
A Spaces Christmas Holiday
Here's some Web-ified Christmas spirit for you from our very own Spaces blogosphere. Check these out...
First off, there are several holiday Spaces contests.  Butterflyshani  is having a Christmas blog contest. Head over here and you can vote on your favorite Christmas-themed Spaces blog. Or you can vote for Best Holiday Themed blog at the Spaces Hall of Fame--and there are a surprising number of them.
One of my favorites is the news that the Grinch blogs on Spaces. He's got quite a tribute site to himself setup, including art, requests for comments to his Grinchness, Suess poetry a bunch of links and a whole lot more. If you're stuck alone in cyberland during the holidays and feel like grumping in tandem, then this is the site for you. 
Though her name's a mouthful, Saucy_Twinkly_Christmas (I refuse to emulate the whacky capitalization on the grounds of mental acuity) has a holiday site that links to Christmas traditions across much of the globe, country by country. Fun read.
Carolyn, otherwise known as Sunshinecookie5, has a graphically intense Holiday site with a whole bunch of animated gifs--can I steal a few of those later on, Sunshine? Nice visit for holiday graphics (you've got to check out the naked Santa flexing his buttcheeks!) and lots of X-mas-themed poetry. Worth a visit.
Rosie franjapani_1's Christmas is Coming blog combines some anime with Christmas. Sure, why not?
Canada's Terrie apparently has eyesofdifferentcolors, but her holiday site is real nice. Has loads of graphics again, but also a few song lyrics in case you want to do Christmas kareoke.
The Holiday Junction is a big site containing graphics, a days-till-Christmass counter, poetry and even some holiday recipes. Good work.
The Holiday Space is another Christsmas-themed site, but it offers quite a number of other online resources, including stories, decorations, gifts and more.
SusanChristmas has a nice site even if it is a little graphically difficult. Got a good list of other MSN Christmas Spaces and some nice holiday stories.
These above are just the ones that jumped out at me personally. There are loads more Christmas Spaces:
Vaybs Eyeland
Lady Sprite's Lair
Susan's Simple Mind
Walking In a Winter Wonderland
Chez Geri & Michel