Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Astrology for Everyone

God created the stars in His Heavens as a guiding pathway in the lives of those who are seeking.

Volume No.3 Issue No.2 ........ISSN 1534-9578.........February 2003

Marianne E. Payton, Editor

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WELCOME to Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Word From The Editor

Well, guys and gals, when I said 2003 would be a year of change, it is so true. I began with my ephemeris and noticed that we do have one rather disturbing aspect this month as Jupiter and Neptune continue their opposition that began coming together last month, albeit a little too far apart then. I now see that by February 8th it is all together with the opposition that will be there until right at the end of February. Be careful of the T-square set with the Moon on the morning of February 22nd.

Also, I soon saw some rather unique changes beginning next month, March. As far as I can see, this month shows no other changes, outside of Uranus trotting right along heading into "next month" beginning the transit into Pisces for the next 7 years.

Let the changes begin! Uranus leaves Aquarius and dives into the deep waters of Pisces. This begins a "new" aspect for new births born in the next 7 years. They will have a Uranus-Neptune mutual reception, as Neptune continues the journey through Aquarius! Well, that is except for the time Uranus retrogrades back into Aquarius in mid-September until the end of 2003, yes, last day it re-enters Pisces. What can we expect from this? Heaven only knows, but from the first week in June, when Saturn enters Cancer for the next 2½ years in trine to Uranus, what will be the outcome of this? Are we going to have some murkey waters or what?

Speaking of changes, we have another crisis developing regarding the delivery of our ezines, as well as our personal email. There are so many "spam filters" on the Internet, as well as others, who are trying to determine what the spam is before we ever see it, ~ we are being put into a position that we are not being given the right to be able to determine whether it is or is not spam.

As most of you know, I am a member of i-Cop and this organization is there to help not only the business on the Internet, but the consumer as well. The name of this "helper???" is Habeas, Inc. Please go to the URL below and read the article there. It is in two parts - and it's fairly long. However, this is information EVERYONE who uses email NEEDS to know, regarding the future of Internet email.
and . .

If you only see today's issue, you may not understand the whole story. OR - if you would rather see the whole ezines, the two links would be:

I think you will be very glad you read about this, especially if your ISP decides to use the Habeas Headers. . . but read it and decide for yourself.

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God Bless All of You,


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    Hi, Marianne:

    About a year ago you and I corresponded on Medical Astrology issues concerning a friend of mine who had gall bladder surgery. You used that material in your newsletter.

    I have not yet located a copy of Dr. Cornell's (sp?) book, but I kept the notes you gave to me about timing for operations

    Another friend of mine wants to choose the date of her Cesearian Section. Her natural due date is approximately Feb. 16.

    Her birth data is 8/1/75, Conway SC, 8:10 AM EDT.

    Possible good times I came up with were Feb. 12th at 5:30 PM (not likely the doctor will allow an evening C-Section)and Feb. 14 at either 6:30 AM or 10:30 AM.

    Your input would be much appreciated.


    ===>I wrote back to Cathleen for further information and she forwarded the following:


    Residence is Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.
    First name: Shianne (pronounced like the N.A. tribe, "Cheyenne").

    I believe her sonogram indicated that this baby is a boy but I am not sure. I will have to ask.

    Working with the first half of February, my rationale was that this surgery will be performed on the mom...

    I chose dates based on transit-transit as well transit-to-natal. Trying to decipher my own notes, here's what I did:

    I used the guidelines for operations, and eliminated the following dates:

  • 2/1 - Dark Moon and weekend
  • 2/2 - Moon closely applying to a square with Mars and weekend
  • 2/3 - Moon square Mars
  • 2/4 - Moon square Saturn
  • 2/5 and 2/6 - leaving square to Saturn and applying square to Sun
  • 2/7-2/9 - Moon in same sign as mom's at birth (Taurus)
  • 2/8 - weekend
  • 2/9 - Moon square Sun and weekend
  • 2/10 - Moon closely applying to an opposition to Mars
  • 2/11 - Moon opposite Mars
  • 2/13 - Moon opposite Venus and Mercury (why I did that, I don't know, but I instinctively didn't like it, so I eliminated it). Maybe I didn't want the poor child saddled with that that affliction...?

    Ah, don't cut a nerve when Mercury is afflicted. . .?

