Astro Logic Insights Monthly Vol. 1 No. 4 Learning to use the Arabic Parts, introducing the Part of Coma
Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Astrology for Everyone

God created the stars in His Heavens as a guiding pathway in the lives of those who are seeking.

Volume No.1 Issue No.4 ........ISSN 1534-9578............August 2001

Marianne E. Payton, Editor

WELCOME to Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Word From The Editor


Welcome to more new subscribers to "ASTRO * LOGIC INSIGHTS MONTHLY". I am absolutely thrilled to tell you that we have doubled in size since the beginning. We are growing and at this point we are 101 strong and more to come. I realize that's not a whole lot of subscribers, but I am very thankful to everyone of you. Gee, if my subscribe link had been working from the beginning there would be an even larger group of us. I sure hope those who tried to get on the subscription list and were unsuccessful will try again. Maybe with the new look ;-)

I hope by now you have seen my **new look** at the opening page. It feels very good to have a more professional look for those first impressions.

I have been struggling to put together my first eBook and I seem to be stumbling in the dark ~ brain not working or sumthin!! At any rate, this month I am going to give you a sample of just what can be done using the Arabic Parts with one of the excerpts from my book. Who knows, if there is interest, I will add more if you like it. One of the stories should go into Planets Are People on my site and may eventually end up there as well as here. Please let me know how you feel about the subject matter by replying to the "YES_CONTINUE" or the "NO_DISCONTINUE" links following the article. I will abide by your wishes.

Also, I have a special article in the Guest Articles ~ enjoy.


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    Using the Arabic Parts can be quite an experience in combination with the planetary aspects. Actually seeing the sex of the children indicated by the aspects made to the Part of Male and/or Female Child is thrilling when you have accurate birth information. We have read many articles about what they symbolize. Nowhere have we read any amount of information showing them in action. When I tested them out for the first time 9 years ago, I was astonished! Believe me when I say they work! You must use very tight orbs - no more than 5-8 degrees with an Eclipse or Lunation, one degree in transits and no more than 30 minutes applying to exact in progressions. Sometimes you may have to use your own judgment - if you see it working with a slightly wider orb, use it. This is the way we learn.

    The main thing you must watch are indications in the form of eclipses and lunation's. The Solar Eclipses can begin eighteen months prior to a birth. The Lunar Eclipses, although their influence only lasts for about six months, seem to give indications of the sex of the child ahead of time.

    We are all used to seeing the Part of Fortune in our charts, but have you ever connected any good fortune to this Arabic Part? Did you know that if it is located in the 8th house or the 12th house it is known as the Part of Misfortune?


    Through much trial, I managed to create the Part of Coma. Following one nationally known case ~ Karen Ann Quinlan, I was searching desperately for a clue to when a coma would end. No one had the actual birth time for Karen, so as is my normal practice on *unknown* birth times, I always draw my Solar charts using 6:45 A.M. This seems to work very well when you do not have a birth time. In this case, it worked extremely well. I tested it out on charts with coma involved. For every one tested, it has worked like a charm. Here's the formula:

    Part of Coma = Ascendant + Saturn - Sun


    Many questions have been asked time and time again if the Progressed Arabic Parts work as well as the Natal placements. The answer is yes, ... they do and you will be quite overwhelmed with the answers you get. If you have a computer to do it for you, it is quite simple. Otherwise, you must work them out by hand which can be quite time consuming, but well worth the work involved. There are two things to always keep in mind. The Natal placements of the Arabic Parts are usually very influential. However, we have found that the Progressed Parts tend to be more active. This is because nothing is cast in stone in our Natal charts. There are times we feel like fate takes a hand. But, most of the time, we are in control of our own destiny. Everything changes and so do the Arabic Parts. You will see them work. Watch them.

    The Natal aspects made to them should be considered just like you delineate the planets. There are times when the Natal Arabic Parts do not give you an indication of an impending action or problem. This is where the Progressed Parts will show you what is happening. You must work with all of them to get the answers you are searching for - just like in a jigsaw puzzle - it takes many pieces to complete the picture.

    The Part of Increase is a real interesting one to work with. You will find it working with the birth of twins, as well as actual financial gain. Put it in your chart and watch aspects to it. Perhaps you are waiting for something to produce results. If it is aspected well by benefic planets, or the ruler of your second house, the increase could result as money. You could get a raise at work - you could hit your State Lottery, etc. KKeep it in your charts and watch it work!

