Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Astrology for Everyone

God created the stars in His Heavens as a guiding pathway in the lives of those who are seeking.

Volume No.4 Issue No.4 ........ISSN 1534-9578..........April 2004

Marianne E. Payton, Editor

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WELCOME to Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Word From The Editor

Happy Easter Blessings Everyone.

Mercury Retrograde begins April 6 and will continue until April 30 ~ or should I say May 18th, which includes the balance of the shadow period. So, everyone be careful and take heed. Get ready for strange weather, storms, delays, misunderstandings, and your computer (or your car) throwing a fit or two.

Best to get your taxes filed before April 6, and not get caught up in the last minute rush. Be sure and watch where you file. Too many warnings on TV now. If you wish to e-file, go to the IRS website or check your IRS booklet mailed to you for info. I did mine that way and all went well and I had mine back within 10 days. Of course, I filed the first of February.

Please keep my daughter, Juanita, in your prayers. She got her test results back from the first doctor and is going for a second opinion. She called last night and advised that she was rushed to the ER with terrible pains. The ER thinks it's her gallbladder. I am beginning to wonder. Her 2nd opinion she went for, the doctor stated he did not believe in sonagrams and promptly sent her for one on her gallbladder. Then he states he sees nothing wrong with the gallbaldder. Someone is very confused here, so I am praying that she gets sent to the right doctor. I appreciate your prayers.

Thank you.

God Bless All of You,
Marianne E. Payton, Editor


  • Feedback -
  • Feature Article - PLANETS TRAPPED BETWEEN THE NODES by Marianne E. Payton
  • Special Planet Alert - HAVE YOU BLESSED YOURSELF TODAY? by Mahala
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    Florence comments on the last Planet Alert:

    I have a tape of when I was on TV in 1993 and this reminded me of what I said. . ."the children of tomorrow will draw a different shape of the U.S. I said I feel a comet will hit earth in the west, and I also did not feel good about the Florida Keys; California will have mud slides and lose ground (already happened) and also Rhode Island which has not happened. Couldn't help but remember. Flo

    Florence Steiner, psychic/medium
    Phone:(410) 636-1196
    Phone Readings Available by Appointment

    ==>Stephanie asks: I would really love to hear more about Chiron and how it affects love, so I hope you'll make that a newsletter topic very soon!

    I have partially answered your question below Stephanie, but did not want to totally repeat the article in a previous ezine, found here:

    If a super linkage includes a Chiron linkage, then Magi indicate that the chance of marriage is quite high and it's the most powerful & reliable indicator of marriage. In comparisons, looking at the combined planetary geometry, if you add a grand trine to this, it makes the marriage destined! However, they do note that a marriage is unlikely to be successful unless the wedding takes place on a very favorable day (see enhancement aspects in above referenced article; Jupiter-Venus and Jupiter-Sun are best). Here is the list of Special Linkages that the Magi consider signs of love & intimacy:

    Romance Linkages:

    Venus-Chiron (MAGIcal Linkage)
    Chiron-Neptune (Lifetime Linkage)

    Cinderella Linkages:


    If those interested wish to know more, I would suggest you take the above link to an ezine written 2 years ago. I know how well this works because I have been studying since this article was written. I feel so fortunate to have the Jupiter-Chiron linkage in my own natal chart and it works!

    Dear Marianne,

    I was surfing the net searching for material in regards to the natal promise. And, your website had it. Thumbs up to you! A very GOOD description about the natal promise in the chart.

    I have the understanding for an event to occur one must have 3 similar in the natal chart, one in the progressed chart and another in the transit chart?

    I'm an RN and very interested in medical astrology, although I'm only experimenting with my own chart and my sister-in-laws chart at this point.

    I had a heart attack on May 29, 2002 which landed me in the hospital for a triple by-pass. I've studied my chart until I'm near blind and I can't see where there is a natal promise. I do have a Leo Asc with Pluto in the 1st...Mars squaring my Asc and an 8 degree square to Pluto. My progressed Sun was 15' Leo and P Moon 22' Leo...! 5' Leo, I've heard is a critical degree for Leo? If I may send you my birthdate of June 12, 1945 at 8:15 AM, Valentine, Nebraska, could you please send at your convenience, where on earth the natal promise is at??? Only for a guideline.

    I've been working with the art of astrology on my own for several years as I live in an isolated area and I don't have access to a tutor or classes. As you can see, I'm drifting through my second Saturn return and will soon be going through my second Saturn conjoined with my N Moon. I certainly appreciated your lecture on Saturn return and Saturn conjoined the Moon as I've heard the same horror stories as you wrote about. My 1st Saturn return I decided to enter nurse's training, completed the training and had a ball doing it, although it had it's limitations with traveling and 2 children and a husband. Saturn didn't make it easy but he sure taught me responsibility.