  • 2/15 Moon trine Mars and opposite Sun, Full Moon.

    Then I looked for reasonable times on the dates left, avoiding Saturn hours and Mars hours.

    Then I fiddled with a postulated birthtime, using my rectification feature... and tried to avoid what I consider to be "ugly" charts, like gobs of planets in the 12th house, etc. and also tried to allow for prep time of the mom for surgery.

    The 5:30 time on the 12th wouldn't be so good, anyway-- I believe the Moon is v/c at that time.

    The mom was hoping to ask for a birthtime on a day when the Moon is in Taurus-- she requested 2/7 in the afternoon. Both the mom and her first offspring (female) have Moon in Taurus. But the guidelines for operations say not to schedule surgery when the Moon is in the same sign as at birth.

    Earlier in the day on 2/7 the Moon is still in Aries, but it is leaving a square with Mercury on that day and the guidelines said not to cut a nerve when Mercury is afflicted... do I have that right?

    Thanks for your help!


    My first thoughts I must state here. You are trying for a perfect chart and we are not born onto this earth (the school of learning) if we did not have something to learn. This is God's plan. If we were perfect, we need not be here . But, no matter how we plan, this soul will find his own way to be born into the special learning circumstances he needs ~ good or bad, but he will manage.

    While you are taking every precaution to avoid all of the negative aspects listed above, what would this child have to learn? We all need challenges, as well as the easier aspects. Those aspects and hours that you avoided were GOOD choices ~ you learn very well and I am proud of you.

    There were aspects for either a boy or a girl child, which is why I asked you to check to see if a sonogram had been done. It was funny because the strongest aspects were for a female. The weaker aspects were for a boy, but I had to allow a bit more orb, which I don't usually do. The aspects which are pointing to a boy are Progressed Saturn applying at 28°01 Cancer and Uranus applying from 29°32 Libra, all pointing to the Part of Male Child. These are allowing at least 2° for Saturn and Uranus, but they are there.

    You did not pick a time for the actual due date, so I ran a chart for the current time in Chambersburg, PA., which was 3:45 PM, which was for the Full Moon you were trying to avoid and came up with a 4°Leo rising:

    However, I see Moon parallel Jupiter, Venus parallel Mercury, Jupiter opposes Mercury, Saturn parallel & opposes Mars, just to mention a few of the negatives. You all can look at the chart and see the rest. This is a good date to avoid.

    Then I went to February 14, 2003 at your recommended time of 10:30 AM and we come up with 16°03 Taurus Ascendent, with the Mother's Moon and Mars conjuncting this rising sign. The Moon is fine but Mars is irritating conjunct someone's Ascendent. Now we have Moon opposing Mercury, Mercury and Venus in parallel, Saturn and Mars in contra-parallel, as well as in opposition. Here, the boy's Sun/Uranus conjunction opposes Mother's Ascendent, which obviously is not good. And, I might add, the Sun will remain conjunct Uranus throughout all of these charts. Also there are 6 planets on the Eastern side of the chart, which indicates someone who will run his own life, which is good. There are more parallels which effect this chart, plus this is a Saturn hour ~ you can look here:

    Now, if we look at 6:30 AM of the same day we have 11°16 Aquarius for the Ascendent, with Neptune 3 minutes off the Ascendent into the 12th house. Are we looking for a psychic? (Kidding, of course). In reality, this chart is the best of all, because this makes the boy a real "go-getter" in life with 7 planets on the Eastern side of the chart, one more than the later chart of 10:30 AM. We also have a Cancer Moon in the 6th house, which can and usually does indicate health problems fluctuating throughout one's lifetime. Also, this is a "Sun" day, which is good. Other aspects can be seen:

    However, we also have not considered one very important aspect on this particular date ~ the Jupiter-Neptune opposition. It falls with Jupiter in the 7th opposing Neptune in the 12th, as well as the Ascendent in the 6:30 AM chart.

    Jupiter in the 4th opposing Neptune in the 10th house in the 10:30 AM chart. However, Jupiter in the 7th house does promise someone will always be there to take care of you :-) while Jupiter in the 4th house indicates one who will love a large, nice home.

