This is a fictitious account of fights that may have happened in the mid-1950's between Hollywood personalities. It contains nudity, lesbianism, bondage and violence.
MITZI IN HOLLYWOOD Chapter #9: The Restaurant-Dessert (Whipped Cream Puff) - by Kim and Ginny

While Mitzi was still in shock, Shirley climbed onto the table, straddled her and used her knees to pin the blonde's arms down. By the time Mitzi recovered enough to try to buck her off, Shirley had her hands on Mitzi's throat and was choking the fight out of her again. Mitzi was powerless to prevent it and her struggles rapidly weakened as Shirley cut off her air. Shirley kept her hands on Mitzi's elegant neck until she went limp and her eyes rolled back in her head. Someone in the crowd yelled, 'She's got her!' as Shirley clasped her hands over her head in a traditional 'victory' pose.

'Leggo you bitch,' Nikki yelled at Shirley, 'you're gonna kill her.' ' No, but I'm not done yet. There's one more thing I want to do, just to make sure that everyone knows that she's lost another fight since I can't really tell Frank and the others about what I did here' Shirley reared back and slammed her fist into Mitzi's left eye. Shirley punched her again, hitting her in the same spot. Mitzi didn't even seem to react to this one except for a little groan.

'There,' Shirley giggled. 'Maybe you'd like me to do the other eye? You'd have a matching pair, like a raccoon?' 'No, ple . . please don't,' Mitzi croaked. 'I can't take any more. Please don't hit me again. My face . . .' Shirley put her fingertips over Mitzi's mouth. 'Shhhhhh...,' then Shirley turned, leaned toward Nikki and laughed. 'There! How you like your lover now. I ought to make her lick my pussy. I know Gretchen just got you to do hers.' Enraged, Nikki called MacLaine a, 'filthy cunt,' and tried to pull free of her captors. She could not reach her tormentor, but Shirley teetering on her knees as she tried to move her pussy over Mitzi's face seemed to lose her balance briefly. Mitzi, hearing Nikki's voice, turned her hips slightly and Shirley fell off to the side and landed hard on the floor. There was laughter all around as she scrambled awkwardly to her feet her feet.

Mitzi managed to slide off the table herself and was slowly trying to crawl away when the re-enraged redhead caught her from behind. Reaching down she twisted her fingers in Mitzi's short blonde hair and pulled her up to her knees. 'Whoa! You trying to run? I knew you would, I was about to let you go but your slut lover insulted me, so I guess she needs to see you suffer some more.' She got her other hand into Mitzi's hair and gave a violent yank. Mitzi screamed and raised her hands trying to relieve the pressure but Shirley grinned and shook the kneeling blonde from side to side making her bare breasts shimmy and jiggle. 'Well, whatta' you think?' she asked the room full of laughing dykes. 'Nice tits, even for a celebrity,' one said, 'but don't hurt her too much.'

Shirley giggled, 'Don't worry, I'll be gentle'. Then she rammed her knee in Mitzi back and used her weight to slammed Mitzi's face into dance floor. Her blonde's head bounced, she moaned and then lay still. Shirley sat on the small of Mitzi's back, her hands on her hips smiling up at the crowd pressing close to watch.

Shirley lifted Mitzi by the hair, her shoulders and torso coming off the floor, her full breasts dangling beneath her. 'Had enough?' Shirley asked. 'Are you going to give up?' Mitzi's tried to get out a 'yes' but choked on her words as a strand of bloody snot ran from her nose, and Shirley smashed her face into the floor once more. Mitzi lay choking and crying and the redhead lifted her head again, prepared to slam her back to the floor, then stopped .'Am I the best Gaynor? Huh? Tell them!', she asked. When Mitzi didn't seem to even hear the question, Shirley just let go and her head dropped with a dull, 'thunk.' 'Guess she agrees', Shirley said, grinning with obvious self-satisfaction.

