Astro Logic Insights Monthly Vol. 1 No. 9 A LITTLE BOY...A BIG CAR using Arabic Parts
Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Astrology for Everyone

God created the stars in His Heavens as a guiding pathway in the lives of those who are seeking.

Volume No.1 Issue No.5 ........ISSN 1534-9578.........September 2001

Marianne E. Payton, Editor

WELCOME to Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Word From The Editor


Welcome to more new subscribers who have almost tripled the original amount of subscribers to Astro * Logic Insights Monthly. Things seem to be moving right along and I am really thrilled with all of the activity, questions, etc., about the Arabic Parts.

Really only had one "No" vote about continuing with the subject, so there will be more info coming through. It's good to see the interest and the votes to continue roll in. :o)

By now many of you have seen the **new look** at the opening page of my site. I have added a more complete listing of the topics within the site. Also, the Archives links are working (shame on me for assuming they worked!) I do get so wrapped up in adding new features, sometimes I slip and I forget to check their workability. It feels very good to have a more professional look for those first impressions.

Also, I am now offering free chart wheels for your natal chart, or for whatever you need ~ single chart, bi-wheel with progressions, or any other. Ship me an email, I'll be glad to put it together and ship it back to you via email as soon as possible. Someone did not understand my offer and requested a free report, or then, maybe they were just fooling around because there was no email address included with their request ;o)

My first eBook has been completed and available for download. It follows a murder and shows how the Arabic Parts can really tell the story and just how many you use. This, by the way, is a true story with further details at the end of the eBook where you can actually find out more information from the author. This was my first attempt and used Word 97 to create the HTML. This was a mistake will not happen again, so take heed and don't try to do it the easy way. The HTML will be created so there will be no *extra spacing* between the lines in some of the paragraphs.

There is a special article in the Guest Articles ~ enjoy. It was written with a different slant covering some Numerology and Astrology. When I find a new way of looking at Astrology, I always read it to glean more information.

I hope by now you have seen my **new look** at the opening page. It feels very good to have a more professional look for those first impressions.

There is a special article in the Guest Articles ~ enjoy. It was written with a different slant covering some Numerology and Astrology. When I find a new way of looking at Astrology, I always read it to glean more information.


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    More On How To Use The Arabic Parts
    © Marianne E. Payton


    Little Joey was a little over 3 years old and was as inquisitive as any little boy his age could be. Joey was about to get into big trouble. No one was watching as he slipped out the door at 8:30 on that hot July morning..



    JOEY (Progression in center)

  • Bad Luck.........19AR39........ASC + Fortuna - Spirit
  • Coma..............29LE42........ASC + Mars - Neptune
  • Karma(Fate)....14SA22........ASC + Saturn - Sun
  • Luck................24LE41........ASC + Moon - Jupiter
  • Sickness..........08SC05........ASC + Mars - Saturn

    ... and ran right into an oncoming car. When he arrived at the hospital, the doctors reported to his parents that he had slipped into a coma.

    We know that children under the age of 7, are under the rulership of the Moon. Looking at Joey's chart (Figure 1), we find the Transit Moon at 29ºTaurus, a degree of tears, opposing his Progressed Uranus, squaring his Natal Mars and Part of Coma.

    Other contributing factors were Transiting Retrograde Uranus at 15ºSagittarius conjuncting Joey's Part of Karma (Fate); Progressed Mercury conjunct Natal Jupiter and the Transit Sun in an applying square to the Progressed conjunction.

    Finally, his Progressed MC was directly opposing his Part of Bad Luck. Joey remained in a Coma for forty eight days.



    On August 31st, the Transit Moon was at 24ºPisces applying to square his Ascendant (Figure 2) and made an Inconjunct to his Part of Luck. In this instance, the Inconjunct, which is a stress aspect, a health aspect, and, an aspect of adjustment brought him out of the Coma. His Progressed Moon had reached a trine to Venus, the Ruler of his MC. With Venus and Jupiter in mutual reception, I suspect their interaction at that time helped to lift Joey from the coma. At the same time, transit Mars conjuncted the Part of Luck and trined his Ascendant. The Transit Ascendant conjuncted his Uranus - a sudden awakening. Although Joey has never been able to function properly since he woke up, he is alive and still daddy's little boy. The damage was done, and Joey is now a very slow learner and may never be normal like other children his age.

    An interesting parallel - when Joey's father was about the same age, he was also hit by a car. He too, slipped out of the house early in the morning, was hit by a car and slipped into a coma. However, his coma was very short lived in comparison to his son. I remember when it happened, but none of the pertinent details.



    Could This Have Been Prevented?

    Let's look at his father's Natal chart (Figure 3) to see if we could see it coming. Could it have been prevented if the father had consulted an Astrologer?

