Targa Tasmania 2007 - WICEN - 17-22 April: This year I done Targa with my Dad. We had to do 3 Chicanes and 2 Radio Points, On Strahan we actually had to report an incident which got the heart racing, but over all a good week.
ATV Experementers Night - REAST - 11th April:
On this night I was the guest presenter for the night, With Justin VK7TW and his videos the night went on with dicussion on BPL and a wonderful video of the Hamband song. Cheers to All for the great night.
Optical Digital Record - REAST - 9 April 2007:
At 0851Z this record was extended to 51.3km between Tolmans Hill and Taranna on the Tasman Peninsula.
Justin VK7TW, Damien VK7FDNA and later joined by Scott VK7FREK trekked down to Taranna to the Eagle Hawk Lookout just above Eagle Hawk Neck. This spot provided a good high vantage point back to Hobart.
After initial tone alignment, a WSJT – JT65 contact was successfully completed. This provided Rex and Justin with the record and another Grid Square for digital over optical.
Meet The Voice - Sunday 18th Mar 2007: The "Meet The Voice" get together and BBQ was an outstanding success socially and I thank those attending for their friendliness and participation.For some it started earlier than anticipated with 12 plus arriving on the Saturday afternoon including 5 from the Big Island and a very pleasant evening was had to start off proceedings a little early at the Caravan Park. The day started with registration around 10 am followed by a short discussion group on BPL which was well received and thanks to Justin VK7TW for his leadership and then the BBQ lunch.
REAST AGM - Sunday 11th Feb 2007: We eventually got through the reports and held the elections for office bearers. We had the ballot for the two committee member positions and the success nominees were Gavin O’Shea VK7HGO and Ken Sulman VK7DY. The other office holder for 2007 are Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW as President, Clayton Reading VK7ZCR for Vice-President, Danny Moss VK7HDM for Secretary and Scott Thomson VK7FREK for Treasurer.
Bushfire Activation - WICEN - 14th-22nd Dec 2006: The control centre radio room was manned by WICEN from Thursday 14 December  through Friday 22 December; initially from 0700 to 2200, reduced to 0800 to 2000 for the last six days.  Two or three operators covered each shift.    After the first day, the roster was organised to provide at least one operator per crew who had worked a previous shift.  This minimised the briefing required from the Tas Fire Service personnel (and the initial trauma suffered by first timers!)
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