Astro * Logic Insights Monthly ~ Astrology for Everyone


God created the stars in His Heavens as a guiding
pathway in the lives of those who are seeking.


Volume No.5 Issue No.11 ISSN 1534-9578 November 2005


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WELCOME to Astro * Logic Insights Monthly

Well, we survived another hurricane. Golly, Miss Molly, we just
don't need anymore bad stuff this year. Of course, what we
need and what we get may be two different things.

Meanwhile, the Scorpio New Moon set up some interesting aspects,
and in Celestial Weather, they said:

"This pressure continues into early next week as both the Sun
and Mars move into a square angle simultaneous with a mutual
square to Neptune. Look for an arc of events that begins with this
week's New Moon that flows and grows into next week becoming
more fully established. Battle lines become set."

Wow! How right he was as the Democrats invoked the rule 21 to
shut the doors to the Senate and investigate how and why we
were put into this war! Hopefully something good will come out of
this fixed New Moon with absolutely no Cardinal Planets in the sky,
as politics began to unravel! Gee, maybe things will get fixed, ya

Please remember the Katrina victims as we continue to help them.

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God Bless All of You,



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Feature Article - Declinations of Personal Planets
Observations by Marianne Payton

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Declinations of Personal Planets
Observations by Marianne Payton

I have been closely observing a whole lot of charts I have in my
data base of psychics ( both known and unknown ) and it has
revealed a bit of information that is amazing. We all know - or
should know - that in order for planets to be strong in what they
represent in the Tropical Zodiac, there should be some matching
declinations, as well as the aspects shown in the chart. It was
amazing to me to find that this is not always the case.

I personally know several psychics that are very accurate and yet,
in their charts these same planets that make the aspects in our
Tropical Zodiac are not making aspects in the Declinations. . .not
even close. But then I learned something new <grin> ~ when
the MC by declination is South, you are not in the public eye! I
just read that one recently my Declination Sig Journal, so I went
to check a few charts and sure enough, that's true. So with birth I
had data in my data base, I reviewed some of those in the headlines
right now. The main one I have is on Dick Cheney and he sure is in
the limelight right now with his MC at 20N40 in exact opposition to
Mars at 20S40, so troubles are brewing.

Of course, this is not news due to the current political mess. And,
to further this trend, the Bush MC is 23N11||Pluto 23N17 ||Uranus
23N14, which is not too good in my opinion as Pluto and Uranus
are a dangerous combination to his position. I just took a look at
Rumsfeld and if these Declinations are correct as far as being
before the public, then he is falling from grace quicker than the
others. His MC is 7S47 and his ASC is 23S23, obviously a definite
fall from the others. Guess we will just have to watch and see what
comes from all of this.

I am beginning to see the Declinations tell a story we don't often
see when we don't check them. Just relying on the natal chart
planet placement does not give us the full story. Now, if we see
planets "not in aspect" in the natal chart, but we do find them
parallel in the Declinations, this gives us really good clues as to
why things happen to us.

I began doing a bit of digging as to just what and where
Declinations came from and was amazed. It matters not which
zodiac you use, Tropical, Sidereal, Horary, or Vedic, which was a
total surprise to me until I thought about it more realistically. We
all watch the Sun's orbit, but we do not realize that it is the Earth's
orbit that sets the Declination. The Sun has certain boundaries
of 23N26 or 23S26 that set the limits as far as the Out Of Bounds
(OOB) Planets are concerned.

To make this a bit clearer, the Earth orbits the Sun and not the
way we usually look at it Astrologically. The Earth is always 180°
away from the Sun. The path around the Sun is known as the
ecliptic and any angle is created between two planets is created
between the poles of the planes. The Earth is tilted as we are
aware, and if it were not tilted there would be no season change.
The poles in reference are the poles of the Earth that are tilted.
The Sun would be in the same place year around, no more longer
or shorter days. This gives us some indication of what it would be
like if the Earth did not have the tilt. Basically, Astronomy is the
father of Astrology ~ surprised?

Declination aspects are formed more slowly, remain in aspect
much longer and change less quickly. The longer an aspect stays
in place, the more power it generates. Therefore, Declination
aspects are more powerful than those aspects in celestial longitude.
This would also explain why people are stunned when something
happens to them and it is not shown in their natal chart. It is at
this point that one has to understand that Declinations are also
part of the Natal Promise. Argue what you will, it all falls into

There is lots more, but I really don't want to overwhelm you all at
once. I still believe that those of you who really want to learn
more should subscribe to:

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This is not a link that indicates any affiliate rebates. They have
none. This comes to you 3 times a year by snail mail and is just
chucked full of useful knowledge and brings you closer to
understanding your natal chart.

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For Astrology Consultations

On appointments I run at least an hours worth of astrology,
numerology and other work to guide you thru your problems.
If you need to reschedule or cancel it would be greatly


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Until next time, take care of yourself and pray for peace
and for all of the hurricane victims.

God Bless,
Marianne E. Payton
1108 Timberlane Trail
Casselberry FL 32707
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