These stories take place in an alternate universe in what corresponds to Earth's mid-1950's. They involve women who resemble our own Hollywood stars. Contains nudity, lesbianism and violence. Incidents not based on real events are fictional.

MITZI IN HOLLYWOOD: Chapter #13: Franks Birthday Party - by Kim and Ginny

Frank was throwing himself a gala birthday party with a band, singers and fights to entertain his high-rolling customers, supporters and financial backers. He made a big deal about the fights which held more than the usual interest. These paired women who were rivals outside the ring as well as in. He also brought in some new girls who were eager to "try out" for a job. Girls often quit, either because their career took off or they quit show business altogether. Whatever their reasons, there were always others eager to replace them. This year's party had a special treat, veteran screen actress Joanne Dru was making a comeback at age 32, hoping the attention might revive her fading career.

After Nikki's stunning defection to Gretchen, Frank asked Mitzi's friend and mentor, Ethel Merman to take over as Mitzi's manager. Ethel declined because of a Broadway commitment but asked Cyd Charisse if she'd manage Mitzi for her. Cyd asked for time to consider the matter and promised Ethel her answer at Frank's party. Ethel and Mitzi shared a taxi to the party with Ethel's date, a young brunette. "Say hi to Mitzi," Ethel had said when they met. The woman smiled and offered her hand, "I'm Jacqueline Susann." Mitzi asked Jackie what she did and she replied, "I'm Between jobs right now, but Ethel, er, I mean Miss Merman, is gonna help me get work writing. I wanna be a novelist." "That's good," Mitzi smiled, "An influential patroness helps when you're starting out. I wish you luck. I'll be looking for something from you soon," Mitzi sighed as she eyed the deep valley of the doll's cleavage.

Ethel gave Mitzi the latest 'Fighting Girl Gazette' and had her read Brenda Starr's article about her break-up with Nikki. She was relieved Brenda the promise she'd made at The Mission. The article reported rumors about a fight and of Mitzi being beaten by Shirley MacLaine, but then dismissed it as "idle gossip, wishful thinking or maybe even hype for a fight between them which may be announced at Frank's birthday party." Starr noted gleefully that if the rumors were true, the outcome of the purported fight confirmed her prediction Shirley would beat Mitzi when they fought. One rumor making the rounds, she said, was that the fight had been unfair and Mitzi wanted revenge in the ring. A smaller story said Nikki had quit Mitzi to join Gretchen's entourage. It quoted a "reliable source" saying the break-up was for "personal reasons" which was shorthand for a sexual problem.

The feature article was about the new women joining the league. Mitzi said, "There's a couple of 'starlets' I don't even know. Lori Nelson and Diana Delaire. Hey, here's a surprise, Joanne Dru! I thought she was already a star?" Ethel shook her head sadly, "She was in the 1940's but lately she can't get good roles . . . when she works at all. She fought before, you know, back with Shelley Winters, Cyd Charisse, Ava Gardner and that crowd. They're hoping she'll get noticed by the studios again. I hope it works, she's a nice girl." When Mitzi read the fourth name she gulped. "Oh no! Sheree North and Jayne Mansfield? How'd that happen?"

Jacqueline Susann smiled at Mitzi. "Jayne Mansfield? She's a top contender isn't she? Does that mean if Sheree beats her, she'll be one too? I thought you just beat Sheree North last month? Why aren't you fighting instead of her?" "That's what I'd like to know," Mitzi fumed. Ethel put her hand on Mitzi's thigh. "Calm down hon. First, you aren't ready for Mansfield. Second, I asked Frank the same thing."

Mitzi glared at her. Despite that things seemed to be getting back to normal, she was still upset at Ethel for asking Cyd Charisse to be her trainer and coach without discussing it with her. Their first session would be on Monday and Mitzi couldn't wait to show Cyd what she could do in the ring. Ethel saw the look and wagged a finger in a silent warning for her to behave. "He said," Ethel sighed, wishing she didn't have to explain everything she did to her willful charge, "he did it to shut Sheree up about wanting a rematch with you. She dropped her demands in exchange for a match where she'd get a lot of notice from the studio bigwigs. Besides, it's a natural. Mansfield and North are being touted as 'The Next Marilyn Monroe' so it fits Frank's theme for tonight."

