Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Astrology for Everyone

God created the stars in His Heavens as a guiding pathway in the lives of those who are seeking.

Volume No.3 Issue No.3 ........ISSN 1534-9578..........March 2003

Marianne E. Payton, Editor

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WELCOME to Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Word From The Editor

Welcome to more new subscribers. Glad to have you all with us. Please do contribute to the discussions. Don't know what we would do without you :-)

Before I get too far along, one of our subscribers, Allan Auguste, is hoping to bring his wife home from a rehab center. She fell and broke the femur in her leg. This same leg had an artificial kneecap put in, which was also damaged. She has been in a cast from her ankle to her thigh for well over 30 days. We have been sending healing to her and ask that everyone say prayers for Marilyn Auguste so that she can be returned home. They just recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. If anyone needs to see a picture of Marilyn for concentration purposes, please advise me and I will gladly forward one to you.


I have gathered from some comments I have heard regarding that "Habeas Header" that too many are taking it for just another one of those email hoaxes that are floating around. Trust me, this is NOT a hoax ~ Oh, how I wish it was. If we do not stop it, once it becomes legal, how many of you will wish you had at least signed the Petition to stop it. If you ignored it last month, PLEASE read an portion of i-Cop's Whistle Blower below:


From jl scott, ph.d.

PUBLISHERS: Please ask your readers to sign this petition!

I don't see many ezine publishers educating their readers about Habeas. I find that unfortunate, since it's ultimately the publishers who will be hurt most by Pay-to-Send email.

I suspect that too many are sitting there thinking, "Well, maybe this IS our way to get around the spam filters that are doing so much damage." Dream on! It may get you around the spam filters now, but the ultimate outcome is going to make spam filters look like child's play in terms of damage to online business.

All Habeas, Inc. Information:

Online Marketing Professionals United Against Censorship

Of course, what we REALLY need is representation in Washington for ethical, online micro-businesses. That takes organization and isn't as easy as it sounds. It also takes money – BIG bucks. But, one man is willing to try ...

Michael Yost, owner of Megalists Networks - - wants to set up an organization to go up against the anti-spam faction that is killing the online small business owners. He is calling the group "Online Marketing Professionals United Against Censorship," (OMPUAC).

I have spoken with Michael at length by phone, and I am convinced of his honesty and integrity. Over the past week, I've helped him a bit with the new web site and I support what he's doing.

This is NOT my organization. I know it needs to be done, but don't feel like I have the time to do it myself. However, I AM willing to help Michael get this going. And, I don't mind serving in a consulting capacity.

The people we're up against are very well organized and represented! Without organization, we don't have a prayer of saving our businesses. It is NOT Michael's goal to be in control, but he's willing to organize and administrate.

He wants to set up a Board of Directors and see to it that the organization is always accountable to the members. It's my fervent hope that more good professionals will turn up to help.

Yes, I HAVE joined the organization.

The site may still be a little rough. Michael did a LOT of work, very quickly. We're still working with a proof-reader on editing and refinements. However - it's usable!

Please take a look, and decide if you wish to be involved. If so, PLEASE help spread the word and send people to the site! It IS time to end the reign of terror of the anti-spam vigilantes.

By the way, take a look at the Habeas Header:

The only changes made were removal of IP numbers and other identifying codes. Don't miss the first line.

Received: from
for ; Tue, 4 Feb 2003 04:21:35 -0600
Received: from annie by
for ; Tue, 4 Feb 2003 02:25:45 -0800 (PST)
X-Habeas-SWE-1: winter into spring
X-Habeas-SWE-2: brightly anticipated
X-Habeas-SWE-3: like Habeas SWE (tm)
X-Habeas-SWE-4: Copyright 2002 Habeas (tm)
X-Habeas-SWE-5: Sender Warranted Email (SWE) (tm).
The sender of this
X-Habeas-SWE-6: email in exchange for a license for this Habeas
X-Habeas-SWE-7: warrant mark warrants that this is a Habeas Compliant
X-Habeas-SWE-8: Message (HCM) and not spam. Please report use of this
X-Habeas-SWE-9: mark in spam to
From: "Anne P. Mitchell, Esq."
Organization: Habeas - the email you want

"Habeas - the email you WANT?"

Please! How about, "Habeas - the email I damn well DON'T want!"

