Astro Logic Insights Monthly Vol. 1 No. 3 with Mercury Retrograde insights
Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Astrology for Everyone

God created the stars in His Heavens as a guiding pathway in the lives of those who are seeking.

Volume No.1 Issue No.3 ........ISSN 1534-9578..............July 2001

Marianne E. Payton, Editor

WELCOME to Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Word From The Editor


Welcome to more new subscribers to "ASTRO * LOGIC INSIGHTS MONTHLY" - so happy to have you! We'll just keep on keeping on and hope we can keep your interest. New subscribers are the everyday life blood of any eZine ~ especially one on our favorite topic ;-)

I wish to apologize to those who sent in their questions last time. I have been told that is really not a good idea to add email addresses at the end of your replies because of the email scalpers around and they do seem to get all of the ezines and steal the addresses somehow! That's how we end up being placed on their so called **safe lists**.

Anyway, any further comments and/or questions should REPLY TO:


Again, I am so sorry to have made this mistake. It won't happen again. Please don't be shy about asking questions and/or submitting articles for inclusion so others can also comment. This time no one will be able to collect the addresses.

Now that I have that much out of the way, I would like to know if your questions were answered to your satisfaction ~and/or~ understanding in the last issue. If not, please let me know and I will try to clarify it further.

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    ~ Mercury Retrograde ~

    You might know, we all fall into the typical Mercury Retrograde traps and I was right on with everyone else. The last eZine launched right at the time that Mercury stationed for it's Retrograde period :-(

    Now, really! After the 2000 election when Mercury Rx stationed right on election night and we all know the mess that came from that - in fact in some areas they are **still counting** ! There were many predictions made about this election and most agreed it would be a **stolen election** although I'm not sure it would have made any difference as to which party won - it would have still been classified as a stolen election. And, what degree did Mercury station - on one of the *29th degree of tears* 29º57' Libra! Balance? What a mess.

    For those of you that aren't keeping track of these Retrograde periods, Mercury stationed to begin it's Retrograde motion on June 4th at 29º58' Gemini, which exactly trined its previous station by one minute to begin it's direct motion. By the 28th of June Mercury will station to go direct at 21º20' Gemini at 1:49 A.M. EDT. Please bear in mind we are not all clear until Mercury passes 29º58' Gemini. Therefore, this issue will be launched a few days after Mercury resumes direct motion. :-)

    Now, for the newer students of Astrology, it seems appropriate to discuss what happens during a Mercury Retrograde period. First off, no planet goes **retrograde** - meaning it moves backwards. When the Earth speeds up, about 4 times a year, the planet Mercury *appears* to be going backwards. In reality, Mercury is actually slowing down in its motion. When you look into the sky it appears that Mercury is going backwards in relation to the earth's motion. It is not going backwards, but creates the illusion of Mercury Rx. Depending upon in which sign this occurs, usually determines which type of problems or **disasters hit the fan**. This time it was in the sign of Gemini - communications, siblings, short trips, contracts, etc.

    Needless to say communication covers a wide range of topics from conversation to the signing of contracts, purchasing electronic equipment (definitely!), and never, and I mean never, purchase a car during this period. You are not just asking, you are begging for disaster during this period of time. Now, some people do luck out, especially if there are no conflicting aspects made to their natal charts from this transit of Mercury during these periods. Please be sure and look very carefully because all of us tend to overlook the obvious especially if Mercury is strong in your natal chart.

    I, personally, am very careful (as a rule) to be more cautious when Mercury is beginning to cross over the degrees that it will come back over when it returns to direct motion. For example this Retrograde period started at 29º58 Gemini. Until Mercury crosses back over this degree and into 0º Cancer, be very cautious, think things out carefully before taking a major step or making a major decision. For instance, Mercury rules my tenth house, Virgo, and my eighth house Gemini. So, I must be careful regarding my career, and reputation regarding the tenth house. Of course, my eighth house rules other people's money, taxes, death, inheritance, etc. Put the two houses together and you can see I must be extremely careful with my job. I do the data input for our company's services regarding money due from - **other people**. So can you understand how the two signs, both ruled by Mercury would tend to cause errors or mis-judgements on my part?

    There was a day, which I will never forget, when I advised a friend not to purchase a portable radio that he wanted so badly. I might also state he was a Gemini and we were in the middle of a Mercury Rx. Being stubborn and not believing anything could go wrong, he made the purchase. He came back visiting another day and brought along his new portable radio and he was beaming ~ he did not have any problems with his purchase. And, to top it off, he turned it on to show me it worked.

    Lo and behold when he turned his radio on, a country-western song was playing and the first words I heard were:

    **and there ain't nothing wrong with my radio** !

    Later I ran his chart and sure enough the only planet he had in Gemini was his Sun. Mercury was no where near his Sun and he was one of the fortunate ones to be able to laugh at a Mercury Rx. Of course, one day this may not be the case with him and others who have not had a Mercury Rx experience hit their natal chart. So, I urge you to please keep these times in your mind. Easy enough to just check your Ephemeris to keep track of when Mercury begins it's Retrograde period.

    =====> Your response to this article is welcomed. I am sure everyone would like to see other opinions and/or ask further questions.

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    From our Readers:

    The following comments have come in from our readers:


    I sure am glad I finally found a newsletter that doesn't seem to be over my head language-wise since I am really, really new in astrology.

    I really seem to be having multiple problems and have been for the past few weeks. Everything has gone haywire. I caught my husband cheating on me and it seems it was right under my nose all the time, with one of my friends (?) of many years.

    Am I going crazy? Nothing seems to be going right and everything has been really hitting the fan - like all at once. Just when I think it's all okay, it seems to blow up in my face all over again.

    I am a Gemini born June 4, 1979 at 4 pm Savannah Ga. Can you explain why all of this craziness?

    Thank you for your time.



    Welcome to Mercury Retrograde! Being a native Gemini with your Sun in the 8th, your 9th house cusp being Gemini and having Virgo, also ruled by Mercury, on your 12th house cusp,it's no wonder things have been going crazy for you. Not to mention things have been going on behind your back with Neptune's house also involved.

    I normally don't give personal advice of this nature, but since you opened the door I took a look at your chart. This is strictly a lesson for all, as personal readings are conducted privately.

    Your Progressed Venus is at 18º25' Gemini in opposition to Natal Neptune in your 3rd house of your everyday activities and your mind , your thinking and it would appear to me that you have been quite unaware of what has been going on around you and in your marriage for quite awhile. Thus you sorta set yourself up for quite a few things through your blind faith. Also, the fact that Transit Mars, the ruler of your 7th house was also conjunct your Natal Neptune and being Retrograde, was applying to an opposition to your Progressed Venus. This leads me to believe that you were having problems with your husband and suddenly found out during this Retrograde period. Also, Progressed Neptune is sitting on and applying to your Arabic Part of Divorce. The ruler of your partnership, Mars is also applying to your Part of Divorce.

    I don't know how familiar you are with the Arabic Parts outside of the Part of Fortune which is calculated for all of our charts ~ but this certainly indicates trouble in paradise. I don't feel this is quite the place to go into this further, but if you request more feedback, perhaps some of our readers may have some words of wisdom. If so, please send your comments to:


    ====>Francie - did I answer your questions?

    Your questions/comments will be listed here for everyone to participate with their answers. If you would like to submit your questions and or comments mail to:



    Do you have an article that would be suitable for this ezine? Please send it to me and it will appear here with full credit given to you. If your article may be reprinted by others, please indicate so at the end.


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    God Bless,
    Marianne E. Payton

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