The cab stopped in front of the arena and Jacqueline got out first, turned and offered her hand to Ethel, keeping her back to the cameramen snapping 'celebrity photos.' She didn't want to be seen wearing the mans suit and fedora Ethel dressed her in. Her dark hair was pulled back and tucked inside the hat but she needn't have worried. No one paid attention to her, snapping a few pictures of Ethel, then turning all their attention to Mitzi. Jacqueline kept her back to the photographers, tugged the hat over her face to hide her femininity, took Ethel's arm and led her away.

The newsmen went crazy when Mitzi stepped out and gave them their first look at her form-hugging gold sequined dress. It was slit up the leg to the hip and her short hair was pulled off her face to give them a good shot so she would be recognizable. But it was the plunging neckline that drew their attention. As she ducked to exit the taxi, her big breasts nearly fell out and she flashed her famous 1000 watt smile as flashbulbs popped. She made no effort to cover herself, she was justifiably proud she didn't need a bra to support her firm breasts and she wanted everyone to know it. Besides, the pictures would give valuable publicity to the struggling young dancer/actress. The back of the gown plunged all the way to her ass, showing a new and different cleavage. Mitzi followed a distance behind Ethel, making sure to give the photographers plenty of room to line up a shot that she hoped would appear in the morning edition of the Los Angeles paper.

Inside, Mitzi was struck by the changes in the arena for the party. The ring was pushed back to make room for tables arranged in concentric arcs. The focal point was the ring where a 6-piece combo and a pair of singers were warming up. At ringside was a long table with a white table cloth and 12 place settings. Smaller tables for 4-6 people were scattered about. Mitzi squealed with delight as she gave her wrap to the check girl set up by the door.

"Don't you ever wait for anyone, Ethel?" Jackie laughed as they stood and waited for Mitzi to catch up with them. "It's her own fault," Ethel laughed, "She's falling out of that dress front and back. You look ridiculous, Mitzi. I should have insisted you wear something a little more professional so you'd at least look like a fighter, not a sleazy sex symbol." Mitzi grinned and said, "But dahlink, I AM a sex symbol, you've got to accept that. Just because you're going to manage me to a championship, it doesn't make me any less a sex symbol and movie star. My public expects this," she said as she slowly ran her hands down the front of her gown and posed provocatively. Ethel bit her tongue and didn't respond to Mitzi's taunt about, "turning her into a champion fighter" although that was her intention. Unless Cyd Charisse did something to wake Mitzi up, she feared the blonde would never take her fighting seriously enough to become champion.

Lately, Mitzi had thrown it up to her at every opportunity. Ethel couldn't understand why Mitzi bothered to fight at all if she wouldn't take it seriously. She'd decided if Mitzi didn't improve within a week, she'd resign as her manager. Ethel owed Frank a lot of favors from her fighting days, but she knew Cyd wouldn't put up with Mitzi's "spoiled brat" routine any more than she would. Cyd would quit the first week if Mitzi didn't behave with her any more than she had so far. Ethel asked Cyd to give her a week and if she didn't see any improvement, that would be it. So far, living at the Mission, Mitzi had shown more interest in getting massages from Adelaide, her "masseuse," than in fighting. Cyd was going to have her hands full training Mitzi and keeping her away from Adelaide's talented fingers.

The three of them got drinks from the bar and looked for their table. They had name cards showing who reserved them with the most important ones in front near the head table. This "inner circle" was executives from the movie industry, Frank's regulars. The "second circle" was for wealthy patrons and major movie stars plus top fighters from previous eras. The "outer circle" was made up of the league's real power brokers, the fighters and their business and fight managers. It was strange to see them so far from Frank, but they didn't seem to mind being out of the limelight. Mitzi knew that deals would be signed tonight far from the glare of the ring lights.