Thanks to jl scott, ph.d. for supplying this info in the Whistle Blower. <===SUBSCRIBE


I think you will be very glad you read about this, especially if your ISP decides to use the Habeas Headers. . . but read it and decide for yourself. . .but please be informed. Do you really want to have to purchase their header to be sure your "personal emails" go through? Or, would you rather they be trashed. I sure can't afford to keep this ezine up if it goes into effect. They want $200 just to make sure the ezines get through. NOT ME!!

I have found that some people who have installed the filters to deter "spam" are not getting emails that would be personal to them. If you send an email that has "Fwd" in the Subject line, it may never be seen by the intended recipient. I think we should all have the option of deleting what we don't want. How does someone else know what we will read and what we will delete???

God Bless All of You,



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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: C.P. Vernon
    To: Marianne Payton
    Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 6:30 PM
    Subject: The C-Section chart

    Hi, Marianne:

    Shianne gave birth to her son on February 7, 2003 at 5:19 pm in York, PA.

    The baby is fine, but mom is having trouble recovering from the surgery. Astrologically, we expected this insofar as our discussions of a good date for such a surgery.

    The ob was concerned that there was insufficient amniotic fluid; the 7th was the latest date he would permit the mom to choose.



    Remember I said no matter how we plan, this soul will find his own way to be born into the special learning circumstances he needs ~ good or bad, but he will manage.

    We can plan and plan, but as you found out, he was born when the time was right. Truthfully, I didn't feel good about any of the dates we researched and I felt he would come earlier. But, not being a psychic, I just analyzed your information as given to me. Glad all went well. Sure hope Shianne is recovering well. A few weeks have passed, so do keep us informed.

    Looks like we have quite a young man here, very creative and very fixed in his opinions! But, a fine man he will grow into with an applying aspect from Saturn to his Sun. You could not have asked for anything nicer than a "man of his word". Such a nice "honorable man" in the works.


    A question from Sharon Byzewski

    Actually, I have a question about what you said about when Saturn enters Cancer for the next 2 1/2 years from the first week in June. I am a Cancer and don't really know astrology. Your reference to "murky waters" has me wondering what I can expect or prepare for. Can you elaborate on this?

    Thank you,

    Hi Sharon and thanks for your question. First, you did not include your birth data so I could not take a look at your chart. It all depends on how Saturn is aspected and placed in your own chart. I was really referring to the fact that Saturn is in his Detriment in Cancer as he rules Capricorn and this is not a good placement.

    Basically I can only relate that if you have Saturn well aspected in your own chart, there is really nothing to be concerned about. We will have Saturn in Cancer in trine aspect with Uranus in Pisces later on this month. When Uranus occupies Pisces, we will have Uranus and Neptune in mutual reception. So, we will all have to watch the way we interpret our charts. WOW! Two mutual receptions at once with Neptune. Sounds like fun? Complications? It's everyone's guess, but I bet it will complicate a lot of lives.

    Sure hope you stay with us and learn as you go along.



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    I'd really appreciate it if you would help to build our subscriber list. Please don't forget to invite your friends to subscribe. They must send a blank message from their own email to:

    Remind them this is a "double opt-in list" and that they will have to reply to the message from Mail-List to be included in our mailing list.

    Thank you so much!



    There is an email going around asking us all to pray for peace on March 3, 2003, using the reason 03-03-03 and asking to pray at 3:03 PM. The good information below is given by my friend, Florence:

    As a Numerologist for many years the 03 in the year of 2003 is only considered. To be accurate the year has to come to a 3 and when you add 2+0+0+3=5. You can't just consider the last two didgets of the entire year. However, if you add the month (3), the day (3) and the entire year (5) that comes to a Master Number 11/2 the same as the numerical value of each letter added together in the name of "JESUS"

    ... J-1...E-5...S-1...U-3...S-1...=11/2

    The letter J is the 10th letter of the alphabet, 1+0=1, the E is the 5th letter of the alphabet, S is the 19th letter of the alphabet 1+9=10=1, the U is the 21st letter=3 and, of course, the S again will be another 1. This would be another good reason to pray on this day even though any day to talk to our Father is a good day.

    I asked Florence to elaborate more on Numerology since we have so many that do not have the knowledge or experience that she had directly with Dr. Juno Jordan, author of Numerology: The Romance In Your Name. One day, in bits and pieces we will get more from her.

