The next morning, they were engulfed in eachothers arms and legs. The
morning sun had woken him up first and Fox was content to just lie
there next to her and watch her sleep.
The Cigarette Smoking Man sat in his apartment with the blinds down
and the curtains drawn.  He hated the sunlight. He lit a cigarette and
reached for the control to Dana’s heart. He couldn’t decide what he
liked better: modern technology or revenge.
Mulder ran alongside the doctors as they rushed Dana down the hallway
on a gourney.  She had woken up complaining of high-blood pressure and
then fainted on the bed.  He had rushed her to the Emergency Room.
“Fox, this is silly. I feel fine now.”
It was true. She did.
“But I want you checked out just in case. STAT. Now.”
“Fox, I’m fine.”
“Fox…” she looked at the doctors as she sat up. “Stop. Please.” She
turned to Fox and adjusted the rail on the bed so she could get off.
She hopped down to the floor and told her husband to take her home.
And, against his will, he did.

No one saw Krycheck watching everything from a laundry hamper full of
bedclothes. He wondered if the old man knew that his toy worked.
The control made a beeping noise.
Oh, yes.
One small scare was enough for now. Wait until the baby grew…more
damage could be done.
Fox Mulder was going to be so sorry….
The Mulders led quiet lives for about four months. Dana had began to
show in her second month. The Baby Mulder was strong and healthy and
getting bigger everyday. Everyone was happy.
Dana’s scar was miraculously gone but not forgotten; Fox was thrilled
to be in a marriage where the biggest problem was: Did Dana look TOO
pregnant and fat in that black jumper?
Dana walked into her husband’s office and sat down at his desk. She
looked around anxiously. Where the hell was he? Well, she wasn’t going
to sit still waiting for him. She got up and began to pace the floor.
Every few seconds she found herself looking at her watch and wondering
why she was so antsy. Her blood pressure was rising again. Soon, she
couldn’t keep her balance anymore. She reached for a handle on one of
the drawers of Mulder’s filing cabinet and pulled out a drawer as she
passed out.
Fox  Mulder waited for news on Dana as patiently as he could. Skinner
and The Lone Gunmen did their best to keep him from walking into the
ER and beating some answers out of the doctors.
An hour passed.
Byers offered to go get drinks and food for everyone. Skinner went
with him. When they were out of earshot, Mulder finally sat and tried
to calm down.  He looked up at Langley and Frohike.
“Guys, I don’t want to lose my baby.”
They nodded. “We know, Mulder.” They murmured.
“I don’t know what I’ll do; how I’ll see Dana through this. I’m not
strong enough for the both of us. We want this baby more than anything.”
Again, the men nodded. “We know that, too.”
Dr. Masterson entered the waiting room and motioned for Fox to come
with him.
“She’s asking for you.”
Mulder stood and turned to go but not before looking at Langely and
Frohike as if hoping for some kind of answer as to how Dana was. Fox
wanted to go to her, but at the same time he didn’t want to. He knew
that if he did, what he would see would bring him to his knees. Dana
was alone in that room and crying. Something was wrong. He could feel
“Go,” Frohike urged, sensing Fox’s anxiety. “She’ll be fine.”
The doctor motioned again and Fox followed him down the hall. When
they reached her room, Dr Masterson stopped him.
“Tell me what to expect, doc.”
“Her heart rate is under control. But, Mr. Mulder, her blood pressure
was so high…it’s a miracle that she didn’t die, too.”
Mulder’s heart sank to his feet. He could barely manage his next
words. “T-t-too? You mean our baby is dead?”
Dr. Masterson nodded somberly. “We had to do a C-section. The baby was
just so small…. Mr. Mulder, I’m sorry.”
I can’t believe I’m a part of this.  Masterson thought to himself.
Fox tried not to cry, but failed. Tears began swelling in his eyes.
“Does she…Dana…does she know?”
The doctor nodded and walked away.
Mulder choked back more tears as he walked into the room and over to
his wife who looked understandably exhausted. Her eyes were red and
her usually rosy pink skin was pale.
“Have you seen our baby, Fox?”
He sat down on the edge of the bed and held her hand. He looked at
her; caressed her face in his hand. Fox Mulder never claimed to be a
religious man, but he prayed for God to make him strong for her. For
himself. For the both of them.
“A girl, Fox,” she went on. “I gave you a beautiful baby girl. She
looks just like you. You’ll love her as much as I do. Fox, she’s so
gorgeous.” She frantically looked around. “Why haven’t they brought
her back to me, Fox?”
“Dana, honey…” Fox stroked her face, trying to stop her from caving in
and having a nervous breakdown. “How long could it take to wash a baby?”
“Dana,” the tears just flowed like rain from the sky. Dana looked Fox
in the eyes. He knew that she knew the truth but didn’t want to
believe it. How like her. He also knew the truth. But, like her, he
didn’t want to believe it because of the life that was involved. The
life that they had created together. Their life.
“Dana, the baby…” he cried harder, unable to finish his sentence. He
took her in his arms.
“I know, Fox. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” She sobbed, finally
accepting the tragedy. “I don’t know what I did wrong, Fox. I made
sure I did everything right. Fox, please don’t hate me.”
This made him jerk away from her and hold her at arms length. He
looked back at her in shock and disbelief.
“Hate you?” tears streamed down his face. “Dana, sweetie, my love. No.
This is not your fault.”
“It has to be, Fox. The baby was in my body….”
“No!” he shook her and hugged her tightly to him. “Don’t you dare
blame yourself! Don’t blame yourself because I won’t let you.” His
voice broke into a quivering whisper. He spoke into her ear. “This is
not your fault, Dana. Please believe me when I tell you that. It’s so
important for you to believe me.”
“I believe you, Fox.” Dana managed.
This is the first time that I have ever lied to you, she thought.
There was a knock at the door and Skinner poked his head around it.
“Are you guys up for visitors?” he asked, coming on in. Frohike,
Langley, and Byers entered behind him. Mulder shook his head somberly.
“Guys, sir, please. We’d just like to be alone right now.”
