Uncle Vic,for who i was named after played baseball during High School,he was scouted by the Los Angeles,Angels,he went thru their spring training,after completeing that,he played a few games,he was scouted for his pitching,not knowing he was a ,A-1 Hitter,he went to bat,and was given the bunt sign,all bases were loaded,he ignored the signal,and hit a home run,going over the fence,bringing in all bases,including himself,not praising him for what he had done,they chewed him out,He said "Quote" "You dont know how to play baseball".And he walked off the field.Never to return.
   Vic is burried in Coeur D`Alene,Idaho,with my grandmother,his half sister,and his full sister Ruth Bjorklund and her husband Tracy,also beside him is his son,Mike Thompson who died in his 20`s.He is survived by his Daughter Vicky and her children,who live here in Idaho,last i heard.