    A little background about how and why it was discovered just how well they work. In the Spring of 1989, a few of the girls from our Thursday night group and I went to a convention in Jacksonville, Florida. There we met the very popular, well known Astrologer, Katherine de Jersey. This lady captured our interest from the very beginning. Whenever she spoke, we listened! During her seminar she introduced us to her method of using the Progressed House Cusps.

    She put the Progressed chart in the middle of the wheel and placed the Natal Planets into the Progressed Houses! What a tool for rectification! What a tool for prediction! This is not a new way of using the progressed houses. However, it has not been a practice that was widely used by many students of Astrology.

    A planet found conjunct one of the Progressed House cusps indicates an event took place at that time, usually in regard to the meaning of the sign on the cusp and/or meaning of the house. This works quite well and gives you facts you would otherwise miss.

    We have been working with the Progressed charts using this method for quite some time. To differentiate between the regular progressed charts and the other method described above, we have chosen to refer to the latter method as the INVERTED PROGRESSED CHARTS. This led me to experimenting with the Progressed Arabic Parts. When you figure out your Progressed Parts, you will be working with the Progressed House Cusps. This is dynamite! The insight given to you by this method makes you wonder why you have not used it sooner. We never run charts without Arabic Parts calculated for the progressed year. The calculations are good for about a month, due to the Progressed Moon's movement. If you are looking for more accuracy, then re-calculate about once a month. Now that you have been introduced to using the Arabic Parts the following examples will include the Inverted Progressions.

    Let's look at Karen Ann can see her natal chart at ~


    Everyone read about the coma that lasted almost ten years. Now let us examine the Parts and see how they tell their story.



  • Anareta (taker of life)..03°02"Pisces........ASC + Moon - Ruler/ASC
  • Catastrophe..............26°09" Pisces.......ASC + Uranus - Sun
  • Coma(Progressed).........09°42" Pisces.......ASC + Mars - Neptune
  • Fate(Karma)..............15°12" Cancer.......ASC + Saturn - Sun
  • Peril....................01°10" Aquarius.....ASC + Ruler 8th - Saturn
  • Sickness.................01°10" Aquarius.....ASC + Mars - Saturn
  • Treachery................02°18" Cancer.......ASC + Neptune - Sun

    Upon examination of the above parts when placed in Karen's chart, we see all of the necessary aspects waiting to happen. The Progressed Part of Coma was applying to a conjunction with her Natal Mercury. The Solar Eclipse of December 24, 1973 at 3° Capricorn opposed her Part of Treachery. As we know, the Eclipses may hit certain areas of our chart time and again, until the planets line up just right. Then we experience the explosion. Karen went into a coma on April 15, 1975.

    Karen's Progressed chart:


    On June 20, 1974, another Solar Eclipse at 28° Gemini 30" conjuncted her Part of Treachery, opposing her Solar Equatorial Ascendant. That Eclipse was followed by a Lunar Eclipse at 7° Gemini on November 29, 1974, once again, squaring the Progressed Part of Coma. The Solar Eclipse at 21° Sagittarius on December 13, 1974 tied up all of the loose ends as it conjuncted her Natal Mars. On that fateful night, Karen's Progressed Mars progressed into the exact degree and minute, opposing her Part of Treachery one final time. Mars also progressed onto the Solar Eclipse point that opposed her Part of Treachery back in December 1973.

    Single Chart Progression


    The New Moon at 21° Aries, on April 11, 1975 set off the Cardinal Cross in Karen's solar chart. The Cardinal Cross, as seen in above chart, consists of Venus Neptune opposition and Moon Uranus opposition. The New Moon falling on Venus completed the chart setting for tragedy. The Full Moon at 5° Scorpio squared her Part of Peril and Part of Sickness, Sextiling her Progressed Mars. Note that the Part of Peril and Sickness are both at the same degree.

    In this chart we see Transit Pluto conjunct her Solar Descendent, which usually indicates death. In this case, the fact that Karen did not come out of the coma, did indicate a type of death. Her Progressed Part of Death was at 10°53" Cancer ~ curiously enough trine to her natal Mercury 10°29" Pisces!

    As we know, Karen lived on for almost ten years. The Courts finally agreed to allow Karen to be disconnected from the life support system on May 16, 1976. It was not her time to die according to God's plan. She was removed from the hospital and placed into a nursing home on June 9, 1976. She stayed there until it was her time to go.



