"Fishing with a Friend"
Acrylic on canvas
16 x 20

"Ripple Effect"
Acrylic on canvas
4  16 x 16
"A small stone is tossed into a pond. A series of expanding rings and ripples emerge and grow from the water's surface. Although the rock has vanished beneath the cool depths of the water, the ripples are a visual reminder of what once was..."
                   ~ Vivian Gerber

  Have you ever stopped to wonder how your life has made an impression on the world? In an age where global conciousness is at the forefront of the news coverage, and yet industry and commercialization continue to dominate modern culture - so you ever stop and take a moment to appreciate the nuances of life?

  I began working on
The Ripple Effect as a way of visually exploring and capturing the beauty in nature. However, as I continued to work on this series - it became so much more than a nostalgic ode to the untouches resesses of nature. Instead it became a way to document and explore the human impact on the earth.

  I have always been a type of activist, ever since I was little: I recylcle, I care about the environment, and I fight for the rights of animals. Yet, somehow, I flet that my actions were inadequate in comparison to the scale and rate at which our world is changing. I hope that my artwork opens windows and avenues for others to enjoy the beauty of nature and to come to realization that we can have an effect on the world. We can throw that first rock into the still pond - and create ripples of change, whether for good or for bad. 
"Tropical Series"
Acrylic on canvas(es)
4  12 x 12
Acrylic on Canvas(es)
2  36 x 12
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