Name: Stephen Alexander Benvolio

Eyes: ice blue

Hair: blonde to brown

HT: 6'2

Spouse: engaged to Sunni Silverbell


Distinguishing Characteristics:   
Born the oldest child of 7 to Ernesto and Sophia Benvolio he had the average life of an eldest child, tormenting his siblinggs, getting them in trouble for things they did not do and bailing them out of the trouble that they did do.  It was a good life and he loved it, it would soon change in ways he had never imagined.

One night when Stephen was in his mid 30's a group of hunters attacked his families complex.  The battle forged through the whole night and into the day.  When the dust settled the only person left standing was his youngest brother Antonio.  Thinking that everyone was dead, Antonio buried the family, he would only later discover that 5 were still alive, including Stephen.

After digging himself out of the hole Antonio put him in, Stephen found himself alone for the first time in his life and very angry.  He began the long  task of tracking down his baby brother.  It took many years but he found him and let him know what for.  He still intends on pummeling him a good one, but for right now they have larger things on their minds.  Finding the other four survivers for one and Stephen wishes to be rid of the were blood that wrought such an attack on his family.  He has met one who may be able to help named Sunni Silverbell, but alas he is having second thoughts as Antonio did not take the news too well.  He is still deciding, but is life is his own and he will do what is needed to survive.
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