    Obviously, everyone does not consult Astrologers because many of them do not believe we can see such events. I know this was the fact in this instance because this is my nephew!

    I was "frantically called" after the fact. The first thing I looked for in Joe's chart were the Eclipse patterns, taking special notice of the last two Lunar Eclipses before the accident. They were falling across the fifth and eleventh houses of children. Joe's Natal Venus at 16ºAquarius, in the eighth House, squared by the Lunar Eclipse at 17ºTaurus on November 8, 1984.

    The May 4, 1985 Lunar Eclipse point of 14ºScorpio, was squared by transit Jupiter on the day of the accident. Jupiter is the chart ruler of little Joey, as well as the Ruler of Joe's Progressed fifth House of children. Progressed Mars, Ruler of Joe's Midheaven, was exactly squaring the Natal Midheaven, changing Joe's destiny.


    Joe - Natal

  • Catastrophe...........28CP14.......ASC + Uranus - Sun
  • Male Children.........15LE56.......ASC + Jupiter - Moon


    Looking at the New Moon prior to the accident, we find it fell at 27ºGemini, on June 18th, 1985. The New Moon directly opposed from Joe's twelfth house of hospitals and confinement, Natal Mercury at 27º Sagittarius. The Full Moon occurred at 11ºCapricorn on July 2, 1985. This degree was conjuncted by the Transiting Vertex at 10ºCapricorn on the day of the accident.

    So, there was a promise - the New Moon warned of something happening (a twelfth house matter) to his child. Since the New Moon opposed his Natal Mercury, it was not going to be anything he wanted to happen to Joey.



    Joe - (Inverted)

  • Catastrophe........28CP14....ASC + Uranus - Sun
  • Male Children......07VI08.....ASC + Jupiter - Moon
  • Peril...................15GE30....ASC + 8th - Saturn

    Looking at Joe's Inverted Progressed chart (Figure 4) we can see the picture with a bit more detail. See the Natal Moon conjunct the Progressed third House Cusp indicating something to take place in the neighborhood. Something big about to happen, right at home - see Natal Jupiter conjunct the Progressed fourth by the Transiting MC at 11ºTaurus.

    A Transiting Yod was set up that day. The Transiting MC at 15ºTaurus sextiled his Natal Ascendant at 14ºCancer 59. Transit Uranus completed the Yod at 15ºSagittarius. When we have a Yod ~ the reaction point is directly opposite of the Inconjunct planet. In this case it was Joe's Part of Peril.


    Joe was having a Solar Opposition to his Natal Sun the day before, but it was still within orb at the time of the accident.Progressed Saturn was in his Progressed fifth House, squaring his Natal Part of Fortune in the Progressed eighth House.

    Little Joey was indeed like a fortune to Joe - it was his first-born child.

    This article may be reprinted in it's entirety with all credits included.

    Marianne E. Payton

    All Rights Reserved © September 2001

    =====> Your response to this article is welcomed. I am sure everyone would like to see other opinions and/or ask further questions.

    Send your comments to:


    *-----------------RED HOT TIP------------------*

    As promised, you can download your FREE copy of my first eBook here: Unfortunately the murder zip book has been destroyed. If you have a copy please send it to us!  Marsha  ( or Virginia (

    I hope you enjoy it and let me know your comments.

    *-----------------END RED HOT TIP------------------*

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    From our Readers:

    The following comments and questions have come in from our readers:

    ====>From Helen:


    Hi Marianne,

    I voted yes, because I want to learn more. I have four children ~ girl 20/09/83, boy 14/12/90, girl 3/11/92, boy 31/05/98 and I have been trying desparately to conceive another child or twins [twins are in the family and my age and previous births put me in a high percentage] I miscarried recently at a very early stage, possibly did not implant, HCG levels dropped at 4 weeks and new cycle began.

    My question is....can you use my situation as an example to explain how the arabic parts work???

    I don't even understand what the formulas mean or how to go about calculating anything as I feel this was not explained for a beginner to arabic parts. What is Saturn + ASC - Sun.....???

    I have no idea what that looks like or how to apply it to my chart or how to do the calculations. Sorry, but I need a much more finer detailed explanation. Must be my Virgo Asc......LOL

    A friend of mine suggested while using arabic parts that she predicted that I would have possibly 4 or 5 more children and even suggested sexes, I will have to find this data and will send it on to you.

    I would love to know if I have finished birthing babies or not, as I have become quite fixed on trying to achieve pregnancy and would feel better if I knew that it probably would not happen, then I could slowly let go.

    I really want to work with this and apply it to my chart and others, however finding a good example will be needed for me to grasp it, if you could use me as an example, no holds bard, I am very open to any astrological insights and have been studying all my life with astrology.

    My birth data is: 14th December, 1965 at 12.39am Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.