    Anareta.........................06°53" Libra.............ASC + Moon - Ruler of ASC
    Death...........................26°05" Aquarius..........ASC + 8th - Moon

    The chart is simple enough. The Anareta was trined by a Solar Eclipse at 9° Gemini on May 30, 1984. The New Moon at 29° Taurus conjuncted her Progressed Venus and trined the Part of Death. The Full Moon fell conjuncting her Solar Ascendant. Karen knew no further trauma - she slept into God's loving arms.


    =====> Thank you, Rich

    I wish to express many thanks to Rich for providing the charts for this article. Be sure to check into his Astrology Chat Discussion group. To Subscribe send e-mail

    =====> Your response to this article is welcomed. I am sure everyone would like to see other opinions and/or ask further questions.

    Send your comments to:


    Visit Rich's website at




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    From our Readers:

    The following comments have come in from our readers:

    ====>From Florence:

    I thought your writings about Mercury Rx was most informative and accurate. I am glad, as of this writing, that Mercury has now gone direct. Thank you for sharing such valued information also as to what signs Mercury rules. I think we can all benefit from knowing that. My first house is Gemini and my 5th House is Virgo ... it explained some things to me.

    Call: (410) 636-1196

    Phone Readings Available by Appointment


    ====>Francie - did I answer your questions?

    ====>Francie: Okay, you got me - i didn't know astrologers could tell that much. i am impressed. I'll keep reading, thank you.



    We received a very special request for help from the Forum:

    Hi again, I am the one living where Saturn is on the IC. I need to ask someone to help me. I have found this area to be most unpleasant but can't seem to make any money to get out. I think this was the biggest mistake of my life moving here. I am terribly depressed thinking I will be stranded here for any length of time and I am not getting any younger. My birth info is 3/27/1956 at 4:03 pm in Philadelphia. I just need someone to tell me the best month to leave here. I am allergic to red necks and racists and I am in the midst of their territory. Please help me leave here I beg of you

    Til then,

    desperate lady, Claudia

    By the way, if you would like to post this in your august issue you have my permission. Thanks for helping me, Claudia

    ====> Claudia:

    I have looked at your chart and the basic problem I see is that you do not understand too much about astrology. You are worried about Saturn being on your IC ~ which has been there since birth although actually right at 5º into your third house.

    Your birthday tells me you are a very special person who came into this life to teach and heal. Instead of blaming Saturn for your type of life you are living you should be using him for strength. You have been placed in this situation to help others through your special gifts. Your life will take a turn for the better soon. I have sent you a separate email for your information.

    Actually, I see that both rulers in your chart are back to normal and your life will take a turn for the better. With your Virgo Ascendant and Gemini Midheaven, Mercury Rx really did a number on you. Mars, the ruler of Aries, just went direct, so that is another vibration to give you more positive energy. Also, your Progressed Sun now in Taurus is applying to your natal Venus which should make life easier soon.

    I am hoping that some of the people on this list will offer their ideas and opinions to help you. For those who wish more information, go to the Forum at Astro * Logic Insights and get more insight into Claudia's situation.

    Claudia, I promise you, God has not forsaken you, as you are his child. In fact, a very special child, born with the Master number 33/6. This in no way suggests you will have everything you want in life, but with your trust and faith placed in His hands, you will benefit greatly by helping others. The more you give out, the more you will receive from Him.

    ====> Claudia - did this help you in any way?


    Your questions/comments will be listed here for everyone to participate with their answers. If you would like to submit your questions and or comments mail to:




    It is difficult to escape media coverage of the "disappearance" of Chandra Ann Levy. Partly because; of a the odd mystery and also because of a strong astrological emphasis on gossip right now being reinforced by Jupiter's departure from the gossip sign of Gemini.

    Anytime a mystery is this confounding there is an understandable tendency at attempts to discern the truth through "other worldly" means, such as psychic ability,astrology and remote viewing.

    InZightsN5 is reluctant to join speculations except to the degree that this unfortunate incident provides an opportunity to explore and evaluate the practical use of intuition for earth plane understanding and problem resolution.

    Let us not forget the large human dimension of this story! When her mother speaks of her missing daughter, she recalls selecting the unusual name Chandra 24 years ago for its Indian mystical meaning of being higher than the stars and the moon. Mother was awaiting daughter's return for University of California Master Degree graduation in Public Health when it became apparent Chandra had disappeared.

