up top, Ginny's got a white cotton 
shirt with a red cross on the bosom. It's tied loose under her full breasts and on her feet are 
the same white, mid-calf, leather boots with stiletto heels as Sunny. It's a very retro- look for 
Ginny, but one she carries off with style and panache. She's carrying a small white canvas 
bag with a red cross in her left hand and tosses stuffed koala bears to the children in the 
crowd. Clearly judging by the cheers, they adore Mitzi. 
In the ring, the announcer introduces Mitzi as, "From Sydney, Australia, host city of the 
2000 Olympic Games, Ladies and Gentlemen, lets give a rousing welcome to a lady making 
her second appearance in an IFWF ring...The Wonder from Down Under ... The 
Magnificent, Mssssssssss Mitzi McKaaaaaay" 
Mitzi doesn't look up, just raises both arms to acknowledge the cheers of her new fans. She's 
focused entirely on the task at hand and the cheering doesn't seem to interrupt her 
meditations. Rachel Page appears next, moving cat-like down the aisle to "Born to be 
The 6'8", 175 pound blonde is accompanied by the Millennium Stable (Akira Khan, Akiko 
Lao, Betty Anderson, Michelle The Great, Kim Lee, Jade, Fawn 'The Huntress' and Eve 
'Red Lotus' Castro - dunno if I missed someone else or not. There's no love lost between 
"Millennium" and "New Age" as they got into it ringside last week at the Ginny McKay-
Kim Lee match. You can expect it whenever they're in the arena at the same time!) 
Rachel's wearing a black and silver bodysuit with the word "Punisher" in red on the back. 
On her large feet are red trimmed wrestling boots. It's quite a sight as the spotlight reflects 
off that silver suit into the eyes of the male fans who stand to get a better look at this 
imposing figure of a woman. As always, Millennium is lead by Akira Khan who's followed 
by Kim Lee, Betty Anderson and Angie Johnson. It's an imposing line-up and the McKay's 
will be out numbered on the floor as well as out-sized in the ring. 
Rachel is from "The Beer and Bratwurst Capital of America" - Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Just 
as Rachel starts to acknowledge her own cheers, the audience abruptly stops cheering and 
goes strangely silent at the sight they behold. As Rachel turns, Mitzi drops her robe to 
reveal herself. Her face was covered with Aborigine war paint that makes her seem both 
frightening and fierce at once. She's got on a dark blue one-piece suit. The front has a 
design of stars forming the same "Southern Cross" constellation as the Australian Flag. The 
"Southernmost" star is right over her groin and it draws the eyes downward to the junction 
of two powerful thighs. The suit is hi-cut at the hips to emphasize her muscular thighs. It's 
very high and modest in the front, nearly up to her throat, but the back is cut so low you can 
see the "rear cleavage" The suit's wide shoulder straps, are cut to make her large upper arms 
seem even bigger. She's obviously been hitting the weights for years and presumably she 
makes them an integral part of her training. Despite Rachel's weight and height advantages, 
Mitzi's body, legs, torso and arms are more muscular and stronger looking than Rachel's. 
As they await the bell, the audience feels the tension mount. While Rachel turns her back to 
prepare herself, Mitzi carefully folds the robe and snaps her fingers. Ginny scurries 
obediently up the steps and holds out her hands. Mitzi lays the robe over Ginny's arms and 
bends down to whisper something that makes the redhead blush. Mitzi shakes a finger in 
her face as a warning to Ginny before sending her away with a dismissive wave of her hand. 
Ginny takes the robe down to the apron and sits on a folding metal chair holding it carefully 
in her lap. The red cross bag is under her feet close at hand. 
The bell rings and simultaneously both women raise their hands for a test of strength. After 
a moment of bemused hesitation, they clasp hands and begin to test one another. Rachel 
seems to be getting the better of Mitzi, using her height advantage to force Mitzi's hands 
down, but then the big Aussie sets her feet and straightens Rachel up and starts to force her 
back. The surprise on Rachel's face is evident. Clearly, this is the McKay to be respected for 
more than her body. 
As Rachel found herself being forced back and down, she quickly sat back and pulled Mitzi 
down on top, of her, sticking her feet in Mitzi's stomach and monkey flipping her back over 
her head. Mitzi landed and rolled away quickly, avoiding Rachel's follow-up, a foot aimed 
at her head. Both women got to their feet and circled. They locked up and Mitzi stepped 
inside and tossed Rachel over her right hip, the tall woman landing with a grunt on her 
tight butt. 
Before Rachel could escape, Mitzi drove her knee into Rachel's long back, snapping her 
head back with the impact. Mitzi used a handful of Rachel's hair to pull her up and kneed 
her in the side of the knee, collapsing her leg. Mitzi drove her elbow to the back of Rachel's 
neck and when she dropped on her stomach, Mitzi double kneed her in the small of the 
back, snapping her head up and eliciting a moan.
