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Full name ~ Nicole DeZantosa
Age ~ Pushing 1200
Height ~ 5'10"
Eyes ~ Light grey
Hair ~ Usually worn long. A rich, glossy brunet with red highlights.
Rank ~ Nebis, Owns/Runs Icarus Dreams.
Controlled by ~ Skahi


Next to nothing is known about her past, either from her ambivalence towards it or unwillingness to discuss it. She spent her living years in France, before there even was a France. Born to poor parents she learned the art of sewing from her mother, eventually becoming a seamstress herself. Married at the age of 16, she gave her husband two sons. She had several daughters, but none of them lived long after being born.

Despite being nearly destitute, she always managed to have a sunny disposition, infecting those around her with a simple happiness. Everyone that knew her loved her. She was kind, supportive, and had a respect for life that translated into a gentile touch with the sick and injured. Somewhere along the line after her death, that quality warped and twisted into what she is now.

She rose to power through cunning, guile, seduction, and blackmail. When that failed though, she wasn’t above simply having someone killed or tortured (a favorite pastime of hers).

Cruel, sadistic, hedonistic, controlling, devious and ruthless, she’s become the exact opposite of who she once was.

Using her ability to mold flesh and bone she crafted herself a new body and face, the epitome of classic female beauty. Curvy, sleek, and graceful enough to shame a cat.

She owns the hottest nightclub in the country, Icarus Dreams. Being around the club scene and younger humans has affected her sense of style. Usually found in leather, vinyl or latex, she has no inhibitions about showing her body. The tighter, racier, more risqué, the better. Not to say that’s all she wears; business demands more refined things, and she wears suits and jewels as well as leather and steel.

Skills and Powers

No one knows where it came from, but she has the frightening ability to mold not only her own flesh and bone, but that of others as well. Used for her own whims and as a torture device it's a rather versitile power. And while she could give you the face you've always desired, it's not recomended you go asking for it. The process is horridly painful, and she may just decided to have her own little fun with you.

While most people consider torture a terrible thing, she loves it. It's a useful tool, and a wonderful passtime. For her it's an art, and one that's she's mastered.

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