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FAQ # 110

QUESTION  110 :  Once a son, always a son. This argument is based on natural fact, then applied to the spiritual, which doesn't always hold up as truth. (UES adherents frequently make this kind of mistake!) This type of error can be demonstrated by the following facts: Before we became Christians, we were all "children of the devil" (Acts 13:10; 1 Jn. 3:10) and "sons of the evil one" (Matt. 13:38). In other words, the devil was our spiritual father (Jn. 8:44). However, this spiritual father-child relationship changed at the point of salvation, according to Scripture! Aren't you glad that spiritual father-child relationships CAN be ended? Therefore, it follow suit that our spiritual father-child relationship with God can also be ended – backslidden. Isn’t that so?

Good point, however, we were called 'father of the devil' figuratively by our actions. He didn't beget any of us as Christ did, to the point that we are born again from our first birth, which was also of God. Satan can't beget our spirits, only God can. So God is the begetter and the father, while any allusion to the devil as father is by our deeds. And even though some deeds do still occur we are not his children anymore but justified, making us forever sons. The mere fact our deeds, whereby we were the devil’s sons, can’t condemn us again (1 John 2:1), shows that we can’t be the devils son again; and if you’re not the devil’s son, you’re God’s son (Lk 11:23).

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