    Chandra's father, Dr.Robert Levy, a well known Modesto oncologist, has regularly been traveling with his wife to Washington, D.C., to bring attention to their daughter's case -- still officially NOT classified as a crime.

    The Levy family is Jewish with a broad spiritual foundation. They've explored Eastern and Western spiritual traditions including long trips with Chandra to India, where they gathered material for a book about their experiences. Not surprising that they've been open minded when approached by psychics, astrologers and remote viewers offering to help solve their mystery.

    All of us should follow the lead of the Dalai Lama and include the Levys in our prayers and meditations for a positive conclusion to this bewildering experience.

    A fair question to ask in any such situation is whether metaphysical tools, techniques and psychic ability CAN give us the answer to a mystery such as this.

    My opinion is (in the vast majority of cases): NO.

    Such tools CAN provide important and valuable insight. In rare cases, insights which may even solve a crime, but I don't feel that ANY esoteric technique can reliably provide THE ANSWER to such situations. And I think it is terribly important that those of us in the profession and those who are "open" to metaphysics, be completely candid, realistic and straightforward about the limitations of our "craft".

    Every esoteric technique I'm aware of relies on a HUMAN PRACTITIONER. An interpreter. An artist who is discerning on the canvas of her or his mind the picture that energies paint.

    In every instance of employing esoteric techniques you have the ENERGY IMPRESSION of a single human being -- fraught with all the frailties of the human process.

    "But aren't crimes solved all the time by psychics?"

    Not really. I assure you that for every crime seemingly "solved" by a psychic, there are many dozens where psychics have sent the authorities on absolute wild goose chases.

    Most authorities gently confirm this when they say that "psychic" information generally doesn't prove to be of much "practical" value.

    Does this mean that esoteric techniques like clairvoyance, astrology, remote viewing, etc., have NO realistic benefit?

    Absolutely NOT! Esoteria has not survived millennia as a compelling interest and endeavor of human beings because it is USELESS. Hardly!

    It is of ENORMOUS and PRACTICAL benefit when it is utilized and applied correctly -- with deep understanding of what it CAN and CANNOT do. (That generally requires many years of "hands on" experience, by the way.)

    Unfortunately (or fortunately) crime solving or mystery solving is NOT at the top of the list of what esoteric techniques can accomplish.

    Do all members of the profession agree with me? Decidedly not. For instance, one media prominent remote viewing practitioner, Ed Dames insists that his "brand" of remote viewing is "infallible", saying "We don't have any monopoly on the truth... we only have a monopoly on accuracy." How's that for bravado?

    His team's predictions included a global economic collapse in 1998 and a "very lethal" catastrophic solar "kill shot" endangering all human life due to heavy solar radiation around spring time 1999.

    Frankly I don't doubt that there were energies afoot (discerned by remote viewers) indicating both of those POSSIBILITIES. That's the problem with any suggestion of predictable FACT. One look at an old National Enquirer or thousands of "earth change" predictions by folks whotraffic in that proves the utter folly of "monopolies on accuracy."

    My own Y2K predictions from meditations December 1,1999, illustrate this frailty too. While since that time, actual, sometimes isolated, events have matched most of what I foresaw, the "packaging" of those events did not coalesce in the manner I envisioned when I "painted on that canvas" that December morning.

    Esoteric approaches DO provide hints, guidance, warnings, alerts, background, insights, possibilities, options, tendencies, isolated details, motivations, obstacles, ambitions, risks, forces and much more.

    But no, in my opinion, any specific detailed, thoroughly accurate accounting of an event has to come from empirical, factual analysis of earth plane realities -- loathe as I am to admit it.

    At least that is the case in the year 2001. (But I'll predict it will not ALWAYS be so. What interesting times those will be!)

    About the Author:

    Timothy Dexter Latus, DPMP, is President of Academy of Psychic Arts & Sciences. With 30+ years as a professional psychic consultant, he shares observations about your world from the New Age spiritual philosophy.

    Get your FREE personal subscription to: ~InZightsN5~ Psychic & Astrological Alerts You Need To Know, A 5 Minute Viewsletter(r) covering Life and Events from a Metaphysical Perspective - Transmitted to you WHEN circumstances warrant.

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