Three women managed most of the fighters and, like Gretchen, they were all former fighters. Marge Danzer managed the current champion, Rita Moreno, Debbie Reynolds, Julie Newmar and Juliet Prowse. Doris Sheppard had three top contenders, Jayne Mansfield, Mamie van Doren and Kim Novak. Gretchen Curry was the newest of the "big 3" and had only Shirley MacLaine and Debra Paget under contract so far. She also managed Bettie Page in her lone fight, losing to Mitzi in a huge upset. Mitzi was one of a few "independents" and by far the best known. So far, she'd resisted the lure of signing with one of the managers, preferring to let her girlfriend Nikki Spade handle her affairs before her defection to Gretchen. Other girls, like some of those fighting tonight, were part-timers or newcomers. If they showed promise, they'd be wooed by a manager and a good manager was crucial to get the "right" fights and the exposure needed to become a star.

Thanks to Ethel's influence, they were seated in the "second circle" where they could watch the comings and goings at the head table. Mitzi had been sky high since beating Bettie Page until her run-in with Shirley in the restaurant. She wanted Ethel to get her several fights right away, as soon after the boxing match with Shirley MacLaine as she could. Nikki had signed that contract the night she left her and, in a way, the boxing match had come to symbolize her betrayal in Mitzi's mind.

"Some producers saw me against Bettie," she gushed, "They're interested in me. I'm this close to a big break, I can feel it.. If I get it, maybe I'll quit fighting, but the truth is I like it." Ethel and Cyd had already talked about it, however, and agreed not to commit Mitzi to more fights until they saw her against Shirley. "I'll get you fights," Ethel said, "but with someone you can beat, or at least have a good chance of beating. Besides, it'll let Cyd have a chance to get to know you. We're guiding your career now, be patient. You're young, there's plenty of time to become a star."

Just then, someone slapped Mitzi's ass and she jumped. "Yikes! Dammit, what the...." Her face clouded with anger and her eyes flashing fire when she turned and looked into the pixie face of Shirley MacLaine. "You should put a girdle around that. I could see it jiggle clear across the room when you came bouncing in. You'll hurt your back if you aren't careful. Speaking of your back," she said as she pulled Mitzi's dress away from the small of her back, then peeked down inside to check out her ass. "Ummm, healing nicely. Won't be any scars, good." Mitzi wanted to slap her, but Ethel held her arm and kept her from swinging.

"You'll have plenty of chances to hit Shirley when you box her" she hissed. "Frank'd be livid if you ruined his birthday party with a fight." Shirley watched them and then chuckled. "Ironic isn't it? A fight promoter who doesn't want fights. Of course, his piece of the betting action only comes from fights *inside* the ring."

Mitzi knew how vindictive Frank was when someone crossed him and restrained herself - barely. "Look, you bottle redhead, I'm not takin' any guff from you," Mitzi snapped at Shirley, her voice dripping venom. "You were lucky last time. If you try anything tonight, nothing will save you." Shirley laughed, "I'm so afraid! You got no idea how I'm lookin' forward to getting you in the ring." Ethel glared at Mitzi, a silent warning to hold her famous temper in check. Mitzi had told Ethel how Shirley goaded her into making a rash attack in the restaurant and she'd promised not fall into that trap again. Shirley saw Mitzi was backing down, so she smiled and gave Mitzi's bottom a love pat. "I know you got off on what I did for you - just like your girlfriend did. . . oh, sorry, your EX-girlfriend. She was really wound up when we got home that night. You shoulda been there to see it, she couldn't hold still."

Mitzi's face turned scarlet and she reared back to slap Shirley for her taunt. Ethel held her under control until they heard Gretchen's voice say, "Mitzi, you little tiger. My goodness. Are you going to put on another show for my little slavegirl?" She turned and saw the big redhead standing behind Ethel. At her side was a forlorn looking Nikki. "Nikki!" Mitzi gasped as she tried to embrace her former lover. She stopped short, however, when she saw the collar and leash. "That Bitch!" Mitzi hissed, "What's she doing to you?" Nikki blushed, but Gretchen snapped the leash and, as if commanding a recalcitrant puppy, ordered her to, "Speak!" Nikki humbly lowered her eyes as she said in a low and meek tone, "Don't worry about me Mitzi. I'm alright. This is where I belong. Miss Gretchen's being good to me. I'm happy with her, so please, don't be angry."

"Head back," Gretchen ordered as she jerked the leash. Mitzi stared open-mouthed in shock and Shirley giggled as Nikki, her face flushed with embarrassment, obediently tilted her head back. Gretchen bent and crushed her lips to Nikki's. "Open wide. Let's give `em a show." Nikki hesitated, but Gretchen grabbed her cheeks and squeezed until Nikki's mouth popped open. Gretchen covered her mouth with a long, hot kiss, her tongue swabbing the back of the blonde's throat. Nikki trembled when Gretchen broke the "kiss" and gave her breast a hard squeeze as a "reward."

Mitzi lunged at Gretchen, but was stopped by Shirley's hands around her waist as she pulled her back. Mitzi felt the redhead's breasts burning into her bare back as Shirley whispered in her ear, "Why don't you join us after the party, my dear. We'll go to Gretchen's and party all night. I'll warm your backside again and make you cum even more than before. Who knows, maybe Gretchen'll let Nikki play with you if you behave yourself." She laughed as Mitzi trembled and her entire body turned bright red at the reminder of her past debasement. Quickly, Ethel pulled Mitzi away from her tormentor. Mitzi looked over her shoulder and she saw tears in Nikki's eyes. "Those damn dykes!" Mitzi hissed as she struggled against Ethel's firm grip, "They shouldn't let them in our business."

"If they kept all the "dykes" as you call them, out of Hollywood," Ethel laughed, "there wouldn't be many movies getting made and there'd damn sure be few fighters. Look around." She made a sweep with her arm around the room, pointing out one actress after another who was dancing, sitting or chatting with another woman. Of the nearly 50 actresses, a closer look showed that three quarters of them were with other women who were dressed or otherwise appeared "manly," even those wearing dresses. It was an epidemic!

Ethel led Mitzi back to their table and turned her over to Jackie. "Keep her away from that bunch and see she behaves herself. I gotta pay my respects to Frank before he thinks I'm snubbing him." She walked over to find Frank as Mitzi downed her drink and then Jackie's. "I'm gonna get a refill, you want one?" They headed for the bar together as Ethel stopped to chat with a producer about one of his new projects.

As she and Mitzi circled the room, Jacqueline Susann was awed by all the stars, "There's every fem star in Hollywood here." Mitzi nodded, "Yep, they all know Frank. Most fought for him or somebody like him and they wanna keep on his good side since he's mob connected, or so they say. Besides, most of 'em love the fighting. A few old timers still do it to settle scores or show some young starlet she ain't as hot as she thinks she is. Some 'retired' ones do 'private matches.' They make good money and a lot of roles are still won and lost that way even though it's the 'modern 1950's.' A lotta famous actresses careers began and ended like that. You'd be amazed if I told you some names."

Most of Franks closest friends were there; Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Joey bishop and even Sammy Davis Jr. who ran a fight league for Black women. Stars like Lana Turner and Joan Crawford who weren't known as fighters were there as were other "stars" who were far more renown for their fighting skills than their acting ones. One stopped them and told Mitzi she'd heard about, "your fight at a dyke dive." She laughed as she warned her, "You better stay outta those places. That's a tough crowd for a society girl like you." Then she patted Mitzi's ass and let her hand linger a moment. "You're too soft. We don't want you injured until Shirley gets her hands on you."