Shirley got off and rolled Mitzi onto her back, put a foot heavily on the blonde's chest and once more raised her hands in victory while the crowd stood applauding. Laughing, she pushed Mitzi's boobs around with her foot. ' Number one contender my ass. You went down like the Titanic. After all the tough talk, it turns out you're just that, all talk!' She bent over and slapped Mitzi's face, 'Hey, I'm talking to you bitch! Wake up! Don't you have something smart to say? You always got a wisecrack. Where's that smart lip now?' Mitzi pursed her lips, tasting her own blood but remained silent, tears filling her eyes.

'Huh? What's the matter?' Shirley said as she jabbed her in the breast with a finger, 'can't think of nothin' to say? Lemme help. Are you listening, bitch?' She shook Mitzi as blood ran from the corner of her mouth. 'You're washed up honey and when I finish in the ring, everyone's gonna know it' she taunted. But when she noticed that the blonde's eyes were shut she looked up in mock surprise, saying to her audience, 'Ahhhh.. looks like poor little Mitzi, has gone beddy-bye. I need you to help me wake her up again. Let's all count. 'One!,' she said as she slapped Mitzi's plump breast. 'Two' She continued slapping in a slow rhythm, as the crowd joined her. On the fifth or sixth slap, Mitzi weakly tried to raise her hands to protect her throbbing breasts, but Shirley violently pushed her arms back down. 'Now, now, don't go interrupting my performance. Just put these arms down right, *THERE* and don't move them again.' Mitzi meekly let Shirley arrange her arms as she wished, bent over her head, then she resumed slapping. The number of slaps reached ten before she stopped Revived slightly, Mitzi moaned but didn't resist any more.

The sharp slaps against soft skin made Nikki cringe, but she was held in the grip of two big lesbians and was helpless to aid her lover. 'Please, somebody stop her,' Nikki interrupted as she looked to Gretchen for help and saw the big auburn-haired woman licking her lips excitedly. 'Please Gretchen! Please stop her. Mitzi's whipped everyone can see that, I'll do anything you want if you stop this.'

Gretchen studied Nikki for a moment. 'OK, Nikki, but I'll hold you to that. She's beaten alright, just like I said she would be.' She stood up, walked to Shirley and put a hand on her shoulder. 'This has gone far enough. Let's move on,' she said, 'string her up like we planned.' Hearing that, the women began to chant, 'String `er up; Sting `er up!' Nikki shivered when she heard them. 'You said you'd let her go. Not hurt her more.' Gretchen chucked Nikki under the chin, 'Relax hon, I said Shirley won't do permanent damage but she has to give her something to think about for the next time.' Shirley whispered to Mitzi who gasped, but nodded and mumbled, 'OK.' Shirley said, 'Alright, put your hands over your head like a good girl.' Meekly, Mitzi lifted her hands and let Shirley use Mitzi's own bra to tie them with a double knot so she couldn't get loose until she released her. 'That'll keep your hands outta my way while I work.

Shirley got up, took the hem of Mitzi's dress and pulled off over her head. It was so tight it nearly decapitating her in the process. Mitzi lay with her arms extended over her head, limp and blushing deeply in only panties, garter belt and stockings. She'd worn less during fights in the ring, but it was a lot more humiliating being on the floor of a public restaurant than in a 'fight' club. Shirley arranged Mitzi's arms above her head, and patted her cheek. 'Now, be a good girl. Behave and I won't hurt you . . . too much.'

She grabbed Mitzi's hair with both hands and used it as a 'handle' to slam her head on the floor to stun her again to ensure she didn't resist the next move. She used her hair and an arm to drag Mitzi across the wooden floor. Mitzi moaned and yelped in pain, kicking and struggling weakly. The hardwood surface scraped and burned her exposed skin and by the time Shirley had her on the other side of the room, her pale bottom was sore and red. 'Please,' Mitzi moaned when Shirley dropped her by the stairs to the second floor. The crowd of lesbians followed and crowded around Mitzi, staring down at her lush body. Someone produced a rope from under the bar and ran upstairs. She looped it over a pulley in the ceiling and dropped it to Shirley who tied it around Mitzi's hands which were still bound in front of her with her bra.

