Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Astrology for Everyone

God created the stars in His Heavens as a guiding pathway in the lives of those who are seeking.

Volume No.2 Issue No.9 ........ISSN 1534-9578.........September 2002

Marianne E. Payton, Editor

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WELCOME to Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Word From The Editor

Please pray for one of our friends, Brenda Shawe, who has been diagnosed with cancer throughout her body. She is going to fight this as the doctors won't. Just like "not knowing of alternative methods" they are blind to anything that doesn't "pay $$$". Well, we know the power of Prayer and the power of our Lord, so pray, pray, pray and then, pray some more. She is too sweet of a lady to have this upon her shoulders and WE CAN HELP!!

Also, I just heard that another one of our subscribers, Gobi, has her husband in the hospital, as I write this, Her husband, Wally, is facing another bi-pass surgery. So more prayers are needed. We must stand beside our subscribers and their families. We need all of you guys to be with us for a long, long time.

Please help us build this ezine. I do not buy subscriptions and the only way to get new subscribers is through my website or word of mouth. I would like to welcome our new subscribers this month. I would appreciate you forwarding a copy of this ezine to a few of your friends who are astrology minded. Thanks!

We have an extra special issue this month, dedicated to the planet we all know and respect, Saturn. The one planet that brings stability into our lives, whether we want it or not :o} ~ but, with Saturn in Gemini until 8 P.M. EST June 5, 2003, we do have to live with those Saturn vibrations. He makes his "final" exit from Gemini and enters Cancer for the next 2½ years. Look out 8th House, here he comes.

But wait, Yikes! He's been there since he hit 25°59'~ Geez, is that what is giving me all those weird dreams? I generally don't dream, but mine certainly do fit the 8th house. He will also spend the next 2½ years there as the whole sign of Cancer is in my 8th. :o{ ~ now, now, Marianne, life will be stable one way or the other!

God Bless All of You,


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    SATURN--the Medical Astrology of the Planet

    by Eileen Nauman, DHM(UK),EMT

    Copyright Eileen Nauman, 1997
    All Rights Reserved

    To Contact the author:
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    This information comes from my book, MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. It can be purchased online at:

    Vitamins ruled by Saturn: C, K, PABA and bioflavonoids (vitamin P).
    Minerals ruled by Saturn: Calcium, fluorine, sulfur and vanadium.

    Saturn should be scrutinized closely in any natal chart. Most ailments that manifest are usually associated with this planet. For example, whatever sign Saturn is found in at birth might determine what organ, tissue or area of the body is potentially hypo functioning - that is, sluggish and not working up to normal expectation. If Saturn is found retrograde, the chances of that part of the body malfunctioning are increased.

    The transits of Saturn can also indicate medical problems. The planet takes 28 years to make one complete orbit about the Sun. We "feel" its presence about every seven years, when Saturn's main job seems to be to crystallize any problems or insights, particularly at the ages of 7, 14, 21, 28, 42 and 49. Medical problems, diseases and ailments of chronic duration, which are long in building and manifesting themselves and then require a long healing or convalescent period, also tend to crop up during these critical years of the Saturn cycle.

    An interesting backdrop to this is age 50, when Chiron returns to its original position in our chart. The age 49-50 can indicate the emergence of a serious health problem. If it starts at 49, it is usually "Saturnine" in that its chronic and potentially long-lasting or something that has a long healing curve on it (it's not acute and it won't disappear over night). If it takes place at age 50, it may be acute (such as a car accident, being struck by lightning, etc.,) or chronic. Chiron has a broader range of choices than does Saturn.

    Age 40 is when women enter, usually, pre-menopause, and over time, usually around age 45-47, their menses cycle begins to shorten by a day or two, or a period may be skipped, occasionally, altogether. By age 49, menopause has set in and other symptoms, such as hot flashes, insomnia, headaches or emotional ups and downs, may be occurring. Saturn has defined the limits and boundaries of estrogen production in our body and it is now on a decline. Estrogen production is never stopped, however--only slowed down--which is typical of Saturn. As our ovaries work less hard to produce estrogen in significant amounts, our adrenal glands begin to produce some, also.

    One of the events partially attributable to the transits of Saturn is the mid-life crisis, usually happening between the 42nd and 49th years. During this time, at about 45, the aging process, another Saturn ruled phenomenon, takes place: specifically, the breakdown and eventual destruction of collagen occurs. If medical ailments show up at about the same time, a person can undergo a period of great trial: the mental attitudes may be so poor that the ability to get well is impaired, and the disease may linger chronically.