    As far as the February 12th date, I wasn't very impressed with this one at all, so it is best that the surgery probably would not be at this time. The child would be very dependent on others in which way his life went with 7 of the planets being on the Western side of the chart. Also, the S. Node falls in the 4th house and I have yet to find someone with this placement who was satisfied with their home, no matter how many homes they have. Anyone ever notice that? Besides, it is also a Mars hour. Here's the chart:

    It's going to be quite interesting to see the actual birth chart to see just what types of "learning experiences" this soul is coming back to fullfill. Comments, anyone?

    ====>Cathleen ~ Does this help?


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    The following is reproduced with permission from Philip Sedgwick. Enjoy. He is so good!


    Mercury's Magical Mess
    The Galactic Times for January 24, 2003
    by Philip Sedgwick

    Wow! That Mercury retrograde is finally over. No, it wasn't just you. And it wasn't just me. I heard many reports from you out there through e-mail that managed to pass unscathed that this last little Mercurial speed bump was directly over a patch of quick sand. Let me try and make you feel just bit better about it all. You know, no matter how high up you go, you're still affected by the planets.

    Consider the President of the United States, George W. Bush. On the day Mercury stationed, going direct, he was to speak in St. Louis concerning US industrial strength to support his economic package. The theme: "Made in America." Guess what? There were all these boxes adorning the warehouse where he was to speak, bearing the distinct printing: "Made in China." Industrious staffers quickly covered the labels with bold, black print reading: "Made in America." Whether that was supposed to mean South America, Central America, Mexico America or Canada America, was not disclosed. You can imagine that George W. strung together some new Mercurial phrases of utter astonishment, and the odds are - incorrectly.

    As for myself, I did something you're never supposed to do. I keep getting e-mails from this one site in a new grouping of junk mail. So, in an impulsive moment I asked to unsubscribe. Never, never do that. Someone had hacked this distribution list, wove in a virus and created general havoc. In two days I received over 6,000 e-mails. At one point they came in at about ten per second! And with it came a virus my anti-virus did not detect for two days. All's well that ends well. Take it from me: don't unsubscribe from anything. Become intimately familiar with the delete key.

    Meanwhile, we're heating up for another Jupiter in Leo opposed Neptune in Aquarius opposition. If we could just sort through the hype, misdirected spin and peel off the phony labels on packing boxes, we might get a sense of reality. There's help at hand. The great auger, Asbolus, a centaur, now approaches a conjunction to Neptune. It's time to follow your instincts.

    You'll never know if canceling an appointment prevented any catastrophe or averted a personal disaster. But if you go on the basis of your inner vibe and all is well, that would be good. Asbolus tends to refer to avoiding action. Should your impulses say, "stay home," "reschedule," or whatever, follow the impulse. As far as reading the propaganda about the state of the world, realize that cosmic signals in space are being detected at an exponentially increasing rate. The writing on the wall (or boxes) leaks through the whitewash. In the meantime, use the Jupiter-Neptune linkage to do a refresh of your beliefs and spiritual agenda. Then, regardless, what crosses your path, you'll know precisely what to do in that instant!

    For those wondering about the decreased frequency of the Galactic Times, it's going to continue a while longer. It seems other writing has been calling. In fact, I saved all those 6,000 e-mail addresses in addition to the ones I have. And soon, I'll be announcing the completion of: The Universe is Yours. This will be a CD publication, readable in the readily available Adobe Acrobat Reader. This CD will include a vast collection of data on the Centaurs, named bodies near Pluto (you just gotta know about these!) and will provide you with nearly 9000 points in space! Too much? Not at all. Because the book that goes with this: The Soul of the Sky, which is now in final edit. Confused about astronomy? Not a problem. Northstar College the new academic jewel in the astrological education crown (480.429.0009), commissioned me to write Astronomy for Astrologers. This contribution will provide you with a solid background in solar system astrology, the galaxy and the Universe. Math is included! These three will soon be available on CD. All that in one place!

    Next week a formal price structure will be formulated and more details about content available by e-mail. As soon as that's done, you can start ordering. Product release is set for late April.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to peel back some tape labels on my ephemeris to see what's under the tape concealing the transits of Jupiter and Neptune!