'That's a great fighter you trained.' Gretchen chided as she leaned over, opened Nikki's blouse and inventoried the contents of her bra, 'If I'd known she'd be this easy, I wouldn't have sent that dress. It was supposed to ensure she couldn't use her legs but the poor baby never even tried.' Nikki tried to turn away, but Gretchen pinched a nipple and the sharp pain stopped her resistance. Gretchen held her chin and made her watch Shirley and Mitzi. ' Watch. You'll enjoy. I'm even gonna let you help Shirley. Since you belong to me now, we'll let you enjoy our victory with us.'

'Wha . . . what are you doing?' Mitzi mumbled, dazed and still disoriented by Shirley's attack. She looked at Nikki who was near to tears. 'You'll see,' Shirley giggled, 'Something you'll enjoy my pretty plaything. I'm going to make you dance for us.' While Shirley was tying Mitzi's hands, the other end of the rope was attached to a fire hose reel no longer needed since the installation of a new sprinkler system.

Shirley looked up. 'Deb, give the wheel a coupla turns to get her up.' A woman reached for it, but Gretchen said, 'Wait! Let our guest do it. After all, she brought Mitzi to us and she's the one mentioned 'whipping'.' Nikki didn't know what she meant, but knew if it meant pain for Mitzi she wanted no part of it. She shook her head, but at the same time she shivered with delight at the finger massage Gretchen was giving her. Gretchen gave her breast a squeeze and hissed, 'Do it. Do that and whatever else I tell you or Shirley'll flay the skin offa her. We had a deal, dear. Turn the wheel or Shirley breaks her legs and puts her outta show business forever.'

Nikki's heart sank. One look at Shirley told her Gretchen was serious. Shirley was wild-eyed, saliva dripping from her lips as her chest heaved with excitement. Nikki knew she'd rip Mitzi apart without hesitation, so strong was her hatred. 'OK, what do you want me to do?' she sighed; adding, 'If I do it, how do I know she won't still hurt her?' Gretchen smiled and winked at Shirley who was using all her considerable talent to stay 'in character' as a wild-eyed maniac. 'I give my word,' Gretchen whispered, 'turn the wheel. She'll get no permanent scars or broken bones.' Nikki sighed, dropped her head as tears filled her eyes, 'All right.' She walked to the wheel and put her hand on it just as Mitzi looked up and saw what was happening.

'Nikki . . . wha . . . NO?' Nikki turned her back, unable to look Mitzi in the eye as she turned the wheel and pulled her arms upward until she was stretched out full length. 'Just a little more, Nikki', Gretchen directed, and with a sob, Nikki gave a final turn. Mitzi was left straining to support herself on her tip-toes and save her arms from holding all her weight. She dangled helpless, giving a little shiver as Shirley ran a hand over her smooth stomach.

'Ohhhhh, no please,' Mitzi sobbed as Shirley pushed her panties down to bare a thick brunette bush. 'So, your hair isn't blonde any more than mine is red,' Shirley whispered. 'What a surprise.' She gave her pussy a pat and held out her hand, 'Gretchen, give me that whip you used on the other one.' Gretchen tossed her a small, stiff whip about 18' long that looked like a little buggy whip.

Nikki gasped when she saw the whip that Shirley would use it on Mitzi. 'Please,' she begged Gretchen, 'Stop her! Stop it before she kills her!' Gretchen put an arm around Nikki and kissed her, 'Shhh! Hush and watch this. I won't let it go that far and you'll love it. I know you will after the way you came for me earlier.' She moved behind Nikki, reached around, lifted her short skirt and slipped her hand inside her panties. She pushed a finger into the blonde's aroused pussy and worked it slowly. 'See!! Why, you're having fun already.'

Shirley flicked the whip lightly across Mitzi's breasts and her nipples swelled. She gave each one a light stroke and Mitzi's body stiffened. She made a mewing sound at the pain in her shoulders as her entire weight was briefly supported by her arms. She struggled to keep her feet under her, rising to her toes to ease the pain. She looked at Nikki, 'Please, let me down before this bitch kills me.' Hearing herself called a bitch, Shirley growled, took careful aim and slashed Mitzi midway between her belly button and her bush. The rough leather left a dark welt on her pale skin. She threw back her head and screamed as the evil redhead crisscrossed her torso with a rapid series of lashes that left a waffle pattern of whelps on her soft skin. Mitzi moaned and wriggled, unable to escape or protect herself other than to twist, squirm and cry out. Nikki couldn't watch and with a sob, turned and buried her face in Gretchen's shoulder. Gretchen laughed at Mitzi's sad expression when she saw Nikki turning to Gretchen for solace instead of aiding her.