    My friend also said miscarriages, terminations of any sort or even still born are not counted.

    I have had 4 live births and 3 other pregnancies so I guess I am gearing up for the 5th baby on the 8th pregnancy. Can you help with my situation...??? I am a very open person and do not mind sharing all my details with the rest of the world....LOL

    Please feel free to make any comment at all, whether intuitive or mathematical or whatever. Hope you can help, and thanking you in advance!

    Good on you for getting these newsletters together, the web pages and starting this list.

    Love Light and Laughter





    The basic reason I am publishing this information is for Astrologers, both young and old, to learn how to use these ancient methods. I believe if you take your time and trust in your own efforts, you will be able to do this for yourself.

    I wish I had the energy and time to research this for you, but I really don't. The articles given here are from true events that happened 15 years ago or more and I was much younger and had more ambition then . All of the information and stories have been taken from my book I wrote 15-16 years ago but never had it published. So, in this manner, it can be shared with all through this ezine and future eBooks I have planned.

    The amount of information you provided takes many charts, progressions, and transits to build your story. Again, I will be there to answer your questions and give you guidance ~ just ask me.

    For the information of all, you can go to my site and check out all of the Arabic Parts and learn how to calculate them. I will be happy to answer questions and guide you in any way I possibly can to help you achieve/master the art of using the Arabic Parts.


    Your questions/comments will be listed here for everyone to participate with their answers. If you would like to submit your questions and or comments mail to:



    Article by G Kumar

    Astro-Numerology - Lesson 8

    In higher states of Consciousness, many scientific and philosophic truths were cognised by the sages of India. They wrote it down and these came to be known as the Vedas. Sciences like Astronomy, Mathematics, Astrology, Numerology, Gemology -- have their origin in this Encyclopaedia of the Philosophic Sciences, the Vedas. By Vedas no books are meant. They are the celestial truths cognised by Seers and which can be cognised by anyone who cultivate the same spiritual discipline.

    Effects of Fadic Number Eight

    If the Eigthian is YOU!

    ( Fadic Number is the number got after adding all the digits comprising your date of birth ).

    Your Numerological Number is 8 and your Life Controller is Saturn. People misunderstand them and because of that they suffer mentally and become loners. They are people with great individuality and depth in learning. If religious they will take to Religion in a great manner. In order to win arguments they destroy the opposition verbally and create a lot of secret enemies.

    They have great sympathy for the oppressed and show a lot of laziness and lack of enthusiasm. They are extremists; that is they are either very successful or great failures. There is no middle course for them. These people always aspire for greatness, strive for leadership and sacrifice their personal comforts to maintain the high posts earned by them as a result of their laborious endeavours. Anyway 8 is not a lucky number; they will have to bear great ills, losses and humiliations. The ancient Greeks called this number the Number of Justice.

    Their best days are 8 17 & 26. If 4 13 22 31 coincide with Saturday Sunday & Monday these days become very auspicious. Their best jewel is Blue Sapphire. It is very good for them if they wear this stone.

    The number 8 is made up of two circles and is the sum of 2 4's. This was considered to be the great decision of Universal Law which rules races and individuals. Saturn is also known as the Planet of Destiny. It has relevence to both material and spiritual aspects of Life. Revolution, Anarchy earthquakes and all sorts of evil and uncommon events are represented by this number. On the other hand Philosophy, Religious Fervour, One-pointedness of Mind, determination - all these are also represented by this nnumber.They feel that they are different from the rest and therefore unique. They lack happiness. People always misunderstand them. They also fail to reap the good actions they have done in this life. But even then they are admired after a long time.

    George Bernard Shaw, King Alphonsa of Spain & Queen Mary were born like you under this number and it will not be suprising if anyone identifies similar characteristics in you.

    More quality information about Astro-Numerology and a free Astro-Numerological Report can be had from

    Personality Overview


    Controller of Life - SATURN

    You are ruled by the ringed planet Saturn. He is the planet of Justice, Destiny and Retribution. He represents destruction and regeneration. Great patience and perseverance are imparted by him. This melancholy planet is responsible for the verdict imposed by Destiny.

    As you are saturnine (melancholic) by temparament you will be attracted to Literature and Philosophy. Great poets and literatuers always had a saturnine background (Dante and Shaw.) Concentration and contemplation are represented by Saturn. Contemplative Life will absorb you in its entirety.

    You are cool and analytical when it comes to rational thinking. You are also a master where shrewdness and business insight is called for.

    Your philosophical outlook on life will save you from many worries and anxieties.

    Your main drawback is that you become too fatalistic ignoring the power of free-will.

    You are always misunderstood by others. You endorse the principle " to be great is to be misunderstood ".