In one corner, Doris Day and Ann Miller had their heads together, chatting and laughing. A year ago they'd tried to kill each other in the ring after which Ann retired and underwent months of rehabilitation. Doris was now "semi-retired" but Mitzi heard she still did "privates" when the money (or the prize offered) interested her. Doris won several of her best roles in fights and rumors of her abusing opponents had surfaced frequently although they were quickly and quietly squelched by her studio's publicity department. Mitzi had never been in the ring with Doris but she saw her fight Ann Miller and saw how she loved to dominate. Tonight however, Doris and Ann were enjoying their "legend" status, though it was clear Ann was deferential and respectful to the blonde Amazon who'd nearly crippled her a year earlier.

Suddenly, Jacqueline gasped. "Oh, look! It's Ava Gardner! God, she's more beautiful in person than on the screen." Mitzi nodded. "I read she just flew in from Spain yesterday for the party. They're supposed to be separated. She moved out but didn't want to end it." Jackie's eyes sparkled as she asked, "Does she fight?" Mitzi looked around, pulled Jackie close and whispered, "Well, I heard from a girl at the studio that Frank brought girls home from the studio to fight her. She was pretty mean to them but I can't blame her. If the other girl won, Ava had to watch Frank 'reward' her in their own bed."

"Ohhh. Can I meet her?" Jackie gushed like a star-struck fan. "I'm sure you can," Mitzi laughed. "Just don't expect too much. She's still the same simple country girl who came here years ago. Her sophistication's pretty much a creation of the studio. Ethel knows her, get her to introduce you." Mitzi laughed at Jackie, quivering like a schoolgirl at the sight of actors and actresses she'd seen only in magazines or on the screen. Mitzi thought she was being silly, but then she saw them every day in the studio, the ring or the gym. Even so, "big stars" like Ava, Doris, Jane Russell, Susan Hayward and the rest still set her heart racing. It *was* funny, but she'd admired them since she was a teenager and being in the same room with them was a bit heady even for her.

They were at the drink line when Mitzi said, "I see an old friend. You go ahead, I'll catch up." She walked over to Mary Martin who was in a whispered conversation with Vera-Ellen. They were eyeing Mitzi as they chatted. Vera-Ellen was a dancer who had a long-running feud with Mitzi since they usually were up for the same parts. As excited as Jacqueline was over Ava Gardner, Mitzi felt the same way about Mary Martin, a Broadway legend. She joined their group and during a break in the chat, introduced herself. Mary smiled at Mitzi while Vera glared icily, her feelings clear.

Martin said she was in town to talk to MGM about a movie of her Broadway hit, "South Pacific." "That'd be fun," Mitzi said. "I really like what you did with the role of Nellie. I'd love to play her in the movie." "You?" Mary guffawed. "You ain't got the talent in your whole body I got in one finger." She extended her middle finger and shoved it in Mitzi's face. "I was doin' Broadway when you was in diapers, kiddo. You just stick to your fightin' `cause I heard, Bettie Page was the only one you ever beat. Hell, they so much as *think* of even testing you, I'll demand we fight for it. I'd love whipping this soft ass." She slapped Mitzi's bottom for emphasis as she said, "this."

As Mitzi arched her body in response to Mary's spank, Vera-Ellen poked her in the stomach hard enough to make her bend forward and nearly fall out the top of her dress. "Her ass isn't the only soft spot Mary. Looks like what little success she's had is gone to her tummy too. Hell, just last night Shirley MacLaine and me were talking 'bout it." Looking Mitzi in the eye, she added, "After you box Shirley, I doubt there'll be much left. Last time you two tangled you were laid up a week with welts all over that big round bottom. Leastwise, that's what I heard." She looked Mitzi over as if searching for signs of the struggle. Mitzi blushed. She could only imagine what Shirley said about her. Mary Martin chuckled, "If your acting isn't any better than that stomping around you call 'dancing' you won't be playing South Pacific that's sure." Mitzi was stung by the insult to her dancing from a woman she admired. After all the other stress of the evening it was too much. Without thinking, she hauled off and slapped Mary's face.

