Andy Vogel's Taiwan Pages

Wedding Photos
In Taiwan today, most couples follow a new tradition- pictures are taken well in advance, so that on the wedding day, the guests can all look at your marriage book. The arrangement with the photographers includes rental of several outfits, and a full day of photo shoots at multiple locations. It's a brilliant concept, which has spawned a major local industry.
This kind of gives you the idea that these aren't normal wedding photos! This is in Yangming mountain park, which you can also see here
Our photographer, Fu-ge, pretty much drove us all around the north end of Taiwan. We stopped for a long time at this field of orange cosimos......
and at the beach.......
and at the docks (why not?)
We both agreed this one was just too much! But the scenery is incredible- we were at a place on the ocean called Yanliao, where multicolored sandstone is carved by wind and water into beautiful patterns.
This is the one I call Jenny's "Cinderalla dress"
Last Updated: 9/08/05