Left At East Gate

Next page: UFO s in  S.W. Wales

One of the most interesting books connected with the UFO scene that I have read. It is pretty  captivating,  from beginning to end. From all accounts, the information pertaining  to the UFO  sighting is  pretty  conclusive, but  yet again, denied by the authorities as is the usual pattern.  


On three successive nights in December 1980, an UFO was observed near Rendelsham Forest, Suffolk. On the third night (December 28th) Larry Warren was in a patrol of airmen, who pparently witnessed  a sighting in a wooded area  about five miles away from RAF Bentwaters.        








Above:  Capel Green,  the landing site of the UFO.   This is a  fairly recent photograph. Note that the landing area top right in the picture  is still discolored fifteen years after the incident.     


One has to read the book thoroughly to take in and realize what actually occurred. Going back to the sighting on the third night, (December 28th)  Warren, a  member of the Air  Force Security  Police  stationed at  Bentwaters was on  guard  duty at a  remote perimeter fence.                 

He was taken by truck to join other personnel to the wooded area. That night  proved to be a mind blowing experience for all concerned.


They were apparently warned in no uncertain terms to forget what happened, talk to no one, and to sign a statement contradicting  what  they had actually  seen, and also were further warned that Bullets were cheap.   

In 1983 Larry Warren blew the incident wide open, went public (under his own name) and  started  to investigate the incident personally. He was joined in  1987  by Peter Robbins, an independent researcher. Photograph below (right) was taken in 1994, at the site of the the incident  of the third night.


Above left: Larry Warren back at the UFO landing site, reliving the ordeal at Peter Robbins request.
(February 1988) 

Next: UFOs in South West Wales (1977)                                          Copyright (C) Phil Davies  August 2001         

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