    However, I am happy to give you the following:

    From Florence:

    I have all of Dr. Jordan's letters to me and one makes me feel proud for she was one lady who told you real quick if you were going wrong. Here is the beginning of her letter:

    Dear Florence Steiner

    As I sit here and look over your charts, I am amazed and overwhelmed. I think of computers, sound, light, and the dynamic forces of the universe, even trips to the moon, and realize your figuring are mathematical statements and belong to the mathematical and scientific world, now developing so fast and discovering what has for so long, been unknown. Your charts are beyond the level of character analyses or so called Numerology. Your charts deal with time and action and should be part of the scientific world of discovery, even government research into space and cosmic forces. You should join scientific groups, learn what is going on among these thinkers, and have this background as you go on with your studies and add your knowledge to that which is being studied. It seems to me your work is beyond, or entire different from simple character analysis and few counsellors would understand it. It is far beyond me to figure and study even though I seek for cosmic consciousness and I work with clients, and try to help them find themselves in relationship to the beautiful universe, created by God.

    She goes on to say have you ever looked for the 16/7 - War? I did and she wrote back and said I hit every war. What I sent her were the master numbers and how they formed a pattern with birth. I want to share with you what I also did a long time ago about babies being born with a 16/7 Birth Force for the year starting 2000. A 16/7 Birth Force was hardly ever seen before this one or two digit number. The century beginning with 2000, however, more babies will be born with this horrible karmic number ... the worse karmic number. By the way, on another sheet of paper that I wrote years ago, next to the year 2002 I wrote by pen ... recession? I also made charts regarding the Master Nos. and they make a pattern which I gave to Dr. Jordan. Look at how many babies, if born on certain dates of this century we are in will have a 16/7 Birth Force:

  • Year 2000: 5-9-2000, 6-8-2000, 7-7-2000, 8-6-2000, 9-5-2000 (5 days babies born a 16/7 B.F.)
  • Year 2001: 4-9-2001, 5-8-2001, 6-7-2001, 7-6-2001, 8-5-2001, 9-4-2001 (6 days)
  • Year 2002: 3-9-2002, 4-8-2002, 5-7-2002, 6-6-2002, 7-5-20002, 8-4-2002, 9-3-2002 (7 days)
  • Year 2003: 2-9-2003, 3-8-2003, 4-7-2003, 5-6-2003, 6-5-2003, 7-4-2003, 8-3-2003, 9-2-2003 (8 days)

    In the 1900's the 16/7 Karmic Number decreases year after year such as:

  • Year 1900: 1-5-1900, 2-4-1900, 3-3-1900, 4-2-1900, 5-1-1900 (5 days babies born a 16/7 BForce)
  • Year 1901: 1-4-1901, 2-3-1901, 3-2-1901, 4-1-1901 (4 days babies born a 16/7 B.Force)
  • Year 1902: 1-3-1902, 2-2-1902, 3-1-1902 (3 days babies born a 16/7 B. Force)

    Note: Both centuries start with a five day chance of having a 16/7 Birth Force, however, the 1900's dimenishes with each year while the years if the 2000 increases).

    Hope this is clear.

    Did you know that whatever a Universal Year begins with it ends with the same number?

    Year 2000 = 2 and Year 2009 = 11/2 (10 years) Year 2010 = 3 and Year 2019 = 12/3 (10 Years) Year 2020 = 4 and Year 2029 = 13/4 (10 Years) and so on .....a pattern!!!

    I find this interesting and feel sorry for the lives of those born on certain dates to make up the 16/7. The 1900's, because of the 9 had very few.

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    Your questions/comments will be listed here for everyone to participate with their answers. If you would like to submit your questions and or comments mail to: :

    I love receiving your comments ~ keep 'em coming.


    All articles relating to Astrology and Numerology are welcome for consideration in this ezine. Do you have one? Do you have an observation you would like to pass on to others? If so, please use the link below to submit your article(s).

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    Have a wonderful month and hope to see you again next month.

    God Bless,
    Marianne E. Payton
    1108 Timberlane Trail
    Casselberry FL 32707
    Proud Member i-Cop
    International Council of Online Professionals
    We Police Ourselves to Protect the Consumer!

    © 2003 Marianne Payton Creations ~ Astro * Logic Insights

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