V i s c e r a l      I n t u i t i o n


vis·cer·al (vsr-l)
 1. Perceived in or as if in the
     viscera; profound: “The
     scientific approach to life is
     not really appropriate to
     states of visceral anguish”
     (Anthony Burgess). 
   2. Instinctive: visceral needs.
   3. Fig:
Having deep sensibility.
   4. derived from or prompted by a
     natural tendency; "an
     intuitive perception";
     "visceral revulsion"; "a
     glandular aversion to
     materialistic values"

in·tu·i·tion (nt-shn)

1. The act or faculty of knowing or
     sensing without the use of
     rational processes; immediate
     a. Knowledge gained by the use of
        this faculty; a perceptive
    2. A sense of something not
     evident or deducible; an
  3. Instinctive knowing (without the
     use of rational processes).
   4. An impression that something might
     be the case



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