

Full name ~ Levin Kline
Age ~ 15(but being tall, being mentally mature, and hanging around 18yos makes him look quite a bit older)
Connection ~ Asher's brother
Job ~ None
Controlled by ~ Kyte

5'8", he's a taller than most boys his age, but then again, he doesn't really hang out with people his age. He's got a thin, willowy build, sufficiently muscled but far from bulky. Face is finely shaped and 'Pretty Boy', all features just a little bit too perfect to be described in any particular way. His hair is a pale, muddy blond, cut long in the front and shorter in the back, always glossy, smooth, and without a strand out of place (no, he doesn't spend 3 hours fixing it every day- it just does that on it's own). Slender hands clearly belong to an artist but are usually tucked into his pockets. His skin sees very little sun, so he has no tan.

Dresses like a gay boy. Smallish jackets, tight shirts, layers, accessories- outfits that look like they took more than 'Whatever wasn't dirty'. He's always wearing some sort of black, and has a little purple ribbon tied around his right wrist (a girl put it on him a long time ago, then moved to Carolina, so he hasn't taken it off since). He doesn't show a lot of skin- always pants, and almost always long sleeved shirts (or a jacket over a short sleeve), sometimes even gloves and hats. Has three silver earrings on the left, one on the right, with a few small tattoos in various places. Can be seen wearing eyeliner if he's feeling super especially angst, or if some chick pinned him down and put it on.

Weapon of Choice ~ If he got in a fight with a lunar, he'd be dead in .2 seconds, so it really doesn't matter. However, he's got a spectacular aim with ranged ammo weapons (guns, bows- oh, yes, a very good archer.). Vladilen taught him to spar, and he's incredible for a human (well, duh- Vladilen taught him), but still, if he has to try and kill a vampire, he's going to try from a safe distance.


Levin is known around town as the nice boy- the sweet, shy little corner boy who wouldn't hurt a fly. Though he could care less what happens in his own life, he's extremely sensitive when it comes to other people. He attracts girls and friends like flies to dead fish. He hardly goes out of his way to be popular, and his personality has several glitches (apathy, vacancy, intolerance) thanks to a slightly flawed childhood.
Yet, something about his personality is addictive, and his looks make everything he says, wears, or do just seem cool. Years of stressing and worrying have taught him to relax, and if he cares at all about his problems, he keeps it under him. He's still as shy as he ever was, though he often gets attached to people he hardly knows, and will go out of his way to help a stranger in need. He is particularly reserved in most situations, having learned the hard way what happens when you get involved. The only exception is, as previously stated, when the damsel is in distress (yes, Asher taught him well) Because he spends so much time around Vladilen (who is his fencing, riding and alchemy instructor), he knows quite a lot of etiquette, and can be quite the gentleman when he wants to, however, he's just normal most of the time. Generally, if Levin doesn't know you, and if you're not in any sort of trouble, he'll ignore you. If you try talking to him, he'll give you that hardly amused look of his.

Levin was originally the nerd extraordinaire, 6 years old and already in the fourth grade, knowing more than many adults did. I won't say he dumbed down. I'll say he focused his intelligence on other things (He isn't quite as obsessed with what teacher says anymore). He is exceptionally popular in school (high contrast to his fourth-grade days, but then again, nobody in his current class knows that he skipped 3 grades and is only 15 or if they do, they don't believe it) and gets along with almost any normal person (try talking sadism to him, and he'll just walk away.) Levin has quite a strong position as far as helping While he doesn't hope to find a cure for werewolvism, (In fact, once he graduates from college, the only vampire/were Levin plans to associate himself with is Asher), Levin does exert a lot of time and effort into serving those who are no longer human. He's a fine doctor (god knows- he gets to practice on his brother all the time), as well as a good listener and an excellent puzzle solver. In fact, the only

- Deaf in one ear (as a result of having a gun fire against it- long story. Ask him and he'll say he doesn't remember)

- Has an incredibly strong fear of fire. Occassionally. Sometimes it doesn't bother him, other times just watching somebody light up a cigarette will practically send him into a seizure (don�t ask him where that fear came from either- he'll say he doesn't remember)

- He can drive (not legally, of course, so he gets a ride as often as possible)

- Has no fear whatsoever of vampires and lunars- he's just been around them too long.

-Okay, about his grade- He skipped 4 grades, but took 2 years off of school due to various mental problems and/or family issues. Therefore, he would be a sophomore if he wasn't a genius, a sophomore in COLLEGE if he hadn't taken those two years, and is currently a senior.

Skills and Powers

Duh- none. He has been studying alchemy for the past 8 years, and can perform some very basic transmutations (like a clay jar) but he is human, so his talent is pretty much held to the kiddie toys