Shirley never missed a beat, whipping Mitzi whenever she got her feet under her. Each time the whip slashed her pale flesh, Mitzi would jerk and squirm, giving little yelps of pain lose her footing again. She spent most of the time between strokes hanging by her wrists. Unable to stand the pain any longer, she grabbe the rope in her hands, lifted her feet and wrapped her legs around Shirley's waist, locking her ankles. She arched her back and tried to squeeze the life out of Shirley as she defiantly spit in the redheads face. It may have worked if she had not been weakened from the beating she had absorbed, but even so Shirley gasped in surprise and shock at the strength remaining in the dancers powerful legs.

Mitzi squeezed hard, her teeth gritted and face flushed. It was a brave, but futile gesture. Shirley regained her balance and smiled. 'Nice try hon, but I'm going to make you pay for your insolence. See?' She slammed her fist into Mitzi's belly twice, hesitated and then slammed her twice more. Mitzi's legs parted and her body swung back until her round ass slapped the wall. Shirley drew back her fist and punched Mitzi in each breast hard enough to raise a bruise within minutes. 'Those are such big, soft attention-getters,' Shirley mused, 'I'll get back to them in a minute, but right now . . .'

She put a hand on Mitzi's ass and turned her slowly to show her smooth, round, sensual ass to the lusting women who craned for a better look. She smacked Mitzi twice with the whip and heard them 'ohh and ahh' as the firm cheeks jiggled and a red stripe bloomed on each. 'Ummm, they'd like to trade places with me right now,' she whispered. 'But in another minute, they'll pay big money to stand where I am.' Shirley stood hip-to-hip with Mitzi as, out of sight of the women, she ran her hand down Mitzi's belly and plunged her fingers into the thick pelt of hair covering her pussy.

She entwined her fingers in the long hair and twisted her wrist until it was wrapped tight, then pulled. Mitzi's hips swung out from the wall and she gasped from the pain. 'You like that?' Shirley giggled as Mitzi blushed and squirmed. 'You give me any more resistance and I'll tear it out a handful at a time. I'm not going to take any crap from you, understand?' She used the whip to push Mitzi's panties down the rest of the way to her ankles, then gave her bare bottom a 'crack.'

As Mitzi squirmed, Shirley rubbed her hand along Mitzi's slit, then slashed her ass with the whip again. Mitzi flinched as her arms pulled her body up, away from the whip, but when her body relaxed and slumped back down, Shirley's hand caressed her again. Another crack of the whip was followed by another flinch. Mitzi lifted up, drawing the fingers along the wet slit, but then she slumped back and the fingers rubbed their way back upward along the pink furrow. Mitzi threw back her head an moaned at the conflicting sensations of pleasure and pain coursing through her.

The customers watched open-mouthed, many breathing heavily. Suddenly, there was a cry and when everyone turned to look they saw Nikki on her knees with Gretchen kneeling beside her, hands under Nikki's skirt. The slender blonde was limp in the arms of the auburn-tressed dominatrix, a victim of her own powerful orgasm. Nikki couldn't believe how aroused she was by the sight of lover being whipped. 'If you don't come home with me, I'll just let Shirley whip Mitzi's ass until there's not a bit of skin left on it. You have any idea how much Shirley would love that?'

Despite her desire to resist Gretchen's fondling, her skillful attention combined with the sight of Mitzi being flogged was too much for Nikki. Her body surrendered and the resulting orgasm knocked her feet from under her. She collapsed with her head on Gretchen's shoulder and tried to catch her breath and regain her composure. She looked at Mitzi whose eyes were shut, her lips quivering, her big breasts heaving. Her reaction to Shirley had been as powerful as Nikki's had been to Gretchen although it was little consolation to either of them.

