The Top 20



From Desi Arnaz to Paul Rodriguez, to the phenomenal success of George Lopez. Latino comedians have been making American audiences howl with laughter for nearly a quarter century. With the new millennium now here, these comics are taking America by storm and are bringing their brand of humor to audiences that can easily relate to their hilarious stories of crazy families, pop culture, and the zaniness of life that only Latino's can bring from their perspective. 

Here is the 2003 list of the Top 20 Latino Comedians generating buzz within the entertainment industry. From the seasoned veterans to the young superstars making an impact today in comedy, they're all here. Most of these comedians have websites of their own, so search them out and check their schedules to see if they're coming to a town near you. Also to find a comedy club in your town that showcases these and other Latino Comics such as The River Center Comedy Club right here in downtown San Antonio, contact me at the following e-mail address below! Enjoy and Viva Loco's!

 David Navarro




  Each Comedian is based on the history of their comedy careers
and future predictions, with a strong focus on stage performances and
accomplishments within the last two years. Plus fan appreciation
and the ability to crossover to non-Latino audiences are considered as well.



The Top 20


 1.George Lopez

 2.Paul Rodriguez

 3. Carlos Mencia

 4. Gabriel Iglesias

 5. Freddy Soto

 6. Pablo Francisco

 7. Johnny Sanchez

 8. Joey Medina

 9. Mike Robles

 10. Alex Reymundo

11. Willie Barcena

 12. Ludo Vicka

 13. Jill - Michele Melean


 14. Kris Martinez

 15. Shayla Rivera

16. Debbie Gutierrez 

 17. Ernie G.

18. Joey Diaz

 19. Kiki Melendez

 20. Gene Pompa


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