Ronin Warrior Pictures & Other Stuff

Ronin Warriors is a North American dub for Yoroiden Samuari Troopers, anime. It ran 39 episodes in the early nineties and had 3 OAV's after that. The show is about 5 good looking teenage boys(Ryo, Sage, Sai, Rowen, and Kento) who have mystical armor and the accompanying abilities and enemies. The five guys are accompanied by a girl named Mia, a little boy neamed Yulie, and Ryo's pet tiger White Blaze. The enemy is usually the Dynasty and eventually they defeat them by the end of the series. It's your typical storyline and plot, but I liked it when I was younger... oh well.

Funny, but for all that I've graduated college, I'm STILL a sucker for cartoons and guess what: this is one of those cartoons ^_^ I know this is isn't much, but I think these are the best from the web (majority come from Theria's place a long long time ago, sorry). I'm a lazy person, so I just grabbed what I really liked from the web (now that I look around, I can't find the sites anymore =( They had simply wonderful archives! As I find them, I'll probably list them down for links. I definitely owe them), esp group pics. If anybody wants char. pictures, tell me because I'm open to suggestions of who to put up and how many ^_^ Anyway, take a look and tell me, please.

(Personally, my favorite's the formal, but that's just me. )


  • Lady Koneko's Library TThe lady in charge of this page is pretty decent...not to mention the page is okay, too! ^_^
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    Please write!
    P.S. Forgive me if the page loads really slow. This is always in construction of sorts. Should i just put up links to the pictures instead?

    Did I forget to mention I pieced this page together on the 31st of August somewhere in the late 20th century? ^_^

    Last update: 08/01/2003

    [Counter] people have touched this place! Hit me! Thanks!