Introducing... ME!
back to the journal a go-go...
Friendly hospitality. I love to laugh. I like meeting people who like to talk about and show me the sites where they live. Introduce me to your family and friends.  I love good food, good wine (red is my favorite),dark beer, a nice cup of hot tea (Earl Grey is my favorite). I love dance clubs and inwardly handsome people. I would love an opportunity to see things I've only read about in books.
Two years ago I wandered across a book called "Tales of a Female Nomad" by Rita Golden Gelman. At first, I thought this was a book about a woman that had written a simple account of her travels following her divorce. The more I read about how this amazing woman traveled and lived, the more I wanted to meet her. Through her writings, I could easily envision  what country she was is in and how her life flowed within her surroundings. She made me understand the area and it's people. She  made me feel as if I were there, too. I thought the book would end with her moving back to the U.S. to live with her son or daughter permanently. But no, not Rita. She has been a nomad for more than ten years. She says she loves the life. I often romanticize the idea of a nomadic life, too, but we'll see how things go. Thanks for the inspiration, Rita!
me watching my turtles eat breakfast