IFWF Stable Match:

Bad Girls, Inc.
The First Family

Bad Ass School Girl (BASG): 17 y/o, 5'9" 130 lbs. brown hair, blue eyes, New York City, NY, USA
Angie Wick: 24 y/o; 5'11", 120 lbs., red hair, brown eyes, Parts Unknown!
Mafia Princess: 25 y/o; 6'0" 150 lbs., black hair, brown eyes (w/Mistress Alexandra Capone) Catania, Sicily
Betty Anderson: 20 y/o; 5'7" 125 lbs., blond hair, green eyes, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Michelle Anderson: 22 y/o; 5'7", 126 lbs., brown hair, brown eyes, Los Angeles, CA, USA


Mitzi McKay: 35 y/o, 5'11", 158 lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, Sydney, Australia
Ginny McKay: 39 y/o, 5'9", 142 lbs., auburn hair, green eyes, Charlotte, NC, USA
Sunny McKay: 24 y/o, 5'7" 128 lbs., blond hair, blue eyes, Grafton, Australia

This is the IFWF's first stable match and it pits The First Family (the McKay clan) against Bad Girls, Inc., a collection of five of the meanest, roughest, toughest girls in the IFWF. Niels van Vliet appears to be on a crusade to break the spirit of the McKay's, first by sending Mitzi in alone to face huge Cathy and Jodie Connor; now he's put them in a 5 on 3 match. As if the odds weren't bad enough, the match rules say there's no DQ and no referee. The match continues until all members of one team are "eliminated" - whatever that means.

Make no mistake fans, your McKay's have a tough task ahead of them. Not only are they outnumbered by 5 to 3, but their opponents include: the Anderson sisters, Betty and Michelle who have a long and bitter antagonism toward Ginny and Sunny McKay; Mafia Princess who is as big and strong as Mitzi McKay; BASG and Angie Wick, a couple of the IFWF's best punchers, are upset that Ginny McKay has ceased helping them to return to her family. So you have uneven numbers, a decided strength advantage and grudges - all favoring Bad Girls, Inc. It looks like there's no way the McKay's can win, yet we've seen them time and time again overcome odds as great and emerge victorious.

The site of this match is a state-of-the-art recreation of a rustic stable, build on the farm of oil millionaire Jed Clampett. The IFWF leased it for tonight and installed closed circuit cameras so the fans here and at home can watch the action. Niels van Vliet was quite proud that three different property owners bid for the right to host this contest. The Clampetts, "Green Acres" and a stable formerly used by the TV star,"Mr. Ed". Aside from closed circuit cameras no other changes or modifications have been made to the building and according to Niels, the women are free to use, "anything inside the barn."

"We are Family" plays as the three McKay's make their way to the front door of the structure. All three of them are in different costumes than usual tonight, perhaps in keeping with the "rustic" theme of the night. Sunny and Ginny and Mitzi are all dressed identically. They're wearing cotton print shirts tied under their breasts to leave their stomach exposed and each is wearing a pair of cut off jean shorts, Mitzi's are notably longer than Ginny's and Sunny, of course, has her cut so high and tight their almost like a thong! All three of the McKay's are in their bare feet for better traction on the dirt floor.

A traditional Italian song begins to play; a bright light flashes like a bolt of lightening and suddenly the dignified Italian aria is replaced by "For Whom The Bell Tolls" by Metallica as red white and green strobe lights flash here in the arena. Two female figures step out of a long, black limo, approach the stable and enter through the back door. Both are wearing black leather trench coats, black leather pants and fedoras as well as sunglasses. The first woman is Giovanna Bartuzzini, The Mafia Princess, the second is her massive bodyguard, Mistress Alexandra Capone.