Shirley stood up and smiled proudly, 'You liked the show?' Several women sighed and nodded their heads as Shirley grinned and lifted Mitzi's head using the whip under her chin. 'Quite the little trooper, isn't she? Show her an audience and she gives her all.' Shirley cracked the whip a couple of times on Mitzi's ass and laughed as her cheeks clenched and she hopped up and down at each stroke. 'I could flay the skin off that ass if I wanted,' she said. Mitzi didn't answer, but her sniffling was audible to those nearby. She'd clearly been thoroughly intimidated. 'What'll we do next?' Shirley asked.

Suddenly, the restaurant owner appeared. 'That's enough Gretch. Call it off. This is bad for business. I agreed to let you two put on a show, but I didn't expect this. No one's ordered anything since the 'show' started. I must make a living, oui?' Gretchen laughed and pinched the woman's cheek. 'Oui mon cher. Oui.' She waved to Shirley, 'Finish it up Shirl, then we'll take Nikki out to celebrate out contract.' Shirley was disappointed, but knew better than to argue, especially in front of Gretchen's friends. 'OK, just one more minute.' She turned to the nearest lesbian, 'Gimme a lipstick.' She took off the cap and exposed the stick, then slapped Mitzi's breasts to get her nipples nice and hard. It was an impressive sight.

Shirley licked her lips 'These plump tits'll make great targets', Shirley said as she ground her thigh on Mitzi's pussy, while squeezing her right breast so the hard nipple stood up. 'Remember I said about my targets?' She drew a small circle around the nipple and a larger one outside the areola then a bigger one outside that. She dropped the soft breast on her bosom and decorated the other one the same way. Shirley smiled at the red-faced Mitzi. 'They will be my targets if you have the guts to box me bitch.' She stepped back and admired her artwork. 'Waddaya think?' she asked the crowd of lesbians. In response, they stood and applauded her 'performance.'

Like the prima donna she was, Shirley curtsied and took a bow, smiled and acknowledged her 'fans.' 'She's a work of art. Too bad we just leave her hanging here permanently?' Shirley jabbed at a lipstick smeared breast with her finger. 'Bitch! Guess that'll teach you to mess with me.' The lesbians ogled Mitzi as her body shook from her sobbing at the physical and mental punishment she'd endured.

While this was going on, Gretchen had her hands in Nikki's bra, teasing her nipples as they watched Mitzi being brutalized. Nikki was aroused by the sight of her girlfriend being roughed up. Shirley and Gretchen exchanged knowing looks and Shirley winked at Nikki who was held by two tough-looking dykes. 'Don't worry,' Gretchen said as she pinched Nikki's nipples, ' You know, Shirley's gonna end Mitzi's career when she gets her in that boxing ring.' Nikki didn't doubt it. Shirley had shown how easily she could do it. 'Please, no,' she moaned as Gretchen teased her with both hands. 'I'll do anything to save her.'

Gretchen gave Nikki's hard little clit a flick, 'Oh, you'll do anything anyway, won't you? You're about to explode. Tell me I'm wrong.' Nikki groaned and opened her mouth just as a powerful orgasm hit her. She trembled and gasped as she squeezed herself on Gretchen's finger. Gretchen smiled and praised her. 'You're such a good little girl. You really do love this so much.'

The women held Nikki up as Gretchen brought her off, then laughed and kissed her. 'If you want to save Mitzi, there's a way. Come home with me like I asked earlier. I'll tell Shirley to let her go and not to cripple her when, or if, they fight. You're lucky they're boxing this time and not wrestling. Other than chopping her face up, Shirley really couldn't hurt her permanently with gloves on. But you do this and our deal is forever, no deliberate injuries, no ugly scars to mar her beauty. Otherwise, she spends tonight in a hospital and God knows what happens when they're in the ring. Mitzi can't stop it unless she retires. Only you can do that. What do you say?'

Nikki sobbed and looked at Mitzi who was dangling limp from the rope as Shirley casually flicked her breasts with the whip as she waited for her to recover from her latest fainting spell. 'OK,' Nikki sobbed, 'Let her go. I'll do what you want if you don't hurt her anymore.' Gretchen pinched Nikki's cheeks. 'Still trying to negotiate, eh? I'll stop Shirley and if you live up to our bargain, you save Mitzi's legs. That doesn't mean she'll ever win another match, just that Shirley won't bust her up.'