    Proper maintenance with vitamin C can help turn the tide of this crisis. Vitamin C does not guarantee a sickness-free life, but medical research has shown that this vitamin is as necessary as life itself. In particular, vitamin C helps form collagen to keep the cells of proper size and shape so that they may go about their business of maintaining bodily health. Thus with proper amounts of vitamin C careful diets and non abuse of our bodies Saturn rewards us with long and healthy lives.

    Since Saturn is the ruler of vitamin C, it also has an effect on the body's amount of bioflavonoids, whose main function is to aid vitamin C in its work of keeping the collagen healthy and the capillaries elastic and permeable. It is also my belief that vitamin K works in a synergistic relationship with vitamin C. Saturn retards or inhibits, and, like its ruling planet, vitamin K acts as a coagulant, triggering the intricate process of forming a protein web with which to catch the fleeing red blood corpuscles from an open wound or an internal one: the vitamin retards the escaping flow that, if allowed to continue, would eventually cause death. And it's interesting to note that lack of vitamin C can also cause hemorrhaging because the collagen is broken down so that the cells cannot keep their shapes.

    Saturn is synonymous with the frame or foundation of anything, including our skeleton, a "frame" on which our body hangs and is dependent upon. It is involved with barriers, banks, enclosures, binds, bonds, gels or adhesives. In medical terms it rules the skin and bones that serve as our frames, the bones that hold the muscles in place and the skin that acts as walls or containers.

    Because Saturn has dominion over the bone structures of our bodies, including teeth and the 3 small bones within our ears, it rules the minerals calcium, fluorine and sulfur. As is well known, the bones and teeth need adequate amounts of calcium to keep our frames strong enough to carry us around. Proper amounts of fluorine are also necessary to combat tooth decay and bone damage: Saturn's ability to guard, inhibit and block out is a positive attribute in maintaining enough protective fluorine. And sulfur's influence over the skeleton, the skin, bones and cartilage of the body in general is substantial.

    Furthermore, lack of sulfur may create arthritis, another Saturn-ruled phenomenon, or it may damage the hair and fingernails, also under Saturn's sway. Finally, sulfur plays a part in the protein processes of the body, and proteins are under Saturn's domain as well.

    The position of natal, progressed or transiting Saturn also has an effect on the quality of one's skin. Just as Saturn acts as a barrier, the skin, if properly healthy, serves as a barrier against the ultraviolet rays of the Sun, allowing us to tan instead of burning severely. If Saturn is well-aspected, particularly by Venus, which rules vitamin E and is concerned with the youthful beauty and elasticity of the skin, ample amounts of PABA should be available in the body. But when Saturn is negatively aspected, there can be a PABA depletion that allows the skin tissue to become vulnerable to the Sun's rays, and changes in pigmentation and other skin-related ailments begin to surface. Moreover, without enough PABA the skin dries up, becomes scaly, itchy, ulcerous and infected.