They enter the barn, pause and give the "evil eye" to the McKay's before the Princess removes her hat and her shades. Her black hair tumbles to her shoulders as she whips off her hat. Slowly, she unbuckles her trench coat and slides it off to reveal a black leather thong bikini that covers very little of her superb figure. Around her waist, the Princess has the Ultimate Goddess Title belt, a fictional title created by the Princess herself and unrecognized by a formal wrestling league. The Princess takes the belt off and hands it to Mistress Alexandra Capone who takes it and fades into the shadows. The tall, muscular Princess is a vision of dark, dangerous beauty and everyone in the arena is buzzing at the thought of she and Mitzi McKay testing each others power.

"No Matter What They Say" by Lil' Kim announces the arrival of Betty Anderson and her sister, Michelle "The Great." They enter the barn from the left side. They have a long history of animosity toward the McKay's, each beat the other for the tag team title; Betty humiliated Ginny in a catfight and they stripped Mitzi during a fight - one of only two times this powerful woman has been embarrassed during a match. You know she wants to get revenge tonight. There are no rules, and the sisters say they'll do whatever they want and it's all legal. You know they're going to use every dirty tactic the can because not only do they hate the McKay's, they also think there's no greater thrill in wrestling than humiliating proud older women! Naturally, the McKay's said it'll never happen. Sunny even promised their fans to, "... show everyone a side of the Anderson's they haven't seen before!"

Finally, "Last Resort" plays as the last of the Bad Girls, Inc. appear. It's Bad Ass Schoolgirl and her partner Angie Wick approaching the barn from the right. BASG is wearing a black cut off shirt, black overalls, leather boots and has her fists taped for punching. Angie Wick is wearing a blue cut off shirt, blue coveralls and leather boots. She too has her fists taped - it looks like these two girls came to do some serious McKay bashing tonight! BASG was heart-broken when Ginny McKay told her she could no longer be her valet but Angie Wick was relieved. "That redhead's too old and too soft to be part of our act anyway," she hissed. "Tonight, you're going to see just how soft she is!"

The McKay's stand with their backs to the front door as their opponents enter and face them from three sides. It's a daunting task Niels has set befor them, but if there's any stable in the IFWF that can win against these long odds, it's the McKay's!

The bell rings and we're under way! The first thing, Mitzi McKay points to Mistress Alexandra Capone, who is still inside the barn, and protests. But with no referee, the tall Sicilian just shrugs her shoulders and laughs. The Bad Girls start circling, looking for an opening but the McKay's stand with their backs to the front door, making it difficult for the Bad Girls to find an opening. Suddenly as if it had been rehearsed, all five of the Bad Girls rush the McKay's en masse. Screams, grunts and the sound of fist on flesh fill the air. Within seconds, Betty Anderson and Angie Wick are flat on their backs at the McKay's feet. But the Mafia Princess has separated Mitzi McKay from the others and they're rolling across the dirt floor grappling for the top position.

Sunny McKay kicks Betty in the side and she climbs over her to get at Michelle the Great, leaving Ginny to face the fists of BASG all by herself. Sunny and Michelle lock up body to body and it's Sunny with the early advantage, pushing Michelle back against one of the posts that support an overhead loft for storing hay bales. Michelle has the wind knocked out of her but before Sunny can take advantage, Michelle's sister Betty wraps her arms around her from behind. Michelle comes off the post, slams her forearm across Sunny's chest and all three of them tumble to the ground in a heap of flailing legs and flying fists!

Ginny squares off with BASG, fists raised but tries to back up close to Sunny to help her daughter out. BASG lands a hard punch to her chest that the sturdy redhead shrugs off as she kicks back to knock Michelle off of Sunny. Sunny gets up along with Betty and they tear into each others hair with both hands, shaking each other and trying to trip the other up with their feet entwined.

With Ginny watching Sunny, BASG lands a hard left to the big redhead's soft stomach that doubles her over followed by a crushing downward right that drops the old woman to her hands and knees and has her shaking her head. Angie Wick comes up behind Ginny, grabs her by the back of her shorts and shirt and jerks her back to her feet as Ginny wheezes and tries to catch her breath.

