Introduction To Java


Java is an object-oriented language based on earlier languages, mainly C++ and Smalltalk. It was originally developed as a language for embedded programming; however with the huge growth that the Internet experienced in the 90's Java quickly became embraced as the preferred development tool for the Internet, first with the use of Applets, programs embedded in Web browsers, then later with server-side programming using Servlets, JSP, EJB, JDBC, and JMS. Today Java is one of the most common development environments used in business.

Technology Overview

These days Java is really a pretty complex technology. Sun has produced three main flavours of Java: J2SE, J2EE, and J2ME. J2SE (standard edition) is the standard Java language with a set of common libraries, and it's what we will focus on in this class. J2EE (enterprise edition) is an extension of Java for enterprise development. J2EE has a lot to offer, but the main components are Servlets, JSP, EJB, and JMS. Finally, J2ME (mobile edition) is a version of Java tailored for embedded environments; it's especially used in the mobile phone market.

Java Compiler and Virtual Machine

There are two basic ways of running computer programs: 1) Compiled Programs, and 2) Interpreted Programs. Traditionally, compiled programs have been used in situations where resources like CPU and memory are scarce. Such programs have to be recompiled every time you change the source code. Once the code is compiled, the end product is native machine code. Interpreted programs on the other hand rely on an interpreter. An interpreter is a program that executes the source code directly, one line at a time. Therefore, you can modify the source code, and run it immediately without having to compile it. Also, if you have an interpreter for your language on Windows, and also on Unix, you can run your program on either machine without having to recompile it (this is called Platform Independence). Finally, interpreted programs are more dynamic in nature than compiled programs. I will discuss this later in the course when and if it comes up. So is Java a compiled language or an interpreted language? Actually, Java exists in a kind of limbo in between the two. Java source code is compiled into instructions which are called bytecode. There is an interprer which then executes the bytecode (as opposed to the source code!). This gives Java some of the advantages of both paradigms. The Java bytecode interpreter is called the Java Virtual Machine or the Java Runtime. To make things even more murky, there is a technology in Java today called JIT, or Just In Time compilation. This technology enables Java programs to be executed more quickly by compiling parts of the bytecode into native code as the program is running. This is an advaned topic, and all you really need to know about it at a high level is that it improves the performance of Java programs significantly.

Hello World: How to Make and Run a Simple Java Program

First, you need to install the Java JDK. The JDK includes both the compiler and the Java runtime (aka the Virtual Machine), as well as some other tools. Next, you need to type your program into a text editor. The following program needs to be written to a file called

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, world!");

Then you need to compile the program at the command line:


This program is compiled into a HelloWorld.class file. This file contains the bytecode needed by the runtime to execute the program. To run your program, you invoke the virtual machine as follows:

C:>java HelloWorld

Java Buzzwords: