The newsletter for the active Venice - Marina Rotarian

November 20,2002

 The Mesh

Editor's note:

    In yesterday's e-mesh I mentioned that no one was writing to me.  Well Dave Maxwell took the hint and got to work on his computer and e-mailed me severak times today and this is what he had to say.


VENICE MARINA ROTARY CLUB COMMUNITY LUNCHEON and Recognition of Excellence Program November 14, 2002


Dear MESH Editor TOM:


The Venice High School Academic Achievement banquet was a huge success.  It is always uplifting to hear what the students at the high school are achieving and doing!!  It is amazing to hear how many want to attend the best colleges and universities in America and how many want to attend the military academies.


Rotarian Jan Davis introduced the attending members of our Rotary Club and then gave the students, their families, attending dignitaries and others the history of our club’s support of Venice High School in general and this program (which the Rotary Club started and has continually supported for some 18 years) of awarding jackets and sweaters to qualified students.


Attending Rotarians (to the best of my feeble memory) stated in no particular order: Jan Davis, Tom Ryan, David Voss, Joey Baker, Bill O’Hara, Lynn Morris, JR Dzubak, Mary Richert, Carmen Portnoy, Jim Bovee, Vince Smith, Dr. Gwen Hughes, Peter Escobar, Club President Willie Hjorth, Alex Gorby, George Swartz, Steve Williamson and David Maxwell.  President Willie gave a rousing short meaningful speech to the awarded students.


Special ROTARIAN THANKS and APPRECIATION to JR Dzubak for his coordinating this event and to STEVE WILLIAMSON for his obtaining Jacket Underwriters (25 at $175 per underwriting).  And of course THANKS AND SPECIAL RECOGNITION to all the Underwriters especially those Rotarians who once again displayed their community involvement with their pocketbooks.


President Willie further wants our ROTARY Club to convey its SPECIAL AND HEARTFELT THANKS TO DAVID KOMOTO, Venice High School for his effort this year and in past years.  This event would not be what it is but for his time and effort.  I’m sure that the students and parents and fellow teachers and workers at Venice HS now even better than we do how valuable DAVID KOMOTO is to this annual award program.  We all can see that this is a very positive program for Venice High School.  I was moved and proud to be present and to be a small part of this event.  Thanks to all who could attend.


We must also recognize and thank our own Jan Davis as well as Presenter Sharon Gebhart and Musical Director Wendy Kornbeck.


Yours in Rotary,






President Willie has appointed Dr. Vince Scott to head the nominating committee for this coming year’s Club officers.  Please contact Dr. Vince with your nominations and selections and if any member wants to run for a particular office, please let your desires be known.  Election will be held in December 2002 for the year 2003-2004.




Rotary International President “BHICHAI RATTAKUL will honored by the Seven Rotary Districts in Southern California with a reception on December 29, 2002 at 5:30PM at the CATHEDRAL OF OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS.  Cost is $35 per person for Hors d’oeuvres by Patina Caterers.  Recognition and Photo Opportunity with Rotary international President “Bhichai Rattakul” for Major Donors and Bequest Society Members.




Grace and JR Dzubak have the arrival of NOLAN, who was born at 2:10AM November 20, 2002, weighing in at 8 pounds 12 ounces – “a huge baby boy” so says JR.  Grace and baby are doing well.  Our prayers and happiness are with Grace, JR and Nolan.  JR, I am going to teach Nolan how to say: “Dad, I need the car keys and a $100.”


Yours in Rotary,


David Maxwell


                    VENICE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE


Our Rotarian Mary Richert, who is current President of the VENICE Chamber of Commerce, organized a HOLIDAY MIXER at “JUST TANTAU” on Abbot Kinney in Venice on Wednesday, November 20, 2002.  A large turnout showed up to talk and mix.  President Mary was the social butterfly and a gracious hostess.  David Maxwell represented the Rotary Club at this event.  WAY TO GO, MARY.


                             ENTERTAINMENT NEWS


Word has it that Rotarian HOWARD POLLACK is becoming deeply involved in HBO television programs.  Pretty slick – maybe he wants to play the role of the “Health Food Godfather”.  Anyway, there I was watching “Curb Your Enthusiasm” this past Sunday after the “Sopranos” when I see 2 actors drive into “The Rainbow Acres” parking lot on Washington Blvd.  Then they talked in Howard’s store and then in the parking lot.  Good advertising Howard.  Surely worth a brag and fine thereafter.


Howard also told me one of the ladies on the “Sopranos” stops by his store in the morning for her wheat grass drink.  Rotarians, we are going to have to do our coffee drinking and BSing at Howard’s.  Remember Howard, I want to be your consegliore in the new Godfather.


Yours in Rotary,


David Maxwell