Java Concentration Java Concentration

Feel lucky? Try your hand at Java Concentration!


  • The rules for Java Concentration are very simple - you click on two cells within the available boxes until you hit two that match. Each "cell" has contained within it a number. (the colors are just there to make it look nice and have no functional impact on the game).
  • When you click on the first cell, the value hidden beneath that cell is revealed. When you click on the second cell, the value hidden beneath that cell is displayed - and if the value matches what was under the FIRST cell, the two cells remain lit up and you can start to look for another match. If the values don't match, the two cells that you selected will return to being black.
  • At the top of the game area is a counter which tells you how many pairs of cells you still have left to discover. Once this counter goes down to 0, you win!

    Note: there are no scores being kept YET - so you just race against yourself!


    Try this one first - it's just 12 squares - you should be able to do this standing on your head, right??


    Try this one next - it's 30 squares - not too much trouble?


    Try this one next - it's 60 squares - not too much trouble?

    If you have comments/questions/complaints about this game, please send them to me at