Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity:
One of my first decisions in college was to join a fraternity.  Like every non-Greek on campus, I was of course skeptical.  One of my high school friends was going through fraternity RUSH and talked me into doing it with him.  After careful consideration, I chose ATO and it has turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life.  My first duty as a new brother was Intramural (Athletics) Chairman.  Next, I became the Membership Education Chairman (i.e. Pledge Trainer).  Then I stepped into an Executive Council role and was elected to the position of Chapter Secretary.  After gaining the trust of the chapter through hard work and dedication I was elected President of the chapter.  I remained in this elected position for an unsurpassed two terms (two years).  During my Senior year, I was the Sergeant at Arms who serves as the parliamentarian of the chapter. 

Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity:
I joined PSP my second year of college.  After having the experience of being in a Social Fraternity (ATO), I knew that becoming active on campus could only make me a better person.  I received letter in the mail inviting me to come to a PSP meeting to learn more about them.  I jumped at the opportunity to belong to another select group of individual based on scholarship, leadership, and fellowship.  I initiated in the Beta Class (second class ever initiated) and served as Alumni Chair my first year as a brother.  I also worked on the Social Committee for two consecutive years.  I finished up my Senior year on the Executive Board as the Chapter Historian (since by that piont I
was old).

State University of West Georgia Economics Club:
In my second year of college I was invited to a meeting of the Economics Club during one of my classes.  I attended the meeting and was soon after a full member and elected into the role of President (though I was a Marketing major, they didn't hold that against me).  I had a great time with this group, as I got to go on many field trips (that's right, there are field trips in college, even excused from class!) and met a lot of the upper echelon of the University Staff and business community. 

Richards' College of Business Roundtable:
I served as a Student Representative on this select committee of students, faculty, and local/regional businessmen.  There were monthly discussions on topics facing the ever-changing business world.  The opinions of the students were held in high regard by the businessmen as we gave our opinions of current issues facing business leaders  It was a great networking experience as well as a good training course on business dinners and etiquette.

Interfraternity Council (IFC):
After leaving the office of President in ATO and entering into my last year of college, I saw the opportunity to make an even larger impact on the campus and give something back to the University.  IFC was having elections and all positions were up for the taking.  So, following the trend, which I had set for myself, I put in my application and was elected to serve as President of IFC.  This was a position of great importance.  Not only did I have to manage and guide nine different fraternities to try to improve Greek Life on campus, but also I would have to try to gain the respect and lead various campus leaders.  When I left office I felt great satisfaction in programs implemented and overall accomplishments in how IFC is run, structurally.  I was credited by my peers and the University faculty as being the most effective IFC President in the last 6 years! 

Order of Omega:
"The Order of Omega recognizes fraternity men and women who have attained a high standard of leadership in interfraternity activities and encourages them to continue along this line, and to inspire others to strive for similar conspicuous attainment.  The number of students elected to membership in any one year may not exceed three percent (3%) of the total number of Greeks enrolled on campus."  Needless to say, I was honored to be initiated into this elite organization.  

The Fish House (Wesley Foundation):
I'm not an extremely religous person.  People should believe in anything they want to so long as it makes them a better person.  Everyone has to do a little soul searching in their life, in college I was a member of The Fish House bible study.  I'm not one to attend church on a regular basis; God and I have an understanding about that...I admit that I'm just too lazy to go to church on Sunday morning and He doesn't strike me with a lightnig bolt.  Gary a.k.a. The Fish Friar, is the pastor of the Wesley Foundation and someone I would consider a good friend.  He makes religion a little more real to me in the way that he explains it and doesn't get too heavy on it.  No fire and brimstone for me please.  The students who attend the bible studies and other events are just the right size to make anyone feel comfortable.  Have I attended church since college...well the next section should answer that one...

What will keep me out of hell:
Seriously though, I do believe Community Service is the most rewarding experience a person can have.  It feels good to see hard work and donations (money, clothing, food) go to a positive cause.  I've spent countless hours helping the following organizations:

American Cancer Society
American Red Cross
Children's Miracle Network
Georgia AGAPE - Helps substance recovery
Habitat for Humanity
Castle Project - Builds playgrounds for children in local communities
Alice's House - Home for abused and neglected children
The Stewart House - Retirement Community
Carroll County Rape Crisis Center
Carroll County Soup Kitchen
Follow Me Foundation - Mentoring program for economically disadvantaged youths
The Salvation Army
The United Way

Scholar Bowl Team (3 years): Finished in the Top 30 at the National Championships
Beta Club (2 years)
National Honor Society (2 years)
Cross Country Team (Sr. year)

Assistant Coach for a 11-12 year old Little Leauge Team

Okay, I'm done tooting my horn...well, how about one more time...               I'm done.  :-)

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Things I Did
In College:
In High School: