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FAQ # 151

QUESTION  151 :  “Since they both [father and son] sanctify they are the same person, yet sanctification is by all three, the Father (Jn. 17:17), the Son (Heb.13:12,10:10) and the Spirit (2 Thess 2:13, 1 Peter 1:2). Yet there is another that sanctification is attributed to, that is our faith (Acts 26:18). Does this mean that our faith is God too? This is the illogical conclusion that one arrives.”

All “three” are the same person by the prerogative of being the only being that can sanctify. God is the one that sanctifies, we believe on him for sanctification (faith) and he does the sanctifying. Faith is neither a person nor the actual thing doing the sanctifying, like God is (John. 17:17, Heb 13:12, 10:10, Thess 2:13, 1 Peter. 1:2); but rather, it is a term given to procedure of accepting the sanctification. We can’t sanctify nor our faith, in and of itself, God does the sanctifying. So to presume illogical conclusion based on this seems a bit absurd.

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