Mitzi grabbed Rachel's ankles and tried to set her up for a Boston Crab, the Rachel kicked 
out before Mitzi could get set and by the time Mitzi regained her feet Rachel was also up 
facing her, her right hand massaging the small of her back. Mitzi closed quickly, wanting to 
take advantage of Rachel's weakened back, but the big blonde ducked and took Mitzi down 
with a single leg take down. She turned it into a step over toe hold and kept Mitzi on her 
back while she took time to recover. Mitzi finally got her free leg up and used her foot to 
kick Rachel away. She rolled over and got up quickly, but was limping as she tried to work 
the kinks out of her leg.
Both women had gained and lost the advantage and were starting to appreciate the strength 
of their opponent. Once more they locked up and this time Rachel slammed into Mitzi 
breast-to-breast and wrapped her arms around the Aussie's torso, clamping her hands 
together behind her and squeezing her in a tight bearhug. Mitzi threw her head back and 
moaned as Rachel turned on the pressure. Mitzi's face was turning red before she slammed 
her hands in knife edge thrusts into the base of Rachel's neck. The big blonde's arms went 
weak and Mitzi dropped to her knees. She shook herself and drove her fist upward directly 
between Rachel's legs.
Rachel's mouth opened in a surprised "o" and she slowly collapsed to her knees in front of 
Mitzi, her hands on her womanhood. Mitzi rocked back and punched Rachel in the face and 
the powerfully build Rachel replied in kind. They knelt there facing one another trading 
punches until Rachel toppled over backwards holding her face and rolled over. Mitzi just sat 
staring at her opponent for a few moments, then got slowly to her feet and went to Rachel 
and stomped on her stomach. Then she stomped on her chest. Then she stomped on 
Rachel's chest again. 
"Damn, you're tough!" Mitzi muttered as she grabbed Rachel's arm and pulled her up. 
Mitzi bent her knees and ducked behind Rachel's limp torso and lifted her with a hand 
between her legs and the other around her neck under her chin. She lifted the big blonde up 
into her signature move, "The Southern Cross" an across the shoulders backbreaker. She 
locked it in good and hard and started to bounce on her toes, torturing Rachel's long, 
slender back. But just at that moment, there was a commotion at ringside. 
Mitzi, Sunny and Sabrina Rage were into it with Angie Johnson, Kim Lee, Michelle the 
Great and Akira Khan of Millennium. On one side of the ring, Betty Anderson has a hold of 
Ginny while Kim Lee beats on her, "Where your Kamiko now, eh Ginny-bitch-san? How 
about that fancy neck jab move you talk about, huh? Where's your smart Yankee mouth you 
Over on the other side, Angie Johnson's got Sabrina Rage as Akira Khan rips into her too. 
"Think your a real challenger for the title? Phtoooey!" (she spit in her face.) 
Both New Agers are being brutalized while Mitzi had her hands full of Rachel in the ring. 
In the front row is Jacki Frost, who is not only still recovering after a brutal fight with 
Mitzi but from her own two against one fight last week with Wonderwoman Cassandra and 
Roxanne Roberts. Her partner Tina 'the pitbull' Collins tosses popcorn in her mouth one 
kernel at a time. 
"Having fun Jacki?" 
"Ummmmm," she mumbles as Akira's fist splats into Sabrina's tight abdomen. "I feel 
much better already. Now if Rachel would just..."
On the third side of the ring, Sunny McKay grabs a chair and climbs onto the ring apron, 
making her way around behind Betty Anderson intent on whacking her and freeing Ginny 
so they can both help Sabrina. Niels van Vliet leaps out of his chair and runs to the ring and 
climbs onto the ring apron, trying to wrestle the chair away from Sunny to protect his friends in Millennium. 
He grabs it and Sunny resists but as he yanks it away from her, he "accidentally" throws it 
back over his head and hit Mitzi's head inside the ring. Mitzi crumpled to the mat with 
Rachel still on her shoulders. Rachel slowly got to her feet, her back throbbing from the 
"Southern Cross." 
Another second or two and she would have submitted but now, due to Niels' decision to 
interfere in Sunny's interference, Rachel was about to win a match she should have lost. She 
rolled Mitzi over and set her up for her Tombstone Piledriver, then drove Mitzi's head into 
the mat! The big, strong, powerfully built Australian never knew what hit her!
Rachel rolled Mitzi onto her back, knelt on her chest and grinned into the camera as the 
referee counted one..two..three and then raised her hand. 
"The winners, Rachel Page, Millennium and Commissioner, Nieeeeeeeeels vaaaaan 
Rachel hopped out of the ring, stepped over the bodies of Ginny, Sunny and Sabrina Rage 
who all lay unconscious at ringside after their brutal beatings by Millennium. Niels smiled 
and dusted off his hands. He'd accomplished what he came for, now he could start thinking 
about the next weeks matches and what he had to do so the rest of his plan went off as 
planned. He looked over at Tina who was smiling at Jacki, blissfully unaware of what lay in 
store for her. He smiled and made a mental note to meet with Sharon first thing Monday 
morning to put the final pieces of their plan in place. 