Mitzi McKay has finally gotten a position straddling the Mafia Princess' waist. Mitzi and the Princess are wrestling hand to hand as Mitzi tries to control the big Sicilian's arms. Princess powers her strong arms upward, lifting Mitzi's weight until the big blonde bodybuilder is sitting erect with a surprised look on her face. The Mafia Princess swings a long leg up and catches Mitzi around the neck, pulls her over sideways and locks her ankles as she catches Mitzi's head between her legs. Mitzi kicks her legs but the Princess has her locked in tight. She rests on her elbows and smiles as she grinds Mitzi's head between her long legs as Mitzi tries to kick out using the power in her own massive legs.

While Mitzi struggles against the might of the Mafia Princess, Sunny has tripped Betty and fallen on top of her. Betty uses a handful of Sunny's clothing to roll her over and gives her a backhard across the face while she's straddling her before Sunny pulls Betty's hair and dumps her to the dirt floor. When Sunny tries to get up, however, she's sent flying by Michelle Anderson who drop kicks the lithe blonde in the ribs as she starts to get to her feet. Sunny rolls over and scrambles up, grabs a leather harness hanging over one of the stall walls and slashes Betty across the back with it.

Betty shrieks in pain and leaps out of the way just in time to escape a second lashing as Sunny swings the heavy leather harness around a second time. Swinging the thick leather like a lariat, Sunny chases Betty across the stable until she traps her in the far corner. Sunny is just raising the leather to whip Betty again when both Anderson sisters converge and drive their shoulders into Sunny's torso from front and back, nearly snapping her in two. The harness is lost as both Anderson's fall on the aching young blonde and pin her arms to the floor despite Sunny's kicking and thrashing against their combined weight.

Elsewhere, Ginny is sent reeling backward against the wall as BASG and Angie Wick take turns pounding their hard fists deep into her big, soft body. As she slams against the wall, Ginny feels a wooden shaft behind her and grabs whatever it is to defend herself. She swings it around and both BASG and Angie Wick recoil in horror as they see Ginny wielding a pitchfork at them! Ginny grins as she jabs threateningly at BASG, forcing the young brunette backward. She jabs at Angie Wick, then quickly turns and brandishes the weapon at BASG again. When she does, Angie leaps forward and tackles the big redhead to the floor. Ginny loses her grip on the pitchfork as BASG and Angie swarm all over her.

BASG pins Ginny's right arm against the floor while Angie holds her left arm down. Between them, the two tough girls pound Ginny's bare midriff with one punch after another until she goes limp under the fusillade of their fists. BASG takes Ginny by the hair and drags her on her belly across the floor then drops her. She and Angie straddle Ginny's back as they sit back to watch the rest of Bad Girls, Inc. finish off the other two McKay's!

While Ginny is going down under the combined attacks of BASG and Angie Wick; Sunny is still buried beneath the Anderson's. Sunny has her long, sinewy legs wrapped around Michelle's waist and is holding Betty in headlock but, unfortunately for her, both sisters hands are free and they're using them to deadly effect!

Betty pulls Sunny's hair with one hand, twisting her head back while the other is dug into the blonde's perky breasts, bringing anguished moans from the trapped youngest McKay. Michelle isn't idle either, pounding her fists into Sunny's tight abdomen until her legs lose strength and slip down and off of Michelle's waist. Michelle breathes a sigh of relief, gulps in fresh air and then wedges Sunny's legs open and slams punch after punch into her stomach - and below! Within a minute, Betty has Sunny on her back and is straddling her chest, pinning the young blonde's arms with her knees while Michelle is riding Sunny's thighs, keeping her strong legs trapped between hers as she continues to punish Sunny's lovely body with both hands.

Only Mitzi McKay still holds her own against the Bad Girls, mostly likely because she's the only one facing equal odds, albeit the biggest and toughest of the Bad Girls, the six-foot Mafia Princess. While Ginny and Sunny are being overwhelmed by the double-teaming Bad Girls they face, Mitzi has kicked out of the Princess' head scissors; they're once again on their feet and facing off.