    Philip Sedgwick
    Astrology for the 21st Century-Bringing Heaven to Earth
    9451 E Becker Ln #B1058
    Scottsdale AZ 85260

    Don't forget to sign up for your e-mail horoscopes at

    And you should probably get your own personal galactic report to start the new year off right.


    To subscribe to Galactic Times, send an email to


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    Remind them this is a "double opt-in list" and that they will have to reply to the message from Mail-List to be included in our mailing list.

    Thank you so much!




    Subject: Re: Astro * Logic Insights Monthly Vol.No.3.1 Jan.2003

    I was just thinking. Numerology wise we don't look out of the woods until the year of 2006 financially ... maybe if we are lucky, 2004. I said the stock market will make many changes this coming year of 2003 in the way they are doing things. I feel for the first time in years the whole system will go through a change but we won't see any results immediately. God help us on the year of 2005 which comes to a "7". Every war we ever had was a 15/6 and all hell broke lose the following year which would be the horrible 16/7. Everyone says the 13 is an unlucky number but I say the 16 brings loss and upset. I am wondering now if just the plain "6" can bring war. I did this for Dr. Jordan and she asked me to and to look for the year of the 15/6. I started with the year of 1000 and kept going until I found the first 15/6. WW2 started before 1942 but I understand all hell broke lose that year of the 16/7. Interesting!!! Dr. Jordan said we hit every war there ever was by doing this. I believe I still have it and she said it goes beyond character analysis. ... Flo

    ===>Thanks Flo. I sure hope that holds true now with all the nasty statements about war. A war we do not need. This year is a 5, so it will soon prove itself out. You are speaking just about the years added this way and not adding the whole date. I ask this because the State of The Union address will fall on 1/28/2003=16/7 Universal day. That date just hit me right in the eye!


    Interception comments from Marsha's group (AstrologyLivingRoom)

    Interceptions seem to whack me right between the eyes.

    Chris McRae says interceptions are not a psychological impairment but an opportunity for a deeper perception of those particular sign needs in preparation for overt expression. This can be utilized to enhance your evolutionary development.

    Elman Bacher says as a result of an intercepted diameter in a chart there will be two pairs of houses covered by the same diameter. Wherever this "phenomenon" occurs, you will know that the houses concerned in this "duplication" represent experience-patterns on which the person concerned is "making up for past defaults;" in other words the two houses having the lower degree of the sign of their cusps will portray the past; the two houses having the higher degree on the cusps will portray the unfulfilled past projected into the present. Such a pattern tells us also that the influence of the planets ruling the intercepted signs is to a degree, "held in abeyance" until a certain degree of redemption has been made. The planets ruling the duplicated cusps are, correspondingly "made to work overtime;" in the ease of Venus and Mercury--each of whom normally rules two signs - their influence can extend to three houses and their significance in the sum-total of the wheel is increased. Just as-- in human terms--if Johnny ''flunks an exam" in school, he has to study with added application to make up his work in that subject.

    ====> Excellent observation regarding Interceptions. Thanks, Marsha.


    Judianne writes

    Thanks mom passed away on 12/10/02 at around 6:10 AM. at Hospice by The Sea, a place that I cannot say anough good things about. May the universe bless them and may they always have abundance...for the dignity that they give the dying is so wonderful for the families to witness. My mother arrived there on Friday and I spent many hours with her holding her hand and reading my books on death and dying. I had an interesting experience with my 17 yr. old Cancerian. She saw a light so bright and said it was her Grandfather coming to take her Grandma...but since she was not receptive to him being there for that purpose, was very upset. Then we proceeded to my moms room and there he was dressed in a navy blue suit to take his lady home. By the way my daughter was 15 mos. old when he passed over. My birthday is 10/20/48, 3:01 PM...Brooklyn, New York..Kings county. Thanks for any insight .....Judianne

    ===>Judianne~ Our sympathy goes out to you and your family. Your chart certainly bears it out. Your birth time is right on. Venus and Chiron were both making an aspect to the Part of Death. Your progressed North Node was in aspect your Part of Mother by Sextile, and your Progressed Ascendent was squaring it. Certainly was very obvious in your chart. Looks like she had an easy cross- over with your Dad leading the way. God will guide her. Bless you.


    ===> Nancy wrote...

    Love your column,It's one of the best on here.....I hope things have eased up for you and John.

