The Object of My Affection
It's Love
This is a jumbled world of both order and chaos,
Held together by a force unimaginable.
Genocide, evil reigns, and children kill—
Thoughts of killing have crossed my mind.
I am fully capable,
But it’s my own life I desire.
I know all my lies.
So what is this cohesive force
That brings us all together,
And keeps me from falling apart?
It’s love of course, but what for I’m not quite sure.
Is it family?  Is it God we love?
Is it the touch on the arm by a beautiful girl?
Is it love of helping others?

Sing of the mountains, sing of the trees,
Sing of the metal, sing of the stone,
Sing of the flesh, sing of the bone,
Sing of the birds, sing of the bees,
Sing of the plastic, sing of the foam,
Sing of the journey, sing of the home.

Now bring it all back so all can hear
How beautiful our voice is,
And how clear the melody flows.

The battle begins, the ranks are forming
On both sides.  Hate clearly
Outnumbers us – we cannot win!
A black man is beaten for the color
Of his skin.  A woman is raped.
A child is molested.  A gay man
Is hanged from a cross.
Is it over?  Have we lost?
My heart says yes.  My mind says yes.
The TV says yes.  The radio says yes.
The newspaper says yes.
But our love says no!
A man forfeits his own life to save his daughter’s.
A woman devotes her life to praying.

Sing of the rivers, sing of the oceans,
Sing of the olive, sing of the dove,
Sing of the world, sing of the love.