Welcome to ProjectA!


This project has been discontinued for the public due to lack of interest, plus people prefer something from ATi or NVidia or 3DLabs ... basically any large company.
The project has evolved much further than what is available here, on my HDD. I just use it when RenderMonkey is missing some feature.
Nothing will be emailed or uploaded.


Welcome to the early test version!

ProjectA is about having an IDE for designing shaders, similar to RenderMonkey, ShaderWorks, ShaderFX, the shader tools found in 3D Studio Max, Maya and SoftImage.

The current release is a very early version of ProjectA. In fact, I have not given it a particular name. ProjectA will have to do for now.

The motivation for this project is to have a open source shader IDE for GL and D3D and possibly other APIs. The code is written to take this into account, but the current release is GL only. The source files are organized to make it easy to port the code to other platforms. This version is written using MFC. I chose MFC because the GUI code is complicated and I didn't want to run into too many difficulties for writing this first version. Yes, I did run into difficulties anyway. Using a 3rd party library might have made it impossible to create the VC++ style Workspace window and some of the other features.

Read the requirements section.

OK, basically you have been invited here to test drive this early version.
The short tutorial that follows the requirements will tell you how to get started and also give some info on the current version.

Download ProjectA.zip (786 KB)

The exe, dll, sample texture, sample shaders are included.
This is version 0.1b (minor update after 0.1)

80286 processor with 256 KB RAM (yeah right!)
A video card with GLSL and ARBvp+fp support and at minimum GL 1.4 support.
Window NT generation (NT4, 2000, XP). Not tested on all.

Please go through this tutorial and see if all is working OK

Copyright (C) 2004 Vrej M. All Rights Reserved.