  • 1. Skin diseases such as psoriasis. Dermatitis. Dry skin. Cracked or bleeding skin. Skin that suppurates easily. Easy bruising occurring beneath the skin (hemorrhage of the capillaries).
  • 2. Teeth problems. Dentures. Cavities. Partial plates. Bridges.
  • 3. Ear infections. Deafness. Hearing problems. Punctured ear drum.
  • 4. Bone ailments. Arthritis. Osteoarthritis. (Rheumatoid arthritis must have hard aspects with Mars and Neptune--this is not, essentially, a Saturn disease). Low cell production in bone marrow. Caries (holes) in bones. Bone deterioration, especially at the joints.
  • 5. People with a strongly hard-aspected Saturn in their chart are said to be "centripetal" in that they do not throw out, throw off or get rid of anything easily. Instead, like fixed signs, they embrace, swallow it and bury it in the depths of their unconscious for decades. Unfortunately, the "garbage" they've buried--usually hurtful emotional wounding--eventually comes up and if not dealt with in a positive manner, becomes the foundation for a long-term, chronic condition or dis-ease.
  • 6. One of the greatest dynamic at work with a hard-aspected Saturn is that the person does not allow emotional releases to occur:
  • (a) They 'control' their reaction and depending upon where their natal Saturn is found in which of the 12 zodiac signs, a particular system, organ or endocrine gland will be implicated in this repression or suppression phase.
  • (b) They 'swallow' it (hence, a lot of teeth and jaw related problems. Or the chronic headaches begin (think of Saturn in Aries or Libra).
  • (c) This swallowing can affect the throat region with a lot of continuous, chronic colds that settle in this region, making the person hoarse or losing their voice (think of Saturn Taurus or Scorpio).
  • (d) Holding the unspoken emotions in the lungs creates a perfect place for a cold to settle every time, or worse, if a scream is never given voice, bronchitis or worse yet, asthma (think of Saturn in Gemini or Sagittarius).
  • (e) Emotions that are controlled in the stomach region gradually erode the tissue lining or cause digestive upset (heartburn) or lower the hydrochloric acid levels or increase them, in the stomach region (think of Saturn in Cancer or Capricorn).
  • (f) Heart disease is about heart pain that goes unexpressed, or poor circulation or limited circulation through the arteries that keep the heart healthy become blocked (think of Saturn in Leo or Aquarius).
  • (g) The control can reduce the amount of insulin released by the pancreas or make the liver sluggish or cause problems with enzyme production from the liver. In turn, this affects our immune system directly (think of Saturn in Virgo or Pisces).
  • (h) Flare-ups of kidney dysfunction, which usually shows up as stones in males and infection and inflammation in females, can occur (think of Saturn in Libra or Aries).
  • (i) The controlling of the emotions takes on a whole new meaning when constipation occurs. If the world around this person is spinning out of control, they will, unconsciously, make sure they're feeling in control of something--even if its a bodily function such as their bowel movement. Women also end up with chronic cystitis, urethra closure and bladder infections. Males have bouts with prostatitis or prostrate inflammation (think of Saturn in Scorpio or Taurus).
  • (j) Sciatica, caused by inflammation of a major nerve that comes off our lower spine, runs down through the outside of our hip and buttocks all the way to our heel, may begin to mirror that control reaction (think of Saturn in Sagittarius or Gemini).
  • (k) Knee joint problems, erosion of the patella (knee cap), ligament and tendon-related problems will crop up, or blows to the knee joint (think of Saturn in Capricorn or Cancer).
  • (l) Calves and ankles come under scrutiny and it may involve varicose veins, nasty cramps or injury to the ankle region itself (think of Saturn in Aquarius or Leo).
  • (m) Feet that have bunions, bone deformity, cramps, aches and pain, or poor circulation to them, which make them cool or icy, may occur. Worse, emotions or stress that is held deep within, may lower the immune system's ability to stave off bacterial and viral assault, and the person becomes wide open to germs in their environment (think of Saturn in Pisces or Virgo).