They lock up collar and elbow and it's Mitzi who gets the takedown with a superbly executed side head lock-hip toss combination that knocks the wind out of the surprised Princess. Mitzi dives on the Princess.... But, NO! The Princess gets her feet up in time and monkey flips the surprised bodybuilder over her head! Mitzi crashes to the dirt floor and lays still for a moment. Michelle Anderson gets off of Sunny to go help, but the Princess waves her away.

Michelle sits back down and punches Sunny in the crotch again, taking out her aggression on the wiry young blonde instead of her step-mother. Sunny's body shakes under the punch despite Betty's weight pressing down on her chest. A few feet away, BASG has torn open Ginny's shirt and is slapping her big breasts back and forth while Angie Wick kneels astride Ginny's legs and fumbles to release the snap on her jean shorts despite the full figured redhead's pleading.

The Mafia Princess and Mitzi again square off, each trying to overpower and outmuscle the other but with little success. They grunt and groan, locked belly to belly, arm and leg muscles tightly corded and straining with neither able to gain the advantage until Mitzi is able to spin the Princess into one of the stalls where she slams her ribs against a feeding trough. The Mafia Princess grunts and holds her side as Mitzi rushes in, grabs her around the chest and applies a crushing bearhug to her injured ribs. The Princess is moaning in pain as Mitzi struggles to carry/drag her toward the nearest door to eject her and eliminate her from the match! The McKay's, it appears, are still in the fight!

Just as Mitzi is opening the door to throw the Princess out, Mistress Alexandra Capone runs up behind her and smashes Mitzi over the head with the Mafia Princess' "Ultimate Goddess" Title belt! Mitzi is stunned and drops the Princess just as Mistress Alexandra swings the belt a second time and sends Mitzi's big muscular body crashing to the floor.

Regaining her feet, the Mafia Princess picks Mitzi up around the waist, turns her upside down and holds her vertically with Mitzi's big, powerful, tree trunk-like legs in the air. Then the Princess falls forward - crushing Mitzi chest-first under her on the dirt floor of the stable! Like a reverse jackhammer, this is a move the Mafia Princess has patented as the "Sicilian Suplex" - and it's devastating! Mitzi is barely moving, yet the Princess and Mistress Alexandra aren't done.

Not content with merely throwing Mitzi out of the stable, the Mafia Princess and Mistress Alexandra Capone lift the groggy and semi-conscious McKay to her feet and sit her bottom on one of the horse stall enclosures. She's going to do a "Concrete Overcoat" on her from up there onto this unpadded hard dirt floor. The Princess gets Mitzi in position for this version of a 'top rope tombstone' and ... CRUNCH! She nails it. Mitzi's not moving at all, she's out cold!

The Mafia Princess picks big Mitzi's body up by the heels and drags her toward the door. Before she throws her out, Michelle Anderson calls out, "WAIT! We don't want to let her off that easy. Drag her sorry ass over here."

The Princess drags the unconscious Mitzi over and drops her body beside Ginny who has been stripped nude by BASG and Angie Wick. Ginny squirms and tries to get free, but the strength of the two younger women is too much for her to overcome.

Michelle gets off of Sunny who gamely tries to get away from Betty, but a couple of hard punches to her mid-section quickly put a stop to the last of her resistance.

"Strip the blonde bitch too," Michelle says, snapping orders to the Mafia Princess and Angie Wick like a Marine drill sergeant.

The Mafia Princess reaches down and tears Mitzi's top off in a single tug but Angie Wick has to work to get the tight jean shorts down over Mitzi's massive muscular thighs. Finally, with the Princess' help, she has the big blonde bodybuilder stripped down to the buff. They pick her up and lay her on top of a pile of hay bales as Michelle gathers up a length of rope and ties Mitzi's wrists down by running the rope under the hay bales. She likewise binds the blondes ankles down on either side of the topmost hay bale.

Then Michelle snaps her fingers at BASG and commands her to, "Bring Red over here. I know she's going to love this!"