    You always carry your cross consecrating yourself to the Divine even when the verdict of men and Fate go against you. Your life is always marked by strife and struggle.

    Even if you become successful you have to pay a heavy price for it. You have to live laborious days to attain fame and name.

    In Vedic Astrology Saturn is the significator of Sorrow of the Cosmic Man, the sorrow inherent in the act of Manifestation. He is also the Mokshkaraka or significator of Liberation. Along with Jupiter and Ketu, Saturn play a prominent part in the native attaining to Self-Actualisation.

    A powerfully posited Saturn is preferable from the perspective of Nirvana. Saturn rules over three constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac, Delta Cancri ( Pushya), Delta Scorpii ( Anuradha ), Gamma Pegasi & Alpha Andromeda ( Utharabhadra ).

    More quality information about Vedic Astrology & a FREE Astrological Analysis can be had from

    An Analytical Review


    The zodiac sign representing this number is Capricorn. ( Do not confuse this with the birthing in Astrology ) Capricornians are generally philosophers. They love the secrets of Nature and are ready to sacrifice their life for their chosen ideology.

    Capricornians are fatalists. They believe that everything is divinely ordained and all events have a purpose behind it. Amor fati ( Love of Fate ) is the core of their nature.

    People under the influence of this constellation are great democrats and believe in the dignity of labour.

    In a life marked by struggle and suffering the fortitude of the Capricornian is indeed surprising. Temperance is another virtue imparted by this constellation.

    Negative Aspect


    Saturn is the planet of suffering and he can make you carry the cross for a longish time. He will test your patience. He can create obstacles and hindrances and barriers to success make you worried.



  • Neelanjana Samanabham
  • Raviputram Yamagrajam
  • Chaya Marthanda Sambhootham
  • Tham Namami Sanaishwaram

    This mantra if recited 108 times daily can ward off the afflictions arising from Saturn. This is the moola sloka of Saturn.

    In Astro-Gemmology, Saturn represents Blue Sapphire ( Saner Neelam). Wearing this stone on a Shukla Paksha Saturday ( fifteen days after the New Moon ) will enhance the luck of the Eightians.

  • Lucky Colour Dark Blue
  • Lucky Stone Blue Sapphire
  • Lucky Days of the Week Saturday
  • Lucky Day 17 8 26
  • Lucky Month June

    If you wear these stones and colours as per the dictums of Astro-Numerology you stand to benefit a great deal as the malefic rays of planets are neutrallised by gems.

    More information about Planetary Gemmology & a FREE Gem Prescription Report can be had from

    In Transcendental Philosophy the Number Eight is considered very sacred. In Indian Mythology, there are Ashta Aishwaryas (eighfold prosperity). Wisdom is prosperity, wealth is prosperity, courage is prosperity, children represent prosperity etc.

    Ashta Vasus represent the eight fold prosperity. This is also the symbolism behind Ashta Lakshmi.( the eight aspects of the Goddess of Prosperity).

    Yoga is eight fold - Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana & Samadhi. Yama and Niyama deal with rules and regulations , Asana deals with physical fitness, Pranayama is breath control, Pratyahara is withdrawal into the Self from the sensory world, Dharana is Concentration, Dhyana is Meditation and Samadhi is Cosmic Consciousness.

    More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be had from

    Astronumerology as related to Religion & Philosophy

    Saturnine Influence on Jesus

    Jesus was born with Virgo rising, Jupiter, Moon and Saturn in Pisces, indicating the Messiah willing to bear the Cross of Golgotha. His number was 888 which when added gives us 24 and 2+4 = 6, the number of Venus, the planet of Love. The prophet of Love was indeed the embodiment of the goddess of Love, Venus. Saturn, the significator of sorrow and liberation, along with Jupiter aroused in Him the desire to redeem the world through Universal Love. His suffering life & martyrdom all smacks of Saturnine influence. Other divine personalities - Tagore, Aurobindo & Vivekananda also had a profound Saturnine influence in their natal charts.

    In the next article we will deal with the Nineians - those who are ruled by the planet of materiality or Man, Mars.

    ( This article can be reprinted in other ezines for FREE ).

    Article by G Kumar, Astrologer and CEO -

    Kumar started his own website in March 1999. Through his website he offers Astrology Consultancy, Software and printouts. He is contactable at or

    The address of his physical shop is Zodiac Computers, 3/528 Tkss Bldgs, East Nada, Guruvayur , Kerala, India 680101.Office Phone +91 0487-552851.

    Home Phone +91 0487-422060

    Do you have an article that would be suitable for this ezine? Please send it to me and it will appear here with full credit given to you. If your article may be reprinted by others, please indicate so at the end.


  • FIRST ISSUE: First Issue-Progressions


    Until next month, be safe ~ and blessed
    Marianne E. Payton


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