  • 1. Get your emotions up and out. Give them "voice". Are you able to say you're upset? Angry? Offended? Insulted? Envious? Jealous? Competitive? Frustrated? Saddened? Grieving? Happy? Elated? If you can't; then dis-ease can take hold. Good health hinges on us being in touch with our emotions and our emotional body. Too many Saturnine people "stuff" what they don't want to feel or deal with. Often, they allow their sense of responsibility, or their guilt or their birthright (I'm the oldest therefore I must shoulder this responsibility toward my parents or siblings, etc.), set them up for emotional shut-down in favor of doing their "duty" for others.
  • 2. Exercise! Fresh air. Digging in the earth. Having some kind of gardening hobby. A Saturn body is a "set" body; more prone to stiffening up (that boundary concept) and becoming rigid too easily. Choose ways to exercise that emphasize flexibility. Yoga is an ideal way for you to stretch and bend. Choose low-impact forms of exercise because your joints aren't the best in the world and you don't need to 'hammer' them with jogging on pavement or other activities that needlessly exacerbate them. Ballet and dance are wonderful activities--it allows you to include gracefulness into your life. Saturn people move with rigid, military precision as they walk. They need to learn to "flow" more. The more they learn to 'flow', the less likely they are to maintain that inflexible rigidity that's too easily come by for them.
  • 3. Massage. Few need the touch of hands upon them more than a Saturn person (except for a Moon person). Touch can't be over-emphasized here with a Saturn, yet, they will pretend that it's not important, that they're above it or they don't need it. They may flinch, draw away or feel their personal space is invaded if you reach out to put a hand on their stiff, tense shoulder. Massage is important for the emotional reason--it puts Saturn back in touch with his/her emotions. Saturn with hard aspects does not get the mothering and nurturing they needed in early life; and massage can partly ameliorate this in their adulthood. Secondly, it moves the lymph. Saturn people should see massage like a tune-up one gives a car. This is their way of tuning-up their body.
  • 4. Drinking water. Saturn is so dry. It is "thirstless" from a homeopathic standpoint. They never drink enough fluids. I'm talking about a healthy source of water (so many big city fluoridated water tastes horrible now, I don't recommend it at all). Bottled water will do nicely. (And no, I'm not recommending sugary fruit juices or soda pop). Many times, just drinking more water lubricates the skin so that it fills out more and has better elasticity to it (whereas before on a Saturn person, their skin is 'tight' against their muscles and stretched to the max, and there is not excess water beneath it to 'pad' it properly--no wonder it's dry, cracked and itchy! It's thirsty!)
  • 5. Laughter. Saturn always has a dry, sometimes cutting, acerbic wit. But to really laugh? Their face may fall off if they really smile and have a good belly laugh--or so they think it will (it won't, but that's how they feel inside about it). Of course, the decorum of a Saturn person is that of conservative nature, reservedness and Heaven forbid if they suddenly begin to laugh fully from the tips of their toes to the tops of their head. Well, that's outrageous behavior where Saturn comes from! Part of 'letting go' of the emotions, once again, only this time, it's about being able to laugh not only at a situation, but at themselves because they are human beings with foibles too (they don't like to admit this, however).
  • 6. Crying. Saturn hates to show they are suffering to anyone. Tears don't come easy to them. They MIGHT cry once a year, if fortunate, and then, it's alone, where no one can see them do it. They keep the typical British "stiff upper lip" kind of thing. Unfortunately. The loads that Saturn carry at about the size of Atlas holding the world up on his shoulders. Saturn has a broad set of shoulders, too--too broad, in fact--which is what get her or him into a lot of trouble because they take on responsibility too easily and don't know when to let their duty be released at some point in time. Consequently, Saturn "dries up" her tears and swallows them deep within herself--never to see the light of day again. These tears are salt. Salt is a mineral ruled by Saturn. In fluid form, tears are not only a release, but it effectively "flushes" one's system out and cleans it out. Tears, if jammed or stuffed away, turn into salt crystals. And isn't it interesting that crystals harden and begin to cut whatever they are trapped within? Crystallization of tears in a Saturn person usually affects their bones. Better to learn how to cry and use tears as a healthy "flushing agent" rather than to fight to hold them back and inside yourself.

    © Eileen Nauman, 1997
    All Rights Reserved

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    ©2002 Robin Blalock

    The absence of restraint, one of the generous sides of Saturn, is acting without impulse and sowing freedom within limits. The positive aura that Saturn exhibits is seen in ambition; the act of motivation. Ambition, when applied with common sense, is capable of creating a conditioned and structured energy. This energy, found in the source of our being, can be the trigger for the essential, independent self. Independence is the result of self-control; while maintaining a compromise of order, which is restored from revolutionary acts. Rebellion is also the result of self-control; whether it be assertive or defensive.

    When rebellion is a need, the result is control.

    Saturn himself can be the victim of rebellion. He is often judged as the frigid and denying Father of fatalism. Perhaps the lesson that Saturn is to provide is to "know thyself and judge not." It is He, who in tradition, is the source of archetypal freedom; breaking out of confinement and exploring the outer world. Saturn is the foundation and structure that can provide for the manifested freedom as ascended by Jupiter. Saturn is also the foundation and structure that grants the independence and freedom of Uranus.

    More rebellion against Saturn will arise during the awakening or revelation of fundamental truth.

    In addition, the quest for "seeing the light" within concise judgment of Saturn there are many gray areas indeed. There is certainly the killjoy aspect that lingers in the ominous power of Saturn. No doubt, this is perceived negatively only in fear, otherwise it is respected. The gray areas may include aversions to opportunity and to the evolution of spiritual journeys. This area, which can be seen as the shadow of Saturn, casts down the relics that exist only in the calamities of archaic history. Saturn can "black out the Sun" of those weakened by suffering. Those who consciously ignore the need to replenish faith and selflessness or endure the constant hoarding of selfish desires will be left behind in the shadows.

    The fatalistic denial of free will is the downfall of such; for in this gray area there is no gain and no hope for reaching farther than the arms reach. This may apply the saying "Misery loves company," as deprivation of positive experiences claim those who linger in a melancholy and impassive state of mind.

    Robin Blalock, Astrologer

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    Please remember to pray for Brenda Shawe, and for Gobi's husband, Wally.

    Be kind to one another. See you next time.

    God Bless,
    Marianne E. Payton
    1108 Timberlane Trail
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