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FAQ # 112

QUESTION  112 :  Samson committed suicide and he went to heaven because he is listed in the faith chapter. Therefore, we know Christians can likewise commit this awful sin and still go to heaven?

Samson did not commit suicide. His prayer shows he asked God to let him die with the Philistines, but left the matter entirely in God's hands (Jdg. 16:28-30). Unlike Samson, suicide victims decidedly take into their own hands the termination of their own physical lives. God honored Samson's prayer, but didn't honor Jonah's prayer for the same (Jonah 4:3) nor Elijah's prayer (1 Ki. 19:4)!

{Source: D. Corner (“From the horse’s mouth,” as an anti-justification teacher)}

Answer Notes: 1. Moreover, he was doing a God determine action that would jeopardize his life, but had the option of asking God to deliver him. Kind of the same thing like a man going into battle, he might win the war but he might also lose his life.

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