Hey sorry if ur not here.......if u wanna be than tell me; and sorri if u dun wanna be here...too bad~! hahaha...some names may hav links to sites..


Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. Ur my best, best friend. Been friends since Preskool...agessssssss. U always seem to know how to cheer me up.... You are my trendy friendy. my corny....nah.  Love ur "let's get physical"  joke....sorri bout ringin u at all the bad times. apparently i 'crack' her 'up' just coz i locked myself out of my house...not FUNNY! it was COLD! ur house is very FAR AWAY! next time i go to ALEXIS!!  Lisa reaaallllyyy loves nic tse~ haha, he's hers!!!!!! aLLLLLLL herrrrrrrs!!!!!!! leng jai lova!!!!!!!!!! hahaha, but i like him too... she keep callin me her lil baby poo poo which scary O_O hahahah~  ah LeEeEeEeeee- saaAaAaA!!!!!!!

Niknik! ever since Plasmo, that's been my name for u. a good friend from primary. The good friend who smashed the flying fox into my skull!! ENORMOUS SCAR left! Yes, ANYWAY....such a kind soul in other cases. Always ready to laugh and go get a can wit me. She and Alexis have some kinda weird problem wit white skin.....they want page dedications...they have...~visit~...she dun like ppl to raise voice, so shhh...

Met u in yr 5 Primary skool memories aye? Remember we hated each other? we full on yelled and we argued, once because i tipped you too 'hard'. Yeah...but we're friends now...yes...'friends'... Jokes, man, jokes. And like, i'm sorri for half destroyin everything in ur house when we stayed. didn't mean to y'know....that spoon realli bent a lot aye? it was like, abnormal!
Alexis is, like, REALLI REALLI tall...or maybe its just me...but I think shes tall...actually...phil is taller...or maybe even ada..
I think...but then that realli tall girl who came before was realli tall as u can gather by now... she wants me to mention ryan...alexis that is, not the tall girl....RYAN there...i did it hahaha!  now this girl is prolly queen of take dayz off from skool when ortho appointment~ hahaha, every second day it seems!! jksjks

Met in year 9 I think...we didn't talk much then...but now...we're good friends. We in PC together. nigels together wit phillipa [oxymoron?]. she loves Incubus and Slipknot and Kitty and a dozen other bands i've neva hoid of...but i have a suspiscion that she is liking rnb too...which is not like her... And shes married to lotsa ppl. we did red shield appeal together and made LOTS of ppl GUILTY AS!  she has dedication page
...~visit~...and btw, i'm not gonna marry u hahaha~

lenlen! Best memories in yr 7. met u in Mr z's eng. class remember? We were in phils class and we would soo piss her off. Remember how we broke her ruler? she was totally shocked. total accident of course...hmmm. , then u borrowed her pen and killed it!! Lens a good friend. Always will play Daytona wit me.  Funniest memory woulda been when u stacked it on the stairs of town hall!! Charlene is...shes so...so...talky and she says the funniest stuff!! like alexis' getting jiggy down george street dancing! hahaha! u realli have to be there...this one alwaiz think of somethin to say if silence hahaha!

Darth Veeda. This realli funny girl who goes to Sydney Girls coz she obviously passed da selective. went to OLF with some of mah friends. total smart gal who has a great sense of humour. Soooo funny! We would talk too much in theory lessons coz she goes to the same piano teacher as me. And she's shorter than me!! That makes it aLLL beta!! We're shorteez 2getherz! Wish she still went to my Chinese skool... Such good times.  Cards every time wit da teacher...We still see each other at church though, and those outing thingys...we'll open that music shop! overcharge everyone hahaha~! 

Uncircumsised Philistine!! From the bible mate. Great person yeah. So kind! It's like: [can i shove my stuff in ur locker?] and: [yeah, sure. u know the combination rite?] i think i put too much in...takin advantage of her kindness...bursting out like. that is, the locker, not her kindness. but i suppose that is too <cough up lung> hahaha jksjks!  i could use Len or Alexis' locker, but it's too damn high up!!! dyed her hair again! from red...to...brownish

Ur hair IS good without the stuff u put in. Like I said. It looks clean and fluffy. Not that it wasn't clean before of course....hehehe ...ummm...yeah...movin on... Well Lil's, like, phils best friend or something, which means shes realli nice too of course. and they got the best names for best friends!! PhiL and LiL!  so...so...rhymey! she works at maccas! saw her workin once!

funny, funny girl, in food tech an law an science an...hmmm...geo  ohohoh, apparently we da same height..! mmm good stuff. now when u see kim, admire her folder, because it is REALLI organised but wot'll it be like at the end of yr hahaha~ one last word...ENZYMES


Another kind person. Wots wit all the people I know that are kind!!!!?? But hey, that's a good thing... she's innnnnn hmm....jus science i think? oh an english...oh an math...oh an law...oh woah thats a lot! she is funi girl good sense of humor~ hahahah! hmm...i'm realli into my new timetable hahaha~

Good friend who's always hungry and sleepy and hurting and itchy somewhere. Great brainstormer in English class.  We (Linda, jenny and me) tried avoid sittin in da front coz mr z always seems to be about to spray us wit spit. Scary stuff. OMG! the things in her wallet!! well...thing....Yeah, Jennys a good person. she's realli realli nice and theres always fruit around her when I ring. She is one of those ppl who've forgotten how many times she's dyed her hair! shit man, gonna fall out or wot?! hahahah~ Yes anyway...jenny is realli smart and funni!!!! no classes wit you! wow!

Jane's annas cousin. she in mah...re an math an law...u see, i'm realli into rememberin who's in my classes 4 new timetable hahaha~ now jane...she is like, SO smart it scares me, an she has the best ideas to help in assignments!! and.....hmmm...she's veri quiet in class hahaha~

Friend from chinese school. she's like, taLLLLLLLLLL!!! so JEALOUS! she goes east hills girls tech hs which i have totally no idea where it is... alwayz loses at cheat hahaha~ has the best taste in books because they're the same ones i read!! man, i cant think wot to write except that you're waaaaayyyy tall!! oh yeah!! i really like ur pants!

hmmm...PK! hahaha~ sorri man.... another girl from highskool yr 8 and chinese skool. hahaha~ toobad man! i dun go anymore! she likes to borrow...sounds a LOT like me actually...i think i borrow stuff a lot more though. and u should hear her bro's extensive vocab! and he's onli 11! and SHORT AS! and if u ever wanna know song lyrics, ask this girl! she went to my primary skool as well. wow...so many places in common...

This girl in yr 9 who sits wit...phil, lil and them. Dunno much bout her. Sorri. Umm? she knows my fwend Pamela in yr 8, and her cuz karina, and her fwend Maggie or something and this whole other bunch of peeps. Talk about <::connections::> O_O

Kazza!!  Liz's fwend. Know her a bit more than Liz,  yeah..she seems very active, goin everywhere... i am so incredibly grateful to her for lending her umbrella!!! i had none and i had to fully walk all the way home in poruing rain with cold as wind. then i saw her getting in da car with an umbrella and i'm like 'PLZ STOOOOOOOOOOOP!" we've developed a thing for swearin at each other in mando

Hoi yan

eh, dun kill me if i spelt ur name wrong >.<  hoiyan is veri nice yr 8 girl who is pamela's friend...so nice that at first i thought she was stalkin me...then it turned out i was stalkin her...then it turned out no one was being stalked hahaha!  alwaiz says hi if she see u.  but if u dun hear her, she realli scary hahaha~ i often can't hear her an i regret it hahaha~  btw...ok i'll block the face on page blah blah of the pics hahaha~ they're not up yet =(

Dan Lu
My starsearch buddy!! She must be the star [we have been searchin for]. We do piano-violin duet things. She goes tutor wit Linda. Her, Fionie and I seem to piss off our music teacher by talking too much. Shes soo smart!! [dan lu that is] Obsessed wit the moonlight sonata. Smartest person I know!! I think? Anyway, shes a really good violin player, and she and Maria dropped me on my head the first time we met. i don't wanna talk bout it. But our music teacher is soo pissy!!! In Phoney's words: 'butch woman' hahaha her bf is 'asswipe' alex =P

Yazza! (and her people)
Wheneva I go for a walk at lunch, I always seem to end up where they sit. Jess[my mess], Yazza[!!], Shiv, Maria, Jessica[K], sarah[phammy] and Christina[netball teammate], So kind they  are. Very amusing ppl who always know how to make me feel unwelcome. which isn't realli good...but they can be VERY funny.

hahaha~ u see, i write something like u wanted me to!  now, frank is interesting...nyahhhhhh! he's boring as!!!!! hahaha~ kidding!! he's greeeeniE hahhaa~!  frank is very nice person who neva argues with ppl because he reckons there's no point.  good idea!!!!!!!! if onli i was that smart!!!! hahaha~ unfortunatly i'm not!!!! he's very friendly and is realli good to talk to


Luca is Alexis's friend.  He is a snow monkey.  He has white hair and likes to watch SBS and listens to gospel music.  He loves to watch sunsets with that special someone...He dislikes Ricky Martin and says he is a "faggot". He also absolutely despises toilets as they are "completely useless" His idol is John Howard...if ur interested...his pic is in "the dark side"