We are all aware of the continual resistance to certain pesticides and herbicides by various organisms. The ongoing search into developing newer and more effective pesticides and herbicides is endless, its one huge battle to stay one step ahead of certain pest plant and insect species.

Depending on the type of agriculture maybe organic farming methods should be employed, whether this would be viable or effective for broad acre crops I don’t know? Organic farming has greater advantages of not polluting surface and
ground water, its cheaper than using large amounts of certain types of expensive herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers.

I’m not here to bitch about the above mentioned products for me to do so would label me a hypocrite. I hold a non restricted ground operators licence and have worked with these products, what I am here to bitch about is extremely toxic and soil persistent type chemicals. These types of chemicals can and
do cause problems with not only the Environment but also local flora and fauna as well.

Soil persistent herbicides and pesticides such as Simazine, Aminotriazole, DDT, and Paraquat. These types of chemicals really do worry me not only are they soil persistent some of them are suspect carcinogens. These types of chemicals have no place in our Environment.

Now  look at the Phenoxy type herbicides
24d .........245t, MCPA and Glysophate trade name(roundup) these products may be ok but what about long term exposure effects and improper safety equipment? About now anyone with a bit of knowledge about these types of herbicides will be saying to themselves………..what’s this bloke on about?, view the above mentioned as my question to you.

During the manufacturing process unwanted dioxins such as TCDD are produced these compounds can be harmful, whether these harmful compounds can be removed I don’t know? Herbicides manufactured in poorer countries, where a lot of herbicides and other toxic chemicals are made.

The reason for this is the relaxed laws concerning workers, Environment, and the product itself are virtually non-existent, In most cases totally non-existent. When LD-50 results are determined are the dioxins included in them results?

Whilst on the subject of herbicides
Agent orange (code name) deserves a mention, this herbicide that was equal parts 24d and 245t (Phenoxy type) was used on a large scale during the Vietnam war.

Evidence of various types of cancers, non Hodgkins Lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, birth defects (teratogenic), Short and Long term effects from what I have seen and read seem pretty obvious. I have no doubt in my mind it is just another all to common cover up, proper details of reaserch results conducted into the effects of Phenoxy acid herbicides by our government …………Are these products really safe?
One of the most toxic compounds known to man