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The Viet Nam Vets Motorcycle Club is an international organization with members in Europe, Canada and all 50 of the United States.

The VNVMC is made up of both in-country and Vietnam-era vets.  We are bonded by history, and united by principles to form a proud and unique Biker Brotherhood: The Viet Nam Vets Motorcycle Club.

We have pledged to contribute our energy, time and resources to build a better future for all veterans and their families.

Our prime directive is to do everything within our power to bring our POW/MIA Brothers home, and to insist that our government provide accountability for each of these patriots.

Members of the Viet Nam Vets MC continue to honor our solemn oath to defend and protect the Consititution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic.

We also make every effort to reach out to other Viet Nam Veterans with whatever assistance we can offer, whether it be helping them understand their rights and benefits, or helping them wrestle with the bureaucratic system that seems to have been organized to deny them.  We often sponser awareness events within our communities to help bring to light the plight of often forgotten Veterans.

Our Brothers share a strict set of codes, ethics and values.  We are not a criminal organization nor do we have any intention of becoming one.  We do feel strongly about government infringement on personal liberties and civil rights, and will speak up and take action as appropriate.

We do not get involved with the private business of other motorcycle clubs or their problems.  We strive to respect the freedom of the wind and the road.

"We are the Brotherhood in the Wind"

We returned from an unpopular war, scarred mentally and physically to a besieged Nation.  We served honorably when called upon and during a time when it was socially acceptable for our peers to burn their draft cards or flee to Canada.

Wanting only justification and reasons for the death, destruction and sacrifices that were made in South East Asia.  Instead of the absolution we sought, we were lied to by our Government, demonized by the media and ostracized by our families, classmates, veteran groups, and the public.

Most Vietnam Veterans decided to blend back into society, by attempting to hide their Vietnam service.  Others refused to hide, and many of them became bikers, and remained FREE MEN.


Becoming a member of the Viet Nam Vets Motorcycle Club and our unique Brotherhood takes a process.  It starts with only one initial requirement: verification of Veteran status (DD 214 & 215).

A select group of men that meet these standards will be invited to hang around and participate as a guest in club runs and events.  After a reasonable time and if they share our common interests, they'll progress to the prospecting stage.

The purpose of prospecting is to enable the Brothers and the prospective member to get to know each other.  It ensures that they'll be shown what is required to wear the patch and be called a Brother.  It also gives the Viet Nam Vets Motorcycle Club Brothers a chance to see if the prospective member will represent our Brotherhood and Club with honor and respect.  As in every relationship, there is a time of discovery.  We are no different.  To become a Brother it takes time and effort and we only want the most dedicated men.

The Viet Nam Vets Motorcycle Club is a unique body of men.  We all give 100% to our Club and to our Brothers.  We have NO class system.  Society's distinctions, which are based on education, vocation or financial status have NO relevence to our Brotherhood.

We pledge to always be there for our Brothers in need; regardless if they are Vietnam Vets, Legacy Vets or among one of our associate Clubs.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Viet Nam Vets Motorcycle Club and are willing to dedicate yourself to our cause, our Club and most of all our Brotherhood, please feel free to contact any VNVMC member or e-mail Chapter Z at
ChapterZ@vnvmc-usa.com and one of the Brothers will get back to you ASAP.