Hay on Wye   Wales
the town of books...
With bookshops upon bookshops, this place has books everywhere. Truly a bibliophiles heaven. The town has books in basements, on steps, books in kitchens, in dining rooms, books stacked into shapes, books in bathrooms, on shelves,
this place used to be a cinema, now it holds millions of books, inside and outside
in nooks and in crannies, books on the floor, top to bottom, above and beyond, inside and outside, topside, downside. There are books in people's yards where the chickens are scratching, books  in the thrift stores, clothing stores, shoe stores. There are books for sale, for rent and to just look at. Books for 1 pence each, old books, new books, green books, blue books. Books for children and books for old fogeys. Books, books everywhere books. 
this is the "honesty bookshop" in front of the Hay castle... the sign here says, "put money in red box " .. there were also chickens scratching around here, but I didn't get a shot of them.... too funny
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