    I would appreciate your thoughts on, Dec.04 Birthdays. That's mine, Sag ,7th house Sun 11- 51' I also want to wish you and John happy Holidays.

    Love and Light
    Nancy in Boston

    ===> OH, my face was red and I had to write back and apologize for overlooking Nancy's request and she gracefully replied:

    Thank you for your reply. There is a loving glow around some people, and I'm sure you have it. I'm thrilled that you would include me in your next issue. Dec 04 1943 5:00 PM EWT Lynn, Ma Zone:+04:00 070W56'00 42N28'00'

    Thank you so much.
    Nancy in Boston

    ===>Nancy~ Well, after looking over your chart, it makes me understand why you want to know what one would think about Dec. 4th birthdays. Trust me, everyone doesn't have trouble charts, which I feel you think you do :-) My very first impression was that you must be a very spiritual lady with your Sun at 11°51 Sagittarius. And, then through a little math, I see you are indeed spiritual, with a 33/6 birth path. It all depends on the way you add it together and I consider yours a "hidden 33/6" birthpath. Otherwise, it would be considered a 24/6. I hope you are working with it. You should be teaching, especially with your North Node in the 3rd house.

    I did notice you have a wide T-square between your Mars, Sun and Moon...and if you include Chiron, it becomes a Grand Square. But, you also have a Saturn opposing Mercury and both are within orb of squaring your Moon, but not close to consider a T-square. Quite a lot of energy of deal with all of these years. So, what do I think of it? I think it is a good chart with lots of challenges and lots of energy. I do hope you use it wisely.

    ===>Nancy, hope this helps. God Bless you.

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    by Robin Blalock

    Retrograde means [to me] the benefit from introspection will be repeated, as well as its patterns. Rx is not completely a delay; its actually an opportunity in disguise, for example, in order to allow time to mend what needs to heal or given the chance to see things more clearly. To some, it may appear to be a slow period where chaos or interruptions occur but even slow periods can be utilized accordingly and applied into positive change.

    Imagine that you are driving, and you are going too fast to see what you are looking for. What do you do? You back up (Rx) and "turn around" so you can take the time to search it. Then you learn the next time you take that road, where you need to go, what to look for; landmarks so to speak. You can use an Rx as a reference for the future roads traveled.

    Some people take retrogrades as a negative transit while I look to the higher level in most everything, including Rx. Why bother looking down when you have more "light" looking up? Positivity naturally enables one to grasp a transit such as a retrograde and manifest the realizations that spark enlightenment within. Rx is the best time to communicate to yourself, your inner work. This is a time where you may feel better talking out loud and listening to your own voice. We all have the answers in which we seek within us. Whether realized or not, the keys to all lay deep in past patterns and are revealed when we are ready. Listening is crucial during a Rx, not only to the message between the lines, but also in body language, outer expression; creativity is born from within and by seeking the language it speaks, it may be the most prosperous time for learning what the inner self, inner voice and inner artist wants to express. Take the time to get to know the latent voice which carries wisdom. Let it speak to you.

    Perhaps therapy, not limited to psyche but all forms, may be considered during an Rx as it can help to shed some light on past habits and patterns of conscious and subconscious and break free from the path of "tunnel vision" as sometimes felt in direct motion with no time or opportunity to reflect upon the influences guiding your direction, hence the term "go with the flow." Many types of therapies work with the inner mechanisms that may need to be drawn out or stirred up a bit. Dance therapy, art therapy, music therapy, drama, poetry and the list goes on. Notice that most of these deal with Mercury (Uranus as higher octave) attributes and can lead to an established sense of freedom, release, adventure and a separation from the blinding direction that can sweep us away and not shed light on the beauty and brilliance within us.

    ©Robin Blalock, Astrologer
    This article may be reprinted in its entirety with all credits included. All Rights Reserved February 2003


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    Hopefully, everyone will survive the changes coming with Uranus moving into Pisces soon. Have a wonderful month and hope to see you again next month.

    God Bless,
    Marianne E. Payton
    1108 Timberlane Trail
    Casselberry FL 32707
    Proud Member i-Cop
    International Council of Online Professionals
    We Police Ourselves to Protect the Consumer!

    © 2003 Marianne Payton Creations ~ Astro * Logic Insights

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