    If you'd rather not reply, I understand. I'm not fishing for a reading or anything free. But your article did help me but not to the point as seeing it in my own chart! :(

    Many blessings and continue your excellent website.

    Elaine O'Donnell


    Well, I can see where you may have missed it. We all seem to do this on our own charts or ones of our family. I know one of my articles comes up on the Natal Promise, but I have written another, Vol. 3 No. 1, which can be found in the Archives on my site ~ am not sure this one has been indexed as well on the web. Also are you familiar with the parallels?

    As I look at your chart, the first thing that strikes me is your Leo ascendant, which is quite well known for heart problems. Then there are the parallels: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Uranus all parallel. This is like all of them conjunct in your chart, yet when you look at their placements, they aren't conjunct. You also have Pluto parallel your Sun, so it doesn't surprise me at the triple by-pass. Pluto is the tubing (veins) in your body.

    I look at your chart and see you are someone who doesn't know when to sit down and rest, but are always on the go. Secondly, you are in the 2nd Saturn return already and have been since 9/6/2003, and will not be over until the end of May 2004. This is quite easy for me to recognize as my John's Sun is 12°Cancer and he has also gone through a triple by-pass last July 6th, the day after his 80th birthday, and he doesn't know how to sit still either.

    I have attached your progressed chart on the day of your heart attack. Look at the planets that are +22° and +23° on the left side. This is part of the Natal Promise you probably overlooked. Hopefully this will be of some help in clarifying the Natal Promise in your chart. . .and please learn to slow down and take it easy!!!!

    God Bless,

    and later realized


    I missed one point - all of those parallels are to Saturn!! Forgot, somehow, to add him in. Sorry.


    I can't begin to thank you! Number 1, I couldn't believe that you replied in only a couple of hours and gave me information about the parallels that I knew about but never understood them.

    And, Number 2, how well you explained everything, very clear cut and without overwhelming detail. I must study my chart more! You mentioned +22 & +23 in the N box. They are Moon, Sun, Merc, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and NN. Does this indicate the parallels? And, how do I tell that it's the natal promise? Because they're the same numbers as the progressed on the right side?

    Yes, you are so right about slowing down! With so much Gemini in my chart, I've a lot of nervous energy, even in my sleep! I work for the state government, drive approx 2300 miles a month (Gemini in me loves this part) and work 40 hours a week. I survey nursing homes and teach.

    Same job but different areas. I have slowed down by trying to take Fridays off by vacation day or working 10 hr days. I did take 2 1/2 months off after my heart attack and bi-pass. Leo Asc and Pluto in 1st gave me a fast, speedy recovery, and I was walking a mile 2 weeks after the surgery. I was a 137 lbs at the time of my heart attack, 2 months later down to 116 (lots of fluid) and maintain now at 123 lbs. I worked with my chart and chose June 12th, my birthday for the date of surgery.

    This seemed to be the most auspicious day after my heart attack and the doctors were in a hurry for me to get the vessels repaired as one was 90% plugged and the other was 85%. They decided to replace the artery to the bottom of my heart since they had me under . :)

    As you can see I'm also very typical of a Gemini, can't shut up once I get started! Please forgive me.

    God Bless you, Marianne!

    Elaine O'Donnell


    In further answer anytime you have parallels in a chart, they react the same as a conjunction! Always remember that. Many people cannot see why something happens, like you, for the same reason. As to how to tell if they are part of the Natal Promise, that's simple.

    Yes, any Parallel or Contra-Parallel (example, one with a +23 and one with a -23) indicates one north of the equator andd one south, which acts as an opposition, and is also part of the Natal Promise.

    It's as if all of those planets with the + are all conjunct, just as if they were all -, they would also be considered conjunct in the Natal Chart. FYI ~ I have included a copy of your Natal chart with the parallels shown in the aspect box. They are || for a parallel and the Contra-Parallel is the same with a line through the double vertical lines, (you do not have any Contra-Parallels in your chart) as you can see here:

    I do hope while you were in my site Archives you read about Declinations, as well, because that's what Parallels are called. :o)


    *author unknown

    Let me pass along a bit of info I have in an old booklet that someone copied for me. There is no author listed anywhere, so we will have to use it as unknown:

  • "Gerald Ford has his Vertex at 18°45 Libra in his 6th house. At about the time transit Saturn squared it, Saturn ruling his 10th, he was forced to adjust himself in his new role of President.
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onnassis has her Vertex at 2°04 Cancer in her 8th house. Transit Uranus trined it when Aristole Onnassis died. Uranus was retrograde, repeating death and a sizeable inheritance.
  • An excellent example of compatibility ~ a couple have a natal Sun opposition and Moon square, which normally would indicate problems in marital adjustment. However, her Ascendant is his Vertex, and his Ascendant is her Vertex. Their relationship is not only fated, but extremely happy.
  • In friendship 2 women have the solstice points of their individual Part of Fortune conjunct each other's Vertex. A fated relationship; they were bound to meet, and each enjoys inner warmth in the friendship. (Remember it is the solstice point.)
  • Someone's Sun conjunct your Vertex is a person to whom you are drawn. Perhaps almost forced to be instrumental in their life in some way, and they in yours.
  • If someone's house cusp conjuncts your Vertex, the relationship centers on the meaning of that house. For example, the 12th ~ you share a secret; or, the 3rd, you may communicate a great deal, though not always in person.
  • The Vertex is the point in your chart where things are destined to happen. Whether you cause them through a transit that rules your first or a matter of another house in your chart, or an outsider by comparison. It is the one area where you have to sit back and receive the effects; where you have to swing with the tide."

    Now, that is all I can give you and I feel there is more to it, but this is all that was in this little booklet.



    by Marianne E. Payton

    Thought I would devote this discussion to this area and I welcome other comments or thoughts.

    Dear Marianne,

    Great article! Very thought-provoking. I just have one question--I've never heard before of planets "trapped between the nodes". How do you decide which planets they are, since all the planets are between the nodes, some in the area going from the North node to South, and the rest in the area going from South to North, since the nodes split the chart? If it's quick and easy to explain, I'd love a little lesson!

    I wish Juanita well, send her all positive wishes and know that you and she are visualizing healing white light filling and surrounding her body!

    Thank you so much!
    Stephanie Saible

    ====>Dear Stephanie:

    You gave me a good subject to write on. Here's the link to the natal chart of G.W.Bush:

    Now, I have both nodes in this chart. If you will notice almost all of his planets are on the left side of his chart, as well as the nodes, except one. If you draw a line from the N.Node to the S.Node, you will find the only planet not trapped between the nodes is Uranus.

    Anyone want to comment on his actions during the last 3+ years? To me his actions have been off the wall, unexpected, takes no ones advice and has taken this country right into war. When all but one planet is trapped between the nodes, this is the planet vibration a person uses, possibly involuntarily, but use it they do. Many times they say and/or promise one thing and do the opposite or something completely *off the wall*.

    Does this make it any clearer? This is an unusual configuration and not many have it, or so I thought until I began getting feedback. There could be 200 people born on the same day, but the times and locations make the difference. So, the only planet outside the nodes is how an individual reacts. All of the rest of the planets are "trapped between the nodes".

    Then Marsha writes:

    I just found one member of both lists where every planet is between the nodes so am wondering the significance of this. Can't wait til your next article is ready lol!! ~ Marsha

    ====>Marsha, a person with all of the planets trapped between the Nodes would not be a person with a whole lot of get up and go in so many words. Their expression is trapped because "nothing" is outside of the Nodes. There is nothing "leading" his/her expression. Oh sure, everyone reacts to something and most lead normal lives. But, I guess we might be talking about some type of "leadership" perhaps, or something to make the person be more of a leader than a follower.

    If you all will remember, in my last ezine, I discussed all of the Presidential candidates and found yet another candidate, AL Sharpton, who has all of his planet trapped between the nodes with the exception of Mars. Now, the normal person with Mars the only planet outside of the nodes is very action oriented and that is fine. You might get tired of watching them move around so much, but that would be their nature. After all someone has to keep things moving.

    But, getting back to a Presidential candidate, I would definitely not want Mars as his expression. Mars is the War Lord and we would be led right back into another war no one wants.

    Let's think about the different planets "as the only one outside" the Nodes:

    Sun ~ Here comes our ego first, which could get one embarassed without thinking first, which is the normal expression with the Sun leading uuhh~

    Mercury ~ being the planet "outside" because at least one would think before acting!

    Moon ~ Oh boy, is this person emotional? I already have proof of this one and admitted, but I won't mention names :-) There's nothing wrong with being emotional, but with the Moon the only planet *outside* the Nodes, this party can be overly emotional in most areas.

    Venus ~ Love of beauty, luxury, money first! Gee, I could think of a lot of politicians, etc., who might possibly have this because of their deep pockets.

    Mars ~ the War Lord (ouch!) or as discussed above, very active.

    Jupiter ~ Generous, passionate about humanity or the church. It would not surprise me to find ministers with this configuration, or lawyers or someone who puts humanity first in their life.

    Saturn ~ Well, at least a strong, strict leader, maybe? Could be one who is definitely going to be demanding that we adhere to the rules. But, this needs something to soften the demands.

    Uranus - Well, I've read that Uranus is the unethical planet, among other things, as explained above.

    Neptune - A visionary or someone who doesn't tell the truth. Of course, artists would also fall into this category, as well as someone's focus oil, gas, etc.

    Pluto ~ Either a big shot, a wanna-be leader or the mafia.

    I would love to hear some comments or thoughts, as these are my own and I could not find any writings in any of my books relating to these placements.

    This article may be distributed freely on your website, as long as this entire article, including links and this resource box are unchanged.

    ©2004 Marianne E. Payton All Rights Reserved.
    Astro * Logic Insights


    Special Planet Alert




    Many of us bless everyone else and forget to bless ourselves. Jesus said: "Ask and you shall receive The dictionary meaning of the word 'bless' is to confer prosperity, glorify, or to invoke Divine favor upon a person. Blessing means approval. It also means to make happy.

    I believe it is time for us to manifest abundance. Too many people I know are living close to poverty. I think God wants us to live abundantly. Maybe by asking God to bless us it will manifest abundance. I have always prayed for God to bless others, and tend to forget to ask to be blessed myself. When I write my Planet Alert I send out blessings to everyone who reads my article. If more people would bless, instead of criticize or judge, we would be living in a much more peaceful world. Judge not, lest ye be judged.

    I received an article on my email that was taken from a book by Pierre Pradervand called:


    On awakening, bless this day, for it is already full of unseen good which your blessings will call forth; for to bless is to acknowledge the unlimited good that is embedded in the very texture of the universe and awaiting each and all.

    On passing people in the street, on the bus, in places of work and play, bless them. The peace of your blessing will accompany them on their way and the aura of its gentle fragrance will be a light to their path.

    On meeting and talking to people, bless them in their health, their work, their joy, their relationships to God, themselves, and others. Bless them "in their abundance, their finances, ..bless them in every conceivable way, for such blessings not only sow seeds of healing but one day will spring forth as flowers of joy in the waste places of your own life.

    As you walk, bless the city in which you live, its government and teachers, its nurses and street sweepers, its children and bankers and its priests.

    The minute anyone expresses the least aggression or unkindness to you, respond with a blessing; bless them totally, sincerely, joyfully, for such blessings are a shield which protects them from the ignorance of their misdeed, and deflects the arrow that was aimed at you.

    To bless means to wish, unconditionally, total, unrestricted good for others and events from the deepest well spring in the innermost chamber of your heart; it means to hallow, to hold in reverence, to behold with utter awe that which is always a gift from the Creator. He who is hallowed by your blessing is set aside, consecrated, holy, whole.

    To bless is yet to invoke divine care upon, to think or speak gratefully for, to confer happiness upon - although we ourselves are never the bestower, but simply the joyful witnesses of Life's abundance. To bless all without discrimination of any sort is the ultimate form of giving, because those you bless will never know from whence came the sudden ray of sun that burst through the clouds of their skies, and you will rarely be a witness to the sunlight in their lives.

    When something goes completely askew in your day, some unexpected event knocks down your plans and you too also, burst into blessing: for life is teaching you a lesson, and the very event you believe to be unwanted, you yourself called forth, so as to learn the lesson you might balk against were you not to bless it. Trials are blessings in disguise, and hosts of angels follow in their path. To bless is to acknowledge the omnipresent, universal beauty hidden to material eyes; it is to activate that law of attraction which, from the furthest reaches of the universe, will bring into your life exactly what you need to experience and enjoy.

    When you pass a prison, mentally bless its inmates in their innocence and freedom, their gentleness, pure essence and unconditional forgiveness; for one can only be prisoner of one's self-image, and a free man can walk unshackled in the courtyard of a jail, just as citizens of countries where freedom reigns can be prisoners when fear lurks in their thoughts.

    When you pass a hospital, bless its patients in their present wholeness, for even in their suffering, this wholeness awaits in them to be discovered.

    When your eyes behold a man in tears, or seemingly broken by life, bless him in his vitality and joy: for the material senses present but the inverted image of the ultimate splendor and perfection which only the inner eye beholds.

    It is impossible to bless and to judge at the same time. So hold constantly as a deep, hallowed, intoned thought that desire to bless, for truly then shall you become a peacemaker, and one day you shall, everywhere, behold the very face of God.

    I send you blessings.


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    Until next time . . .

    God Bless,
    Marianne E. Payton
    1108 Timberlane Trail
    Casselberry FL 32707
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