Home page of Chuck aka Night Owl (8>)
They Rule My Life
Pond Building
Chardon Winters
A Little Bout Me
(Life happens. Live with it  :-)
Poetic Stumblings
Guest Book
Success, like Happiness, is a journey,
not a destination
Live like you're still sixteen
Laugh like you did as a child
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt
Sing like no one is listening
Dance like no one is watching
Hug like you'll never see him again
Talk to your friends today
Allow love to saturate your soul
Everything we want to achieve, to learn, to share can begin today.
If we don't live the best we can right now, then when?
Chardon in the Fall
Email me
What's New
Music, more music
Last Update - Jaunary 2, 2008 - New poem  Born Again  & Thoughts on ENDA
One Liners