BASG drags Ginny to her feet and throws her to the Mafia Princess and Michelle who catch her between them and pull her over to Mitzi who is starting to regain consciousness. The force Ginny to spread her legs and stand straddling Mitzi's face until the bodybuilder realizes what's happening. Then Michelle puts her hand on Ginny's back and pushes her face down on top of Mitzi in the 69 position. Ginny struggles, but the three women easily pin her while Angie Wick ties her wrists and ankles under the same hay bales as Mitzi's. The Bad Girls step back and proudly admire their work.

"Bet you've been wanting to get your nose into Mitzi's goodies for months, haven't you Gin-gin?" Michelle laughs as Mitzi blushes deeply.

"You untie her this minute!" Sunny screams up between Betty's thighs. "If you don't, you're going to be sorry!"

Betty just slaps Sunny's face back and forth, warns her to be quiet, then turns back to watch her sister as she torments the elder McKay's.

Michelle lifts Ginny's head by the hair and reaches down between Mitzi's spread wide thighs. She moves her hand around a little, bringing a moan from Mitzi, then pulls it out and wipes her fingers over Ginny's nose and mouth.

"Go on big Red, take a taste! I bet you been wanting to stick your tongue in that for a long time, right? Now you don't have to worry about making little Sunshine mad, you can't help it. Just stick your tongue out and let gravity do the rest. Go on..."

Michelle shoves Ginny's face down hard on Mitzi's groin, moving it back and forth and side to side as Mitzi screams at Ginny, "Stop Ginny! Don't do this. It's not riiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!"

Sunny tries to turn her face away and not look, but Mitzi's groans and moans change from those of outrage to excitement and, like the Bad Girls, she too is drawn to the perverted spectacle of her mother tonguing her step-mother. While Ginny gets into Mitzi's 'goodies' Betty and Michelle haul Sunny to her feet and slam her back against the wall.

"Bring another rope BadAss," Betty says. "We gotta get Blondie a better seat for the show. Angie, hand me that pitchfork this bitch tried to use on us!"

The color drained from Sunny's face, "Wha? What are you going to do with that?"

Michelle and Betty just laughed as they shoved the pitchfork handle under Sunny's arms and then pulled her hands together and tied them below her breasts. Then Michelle tied another rope to the pitchfork handle, threw it over one of the rafters and then ran it down Sunny's back and up between her legs.

"Just a sec sis," Betty said as she knelt in front of Sunny, reached in and parted her labia with her thumb and forefinger so she could put the rope in the moist crevice. Then Michelle and Betty tossed the end of the rope up over another rafter and started to pull! Sunny screamed as her body was lifted up by the rope buried between her legs until she was suspended several feet in the air above Ginny and Mitzi. She whimpered in pain as the rough rope cut deeply into the soft, tender tissue of her womanhood.

"There, now you have a ringside seat while your momma gets your step-momma OFF!" Michelle laughed as Betty picked up the leather harness and whipped Ginny's big bottom with it.

Ginny screamed and bucked her hips up and down on Mitzi's face as the hard leather cut into her soft flesh.

"Eat it all!" Michelle screamed at Ginny as Betty lashed her again. "Eat her or Betty'll flay all the skin off your worthless back!"

Ginny didn't need much encouragement. The overwhelming aroma of Mitzi was more than enough for the old lesbian. Her head bobbed as she worked her tongue in and out of Mitzi's love canal until, despite her revulsion at what was happening to her, Mitzi started to moan and sigh happily as she became aroused by Ginny's expert attention to her long denied needs and desires.

Sunny hung helplessly from the rafters, her own sex burning in pain as she watched the degradation and humiliation of the two women she most admired in the world just a few feet away yet she was helpless to stop it or intervene.

Laughing, Michelle and Betty Anderson, BASG, Angie Wick, The Mafia Princess and Mistress Alexandra Capone joined hands, kicked open the door to the stable and walked out into the glare of the spotlights after dealing the McKay's one of the most one-sided and humiliating defeats in memory.

Winners: Bad Girls, Inc.