"If you wanna fight," Mitzi sneered, "I'll high kick your old ass into retirement." Mary pushed her face in Mitzi's. "Nobody slaps me, bitch! South Pacific? Ha! You're washed up honey. I heard your studio's ready to dump you! As for fighting, you better not lose any more fights. You got no fans. Everyone's laughing at you behind your back. Your career's over and you don't know it." Mitzi's face flushed and her fingers curled into fists. She stuck out her chest, "Come on old woman, back up your words . . . if you can."

Mitzi was 20 years younger than Mary and Vera wasn't about to let her date face Mitzi alone. She stepped between them and put her hand on Mitzi's chest, moving her back. "You really think so? Hell, even at her age," Vera said as Mary maneuvered behind the distracted Mitzi, "She's woman enough to kick your chubby butt up between your shoulders." Mitzi shoved Vera and looked back at Mary, "Oh yeah, well I may just high kick *your* butt too Vera. You been asking for it for a long time. Your overdue."

As soon as Mitzi looked at Mary, Vera hiked up her dress and as Mitzi turned back toward her, kicked left foot up. The short, hard 'snap kick' hit the soft tissue between Mitzi's right breast and shoulder. She yelped in pain and staggered. "You aren't the only one who can kick," Vera laughed as Mitzi tried to keep her balance. Mary grabbed Mitzi from behind, grabbing both arms by the elbows, pulling them back and driving her hip into Mitzi's bottom. "Surprise!"

"Start kicking," Mary laughed. "She ain't going nowhere." Vera drove her foot upward again, this time driving a high heel deep into Mitzi's belly. The air went out of her with a whoosh as Mary struggled to hold her up when her knees buckled. "Heehee," Vera laughed as she used her fist to flatten Mitzi's right breast with a punch. She hit her again as Mitzi whimpered and struggled weakly in Mary's tight grip. With both arms pulled back, Mitzi's soft body was arched upward, completely exposed and open to Vera's cruel attack.

Before she could escape, Mitzi had to get Vera to stop long enough for her to deal with Mary. She got her feet under her, straightened and used Mary for support as she kicked her right foot up toward Vera's face. Vera had expected it, however, and stepped aside as the leg came up. She caught Mitzi's ankle and held her foot shoulder high. Mitzi winced as her hamstring was stretched painfully. Mary leaned back, pulling Mitzi's abdomen taut so Vera could hit down on her belly. Mitzi grunted as the crowd which had gathered started to applauded in time with the rhythm of Vera's fists beating her belly like a drum.

Vera held Mitzi's leg twisted to the side as she stepped back and drew back her leg, eyeing Mitzi's groin. "You want to feel a 'high kick' really hurt? Close your eyes hon, you don't want to watch this." Just as her foot started up between Mitzi's thighs, Vera was grabbed from behind and tossed to the floor. She landed hard, her head bouncing off the hardwood floor as her feet flew into the air, then dropped to the floor. Cyd Charisse stepped over Vera's body in front of Mitzi who was doubled over with Mary's arms wrapped around hers from behind. Mitzi's big breasts were almost out of the low-cut dress and one or two more punches or jiggles would surely have exposed them completely.

"OK Mary," Cyd said, "the fun's over. Letter go." Her tone was flat, emotionless, but there was no mistaking her seriousness. Mary released Mitzi's arms and stepped back. Mitzi went to her knees, looking up sheepishly at Cyd. "Get up and fix your clothes," Cyd said as she offered Mitzi her hand. Mitzi pushed her breasts back down in her gown as Cyd shook her head sadly. "Now I see why Ethel said she needs me. Can't you learn to keep out of trouble? First that business in the restaurant, now this." Mitzi opened her mouth to make a smart-aleck reply but shut it quickly when Frank the promoter appeared through the crowd.

"What the Hell is going on?" he bellowed. He glared at Mitzi, then Cyd and finally at Vera who was trying to get up. Mary rubbed her cheek, "That bitch slapped me Frankie. She's a troublemaking tramp!" Vera chimed in, "Yeah, that Hungarian bitch started it, Frank. I was just trying to keep her from starting a fight with Mary." "Dammit Mitzi," Frank said, "That's twice tonight you made trouble and it's not even nine yet." She tried to protest, but he cut her off abruptly. "Don't lie! I saw you with Nikki, Gretchen and poor Shirley. Now you're into it with Vera and Mary." He helped Vera to her feet as Mary tried not to bust out laughing. "I told everyone," Frank continued, "No fighting at this party."

Debra Paget was clinging to Frank's arm, beaming proudly as everyone looked away from Mitzi toward the popular crooner who was also their promoter. Everyone fawned over him, wishing him 'Happy Birthday' and Debra was right there in the middle of it. He was in his glory! It was one reason he promoted the fights, it gave him unfettered access to a bevy of eager-to-please young starlets and soon-to-be-over-the-hill aging stars anxious to keep their fading careers afloat a little longer. Rumors of Mob financing kept people from opposing his decisions involving the league and he ran as capriciously as he dared.

Vera stuck her tongue out at Mitzi as she postured provocatively and told Frank, "Ya better get a new #1 contender Frank. This one makes ya look bad." Frank gritted his teeth, but wondered if she might not be right. "Gee," Debra chirped happily, "I guess now that yur such a star Mitzi, you forgot about the rematch you promised me. If she's gettin' to be a problem, hon, I'll take her place. You said I'd have her after Shirley knocks her out anyway. Everyone knows she will. Why wait?"

Frank laughed as he eyed Mitzi in her tight dress. "Debra wants to beat you Mitzi, to get revenge for that paddling you gave her in your first fight. You keep screwin' up, I may do it. Winner stays to fight again, loser gets fired." Debra clapped her hands happily, "Yeah Mitzi. Frank's gonna give me a chance to make a comeback. Someone, 'easy' for my next fight. You're perfect." Debra knew Frank gave her access to rich, powerful studio moguls and she'd do 'anything' to further her career. "But Frank . . . ," Mitzi protested, but he just turned around and walked away with Debra still slavishly wrapped around his arm.

Once he was out of earshot, Vera laughed. "Ohhhhh, look out Mitzi. Now Paget wants to string you up and whip that fat bottom. Pretty soon, girls'll have to take numbers to fight you." Mitzi blushed and started to reply, but before she could, Cyd dragged her away. "That's right Mitzi," Vera called after her as she hugged Mary, "run off with a new girlfriend before Debra comes back and spanks your bottom in front of everyone. Try to hang on to this one so she don't run off like the other one."

Mitzi struggled against Cyd's grip, trying to pull away to get at Vera. Cyd hissed, "Don't be stupid. You already got Frank mad. He'd love an excuse to dump you and give Debra your place. Don't you ever learn?"

"But," Mitzi moaned, "Vera's says' I'm afraid of that Debra bitch and she's shootin' off her mouth about my personal life. I can't let her do that."

Cyd shook her head and continued to drag Mitzi back to her table. "Listen, you gotta stop getting yourself into these situations. People are startin' to talk. Anything that embarrasses you just helps your opponent. They love to gossip about your personal peccadillo's, especially when you end up hanging in some lez bar like a side of ham. Frank hates a girl to show weakness. It's bad enough when you lose, but when you get embarrassed, he loses interest fast. The sooner you learn that, the sooner you'll be able to stay out of his doghouse . . . unless you like having him looking over your shoulder and threatening to kick you out in every match. Look, you gotta lotta raw talent. If you develop it properly, you can be real good, a champion maybe."

Mitzi bristled. "Whadda ya mean, 'develop it'? I'm the No. 1 contender in case you don't know!" Cyd smiled. "You're immature, spoiled, willful. You don't listen and don't follow orders. Give me a minute and I'll probably find a few more faults. You got potential, no denying that. I was talking to Frank and told him I'm not sure you're worth my time and trouble. You haven't been coached or managed worth a damn or you'd have progressed even faster. Managing's more than scheduling fights and picking wardrobe - which I take it is all Nikki did."

Mitzi harrumphed, "Hah! Nikki hadn't the vaguest idea what to do. She'd dress me and yell at me for eating too much. She didn't even let me order dinner without interfering. I originally hired her as a body guard, but she did everything EXCEPT guard it. I mean she just stood there in that restaurant while Shirley . . . " She shuddered and then she suddenly grabbed Cyd and hugged her. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be blathering about Nikki now that Ethel's hired you. To be fair, Nikki hired Rhonda. She was a good coach. You heard of her?"

"I know Rhonda. Damn good stunt woman in her day. I know she's teaching now but she's sure not the best coach you could have. She dropped out of sight a while ago didn't she? What happened?" Mitzi shrugged. "I don't know, one day I went to the gym and she wasn't there. No one knows where she went or when she'll be back. Nikki blames her disappearing for me getting fat, but I think Nikki wasn't doing her job. She's supposed to take care of me, or I should say, she *was* supposed to take care. I guess that's up to you and Adelaide now."

"I appreciate all your help," Mitzi said, "even if I don't show it. They were almost at the table when they heard a raspy voice, "You ended up on your sweet ass again, didn't you Mitzi. I thought we were gonna break you of that habit." Mitzi looked up and saw Ethel Merman grinning at her. She was sitting between Paulette Goddard and Jackie with her arms draped over each woman. Her hands dropped on their breasts. She was rubbing Jackie's but Paulette blushed and pushed the hand away when she caught Mitzi staring. Jackie didn't move or even show the slightest unease. In fact, she looked proud to be with a major star like Ethel. Paulette Goddard eyed Mitzi coolly. "This is a party, dear, not a bar room. You wanna brawl, do it in the alley with the rest of the cats."

"Leave her alone Paulie," Ethel croaked. "Mary started it. Hell, I didn't even have to hear what she said to know that. Right Mitz?" Mitzi grinned, "That's right Miss Merman," and gave an ever-so-slight curtsey. Ethel guffawed. "See you ain't forgot how behave my dear." She waved Mitzi and Cyd to join them at the table. "Come on, join us. I was telling Paulette 'bout your run-in with Shirley." Mitzi blushed and sat quickly, squeezing her thighs together as she felt a chill at the mention of her humiliation. "Everybody in town must know about that by now. I don't know why I thought I could keep it a secret." "Don't worry hon," Ethel said. "The studio publicity department won't let it get out. They're very protective of their stars."

"I hope so," Mitzi said, "I'd die if anyone back home found out about that. Just them knowing I was in a place like that could scandalize them. I hope I'm a big enough star for them to do that for me." Paulette Goddard laughed. "I doubt it, hon. But Shirley MacLaine is going places. They wouldn't want *her* reputation ruined. Then there's Gretchen to consider. She's got a lotta clout in this town. Between her ex-lovers, ex-fighters and all the folks she's blackmailing she can make them dance to her tune. At least, that's what I heard."

Cyd was nervously looking around the room behind her. "Relax Cyd," said Ethel. "Doris' already said 'hi.' She won't be back, at least not for a while." Cyd blushed and shook her head, "That's not it. I was looking for friends. If you promise you won't let Mitzi out of your sight, I'll leave you for a while. I saw Tony Bennett over there and I wanna say hello, I'm a huge fan of his."

After Cyd excused herself Ethel, Jackie, Paulette and Mitzi chatted until Frank went up to the microphone to announce the fights would start in a few minutes. "Fill up your glasses, get your chairs arranged and get comfortable. I have a real treat for you with these fights tonight. They'll be really ring-a-ding-dingers."

Continue to Mitzi Chapter Fourteen