Victims Of Child Abuse Laws


Call:  406-787-5760       

P.O.BOX 283
      MONTANA  59218   

We need your Support

Do you know that anyone who doesn't like you can destroy your child's life with a single anonymous phone call?

Do you know that anyone can cut off your contact with your children by accusing you of abuse or molestation?

Do you know that if one of your children are injured and you can't explain the injury, all of your children can be seperated from their parents?

Do you know 60 to 80% of all accusations of child abuse are ultimately {officially) determined to be unfounded (false)?

Do you know that VOCAL is the only organization fighting to protect your constitutional right to raise your family?

Do something, Support........... V.O.C.A.L.

Be aware, Join V.O.C.A.L. today

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