At a signal from Gretchen, Shirley cut the rope and Mitzi collapsed on the floor in a heap as the assembled lesbians rose, applauded, whistled and cheered Shirley's 'performance.' Like the egotistical star she was, Shirley basked in the adulation of her 'fans' while Mitzi struggled to sit up and looked around, stunned and dazed. She lifted her bound hands, begging Shirley to untie her, which she did once Gretchen nodded in approval. As soon as her hands were free, Mitzi covered her lipstick smeared breasts and her pussy while she tried to figure out how to get away from her tormentor.

Gretchen brought Nikki over, holding her by the elbow. Shirley threw Mitzi's dress at her, 'Put it on and get out before I give you to the girls. Doing your chubby butt will be the perfect 'end' for the night.' Mitzi pulled herself up using the rope and as quickly as her aching body allowed, picked up her dress and held it to her bosom. 'Come on Nikki, please get me the Hell out of here. ' She took Nikki's hand and started for the door, but Nikki didn't budge.

Mitzi looked at her. 'What's the matter? Come on, get moving.' Nikki shook her head, 'I'm sorry Mitzi. I . . . I can't.' Shirley pushed Mitzi and she staggered. 'What she means, you dimwit, is she doesn't wanna go home with a loser like you. She's gonna move in with us. Isn't that what you meant . . . slut?' Nikki blushed as Gretchen used her hold in her hair to nod her head yes. 'That's right,' Gretchen said, 'so you better get moving `cause in 5 minutes I'm letting this mob of dykes come after your ass and if they bring you back, my little redheaded tiger here will finish what she started.'

Mitzi tried to think, but Shirley gave the whip a 'CRACK' and it exploded on her butt. She jumped and started to tremble. She hobbled away clutching her dress to her bosom with one hand, limping on the broken heel. She wasn't about to stop even to take off her shoe, so she just staggered toward the door sobbing. Shirley followed, whipping her intermittently. She fell a couple of times and Shirley kicked her ass as the crowd laughed with each grunt Mitzi uttered. Gretchen and Nikki followed to prevent any serious damage and Gretchen had to tell Shirley, 'Take it easy, stay calm. Let her get away. We'll finish her in the ring with everyone important watching. We got Nikki, Gaynor's helpless on her own. I told you I knew how to deal with the little bitch.' Mitzi looked back from the front door and saw Nikki held tightly in Gretchen's arms. Nikki looked content so she grabbed her coat and turned to go.

Shirley gave a final 'CRACK' across her thighs as she stumbled out into the rainy dark and tripped, falling to the rough sidewalk, skinning her knees as she collapsed in tears. Mitzi tried to pull the coat over her head as protection against the rain and she sat down on the curb and cried, releasing her pent up emotion in a torrent of tears. Inside, the women crowded around Shirley, slapping her on the back and congratulating her on a 'terrific performance.' The owner told Gretchen, 'Shirley's the best so far. She might be better than the blonde you used to bring in.'

Suddenly, Mitzi's body reacted to the pain and stress. She gagged and all the food and drinks she'd downed that night boiled up in her throat. She spewed a spray of chunks and liquid that mixed with the rain water swirling around her feet in the gutter. The swirling eddy's caught her broken shoe and sent it spinning away down the storm drain.

She waved at a taxi speeding out of the darkness but the driver, seeing her disheveled appearance, gunned his engine and sped on. The wheels showered her with water from the gutter. She put her head in her hands and cried harder. Just then she heard footsteps and a soft feminine voice, 'Are you alright Miss?' She turned quickly fearing attack but gave a sigh of relief at the sight of an attractive, slender, dark-haired woman in a Salvation Army uniform. The woman held her umbrella over Mitzi's head as she took her arm and pulled her to her feet. 'Come my dear,' she said, 'I'm Major Sarah Brown. My mission is around the corner. You come with me and we'll get you warmed, dried and replace the food you lost while you tell me what's troubling you my dear, sweet, young girl.'

Continue to Mitzi Chapter Ten