It was then that all four men instantly knew. “Oh, God. No.” they
“Dana, Mulder, if there is anything, and I do mean anything that we
can do…just say the word and it’s yours.” Frohike said.
They nodded in appreciation. “Thanks, guys.” Dana said.
Mulder kissed his wife’s forehead. “I’ll be right back.” He told her.
He walked over to the Lone Gunmen and whispered, “If I could see you
three out in the hallway.”
When they were outside of the room, Byers asked: “What is it, Mr.
He spoke to all three of them. “I have to go. I think I know who
caused this. I know who killed my baby…”
“You mean you think there was someone behind this? That it wasn’t due
to stress?” Langley asked, casting a concerned glance at his two
cohorts and then at Mulder.  Fox nodded.
“Mulder…listen, you have just suffered a major loss. It’s
understandable that you wouldn’t be thinking clearly right now…”
Frohike began.
Mulder shook his head in protest. “Guys, you don’t understand. A few
months back, Dana was apparently drugged, kidnapped and operated on. I
came home one day and she had been asleep for almost two whole days.
She got up, took a shower, and freaked out when she found a scar that
resembled that of one someone might have after having heart surgery.
She had no idea where it came from; and she still doesn’t. I have this
sneaking suspicion that this whole thing is laced with smoke. And
where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”
“But, Mr. Mulder, that doesn’t explain how you can be so sure. What do
you have to fall back on?” Byers asked.
“Just call it a gut feeling. I have to go check it out.”
“But…Dana….?” Langley asked, not quite sure what to tell her.
Fox Mulder thought for a moment and drew a blank. “Tell her whatever
you have to.”
“Fox, don’t you want to calm down and have a chance to think
rationally before you go scattering to the four winds?” Frohike asked.
“I have thought rationally, guys. I’ve been thinking rationally ever
since I met Dana Scully. I’ve been thinking rationally ever since I
married her. I’ve been thinking rationally ever since she became
pregnant. Do you understand? She is all that matters to me. She is.
Her and her happiness are all that matters. I’m not the only one
dealing with this. She is too.  The baby girl that died was as much
hers as she was mine. That baby was a miracle. Dana and I tried to get
pregnant for a long time because I could never make her as happy and
as complete as a baby would. She wanted this baby more than anything.
I did. We did. Now, someone has stolen that from us and I want revenge.”
The three men looked at one another and then back at Fox. They
understood how he felt.  But they still thought that he should walk
back into that room and be with his wife. He could tell it from the
looks on their faces and the looks in their eyes.
However, William Fox Mulder was not one to back down from things that
he felt or believed. He had decided that he wasn’t going to stand
there and explain himself to the three anymore. He just walked past
them. Down the hall. Getting closer and closer to the door.
“You can’t stop me,” he yelled over his shoulder. “Because I’m already
Fox Mulder stepped out into the parking lot behind the hospital where
he found Dr. Masterson sitting on the wheelchair ramp slumped against
the railing. The doctor was crying profusely. Fox proceeded towards
the man slowly and sat next to him. He had been a good doctor to Dana
and Fox genuinely respected the man. He was actually concerned as to
why this man was crying.
“Doctor?” Mulder asked.
The doctor looked startled and quickly stood up. “Oh, Mr. Mulder,
hello,” the man was visibly startled. Fox stood also and looked back
at the doctor with concern. “Is everything okay?” asked Fox.
“Don’t you have a wife to be with? A baby to mourn?” with those words,
Dr. Masterson broke down even harder; this was when Fox realized that
that was the reason for the other man’s tears. However, that remark
stabbed Mulder in the heart with the proverbial dagger.
“Fine,” Mulder mumbled, offended, “excuse me for being concerned.” And
like the child he was acting like, he turned his back and stomped
Mulder was now in his car, a few feet away, and about to start the
engine when he heard a gunshot. Startled, he quickly got out of the
car and ran in the direction the shot had come from: in the direction
of  Dr. Masterson.
The doctor had died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
Mulder went inside to tell everyone.
Fox Mulder was not the type of man to sit on his ass and twiddle his
fingers, but the sudden death of the doctor had caused a minor setback
in his paying a visit to the black-lunged-bastard that had caused all
of this.
 After he had broken the news to everyone at the hospital, there had
been a huge fiasco. Mulder honestly had no idea just how well
respected this man had been; for everyone but Skinner, Dana, and The
Lone Gunmen projected their anger and grief and accused Mulder of
Hours later, he had finally convinced otherwise and the proper
procedures were taken in getting the body out of the parking lot… and
so on.
Fox Mulder had gotten to bring his wife home three days after the
tragedy. She somehow wasn’t as strong as he hoped that she would be
getting. She only seemed to get worse. He hadn’t really begun to get
very concerned until he felt her get out of bed one night, walk over
to the bassinet that he had put together and put at the foot of their
bed, and sing: “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me
happy when skies are gray…you’ll never know, dear, how much I love
you, please don’t take my sunshine away….”
  He didn’t quite know how to handle the possibility that Dana may be
losing her mind. He had only seen her close to the edge once. And that
had been years ago when they had found out why that woman had killed
her husband for lying in the hammock with their Golden Retriever.
Fox never spoke of what he had witnessed her do that night.  He had
told her mother and she had said, “Just be with her, Fox. She needs
you more than anything right now. If you need me, don’t hesitate to
call me.”
The day after that conversation, Fox had gotten up early, lightly
kissed his beautiful wife’s porcelain skin and left to do what he had
previously set out to do.
 That bastard killed their baby and he was slowly killing his wife
with the grief.
Oh, yeah, there is going to be hell to pay.

4:13 am
CSM’s apartment

There was a knock at the door and the old man sprung to his feet with
a start.  Who would be here at such a strange hour? Sure, he was a
busy man what with breeding humans and aliens and basically destroying
the lives of those he hated most, but even he needed his beauty sleep.
He opened the door to find a very pissed-off Fox Mulder standing on
the other side.
“What the hell do you want?”
Like a panther pouncing its prey, Mulder quickly grabbed the old
geezer’s shirt by the neck and threw him against the nearest wall. He
pulled out his gun and held it to the old man’s temple and held him
against the wall with his free arm.
“Why?” Fox shouted.
The old man was coy and innocent. “Why what, Mr. Mulder?”
“You cancer-ridden sonofbitch, don’t play games with me! You know damn
well why I’m here and you know damn well what I want to hear! How can
you keep doing this to me? To her ?!?”
Again, the other man was covert. “Her who?”
Mulder shoved the man against the wall even harder and pulled the
trigger back ever so slightly. Any more pressure and the cops would be
searching for brain matter for a week.
“Tell me, dammit! You killed our baby! Why?”
Despite his current situation, the old fart kept his cool.
“Revenge, Mr. Mulder. It was purely revenge. That’s really all I can
tell you. Because, you see, you have the wrong man.”
“What do you mean?” Fox growled.
“I believe there was a certain doctor that died of an apparent gunshot
wound to the head about four days ago.”
“You’re lying.”
“Am I?”
“You mean that the reason why he committed suicide was because he was
in on this? With you?”
“See? That Oxford education was worth something after all.”
“The operation. What did you do to her heart?”
“There’s a little chip that can be controlled by an outside source.
Now that it has served the purpose I intended it to; it’s really
pretty worthless. I mean, sure, I can either speed her heart or slow
it down, but it wasn’t Dana that I wanted to hurt.”
“But you did.” Fox’s voice became soft. He stuck the gun even closer
to the man’s temple. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you?”
“You need me, Mulder. If you kill me, you’ll be eliminating all the
answers to the questions that you have yet to ask.  If you kill me,
you won’t be doing yourself a favor. It’ll be the biggest mistake you
could ever make.”
Mulder loosened his grip on the gun and backed down, realizing that
the man was right. He put his gun away and turned his back.
“Was there anyone else involved?” Fox asked, growing tired.
The old man sneered. “If I told you that, I would be taking away
another pawn in your crusade for the Truth.”
Fox sighed. “The control. Where is it?”
“Why should I tell you?”
Fox went for his gun. “Because I’ll kill you no matter what the
The old man reached for his pocket and brought out the control. He
willingly handed it to Fox, who, threw it up in the air and fired six
rounds at it and made a direct hit everytime. The control was nothing
but a mess of buttons, knobs, and innards that had been shot beyond
recognition. Fox looked up at the ceiling, which now had six holes on
“I’d have that fixed if I were you.” He said and left.
Fox went home and explained everything to Dana.  Weeks later, she was
operated on; this time having a chip removed. She pulled through with
laying colors. She had gotten mentally and physically stronger and
wanted to live. She wanted to live for whatever was in the future for
her and Fox.
Dana loved Fox.
Fox loved Dana.
God was certainly in His Heaven and everything was right with the world.

I hope you enjoyed it! As I said, I am fanfic virgin, so please be

    Source: geocities.com/vladstyger