<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/vladrunningwolf/hypnotizethemoon.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Name: Wade Patrick WhiteFire Jr

Eyes: Pale Blue

Hair: light brown

HT: 5'9

Spouse: Hailey Capelli

Children: Hannah Amy

Distinguishing Characteristics:
Born Wade Patrick WhiteFire Jr to Wade and Chayla WhiteFire of Leonault, from the time of his conception it was known that he would one day rule over one of the realms his family rules over.  The first born of twins, he in some ways has been doted on more than his brother and it has caused a certain humbleness in his manner that is more than apparent.

Raised for the most part in the family's realm of Zarcothia, a realm where time passes much faster than in Leonault.  In Leonault the family was gone for 3 weeks, to them it was 15 years.  When they left he was but 3, when they returned a striking 18 year old man.

In his youth in Zarcothia, his days were spent in classes learning the ins and outs of anything he may remotely need in his life.  English, architecture, mathmatics, racial diplomacy, more languages than countable, charm schooling, weapon making and usage, feild medicine, magery... all things his first 18 years were filled with that he knows quite well but will never admit exactly how well.  In fact he surpassed his father's sword and magery skills at age 12 with the exception of many spells and a few weapons he is still refining.

A quick study, any problems had in school were not from difficulty but from boredom.  Most days unless there was something he wanted to do he practically slept through classes and many times ended up going over it a dozen times well into the night before the tutor would let him go.

Raised with family values, honor, respect and courtesy instilled in him, he is a traditional gentleman.  Would never and will never raise a hand to a woman in anger or strike one unless it is an extreme case such as protection of family or life or death.  Will never intentionally force a woman into any act they wish not to do and will generally bend everywhere to keep a woman happy, as he has been taught since birth like his father before him.

At the age of 14 his father sat him down for the traditional "sex talk" and again at 16 with a few "lessons" with illusions.  Until recently the whole prospect seemed far off and non important, and then he met a woman.

Her name was Hailey Capelli and she had recently suffered a severe trauma that had rendered her in many ways child like, amnesic and untrusting.  His magic tutor and brother-in-law Silverdust had him deliver a box of supplies to her one day and that was it for him.  At first glance he was taken and more than willing to wait forever for her mind to mature.

Which it did surprisingly fast, within  a few days she went from very young to almost his age and the sparks began between them.  Learning as they go, they've discovered that they are not only getting better at kissing but are deeply in love.  Patrick said it first and is terrified that he will misstep or say the wrong thing to her that will cause her to leave him.  Youthfull and naive in many ways, he only knows two things for sure, that he wants only Hailey forever and  that one day he hopes that they may have a family together.

As it stands now, he is happy and content with just being with her calling any urges he may have when they're together unimportant, even tho in most eyes they are.  He wont admit it because he doesn't think they are so he plans on just being with her as much as he  can for as long as she'